A Shared Mission
We share in Presentation Mission, as we are inspired by Nano and follow in her footsteps. Together, we journey to where we are called, offering hope to our neighbors locally and globally.
We asked Presentation People:
What does Presentation Mission mean to you?
Sister Virginia Hallauer
Presentation Sister for 77 years
Presentation Mission is bringing Christ to people and people to Christ by acts of love, kindness, compassion, generosity and joyfulness.

Carol Welbig
Presentation Cojourner for 38 years
The Presentation Mission has been a beacon for me in my life and service to the aging in my community. I found enrichment caring for those who could no longer care for themselves. The Presentation Cojourner program has been a cherished source of support and spiritual inspiration and guidance.

Rich Mohr
Presentation Employee for 36 years
For me, Mission means taking care of the Sisters. Whether I am working inside or outside, I always keep the safety and comfort of the Sisters and visitors a top priority.