The Presentation Sisters’ Leadership Team is responsible for listening to, interpreting and guiding the life of the congregation. In administering the congregation, these sisters provide spiritual and material support and are corporate witnesses to the Presentation ministries. The Leadership Team is elected every four years, with the next election set for 2026.
As we move into our new roles as leaders, we feel Nano’s spirit alive and relevant today. Nano’s practice of contemplation ignited her commitment to justice. Her ability to move from prayer to action empowered her to go one pace beyond as she engaged people, especially the poor and underserved. As a team we practice contemplation and our decision making comes from this place of prayer and mindfulness of those in the margins of society. The ministry of Congregational leadership enhances the unity of the community based on our Constitutions as we listen to the Holy Spirit and to each other and chart our future course. When we let the Spirit lead us, we are rather astonished by what we hear ourselves saying! We see the role of the Leadership Team as supporting the Congregation to trust the calls of the Spirit and facilitating the next steps to implement these calls for the community and our partners. The “grace of the office of leadership” and the support of our Sisters, with the guidance of God, will enable us to do what is ours to do in these next four years.

Presentation Sisters in Ministry

Sister Mary Thomas, President, She serves as Senior Vice President of Mission Services at Avera McKennan Hospital in Sioux Falls, SD, and just completed her term as Vice President of the Congregation. “I look forward to networking with others, linking our story to the larger story that is unfolding in our Church and world, namely synodolity. Together may we strive to joyfully incarnate the compassion and justice of Jesus, as our foundress Nano did, so that our neighbors locally and globally might live with hope.” To read more about Sister Mary, please CLICK HERE.

Sister Vicky Larson, Vice President, Currently an Associate Professor of Nursing at Augustana University in Sioux Falls, SD, Sister Vicky just completed her first term as a Leadership Council Member for the Presentation Sisters. In her new role as Vice President, she is “looking forward to discerning our next steps with the new team. We live in a world of change and uncertainty. None of us, individually, has all the answers to the questions; however, coming together for discernment is the way to discover a graced path forward. To read more about Sister Vicky, please CLICK HERE.

Sister Pegge Boehm, Councillor, By serving in many Congregational ministries including parish ministry, teaching ESL classes, and involvement with Socially Responsible Investing, Sister Pegge is excited for her new position as a Council Member of the Leadership Team. “I feel humbled to be able to serve my religious community. As I continue to nurture my relationship with God, I desire to nourish my relationship with my sisters and other partners on the journey into the future. I look forward to working on a team with three amazing women!” To read more about Sister Pegge, please CLICK HERE.

Sister Roxanne Seifert, Councillor, Since 2003, Sister Roxanne has served as Vice President of Mission at Avera Queen of Peace, Mitchell, SD. Throughout this region she provides spiritual leadership, promoting Mission integration and unity through persons, policies, programs, and structures related to the direct and indirect delivery of health care services. Feeling blessed, she states, “I most look forward to learning with this team as we reach out with openness, joy, and hope to a world in need. To read more about Sister Roxanne, please CLICK HERE.