Founded by Nano Nagle in Cork, Ireland in 1775, the Presentation Sisters are a vowed faith community who share the mission of Jesus. As an apostolic congregation, we follow in the footsteps of the apostles by going out and serving where there are unmet needs. Throughout the world, over 2,000 Presentation Sisters proclaim the Good News with missionary zeal. Together, we work for justice and promote human dignity, especially among the poor and marginalized.
Our Mission
Rejoicing in the light of God’s spirit, we strive each day to make a difference in the lives of others. We share faith in community, dedicated to serving God’s people, especially the poor, the oppressed and the marginalized. We work to alleviate suffering by promoting human dignity in the light of the Gospel teachings, prayer and community.
Our mission guides our ministry and underlines our spirituality. Our focus on promoting justice and alleviating oppression helps us to determine which of the many needs of God’s people we might best be able to meet through our ministry efforts. This guidance is essential as we minister to those in need all over the world.
Our Charism
We are called by God whose love empowers us to respond as a faith community.
Consecrated by God and inspired by the love and zeal of Nano Nagle, we live together the evangelical counsels and share in God’s mission by alleviating oppression and promoting human dignity in God’s people through prayer and apostolic service.
Charism can be defined as a miraculously given power. The miraculous and God-given gift of the power to love, care for our neighbors, stand for what is right and just, and serve in the image of Jesus, drives our mission.