Dear Presentation Family,
Our Presentation Congregation’s apostolic mission calls us to go out among the people and spread the Good News of the Gospel. We work collaboratively with others to support justice issues worldwide, promote peacemaking, protect the earth’s limited resources and respond to the cry of those made poor.
Throughout this issue of Voices & Ventures, we focus on our Chapter Call to do nothing alone, highlighting ways in which our Sisters have joined others in mission. Our Presentation Family continues to grow and we are strengthened by this communal work. This past September we gathered with Presentation People from across North America, uniting together in creating a vision to carry the charism of the Congregation into the future. This included nearly 200 lay women and men together with vowed religious. Our geographical locations may be different, but we all share a similar history, charism and mission.

Sisters Vicky, Roxanne, Pegge and Mary
This June we celebrated our three Jubilarians who have over 215 years of combined service! We thank them for all they have done and how they continue to live the mission in their heart as they support those on the margins of society.
We continue our sustainability eff orts, taking steps to explore new ways we can make a difference in our relationships with one another and with our Earth. The time continues to be now! We must step up together to make a difference for the world we want to leave to those who come after us.
As we look to what tomorrow may bring, we invite you to join us as we continue to pray and listen to where the Spirit is leading each of us. Please visit our website atpresentationsisters.org to read about ways to partner with us, helping our sisters and brothers in Christ. Together may we continue to spread peace and love, welcoming people from all walks of life with hospitality, compassion and joy.