Throughout the Year

Presentation People Expressing Mission & Charism



Presentation People Judy Blauwet (left) and Deb Fischer-Clemens (right) represented the Sisters as registered lobbyists in the SD Legislature. They followed over 80 bills closely, especially those relating to the equality of all people and nationalities, healthcare and taxes.


Presentation People gathered to bless the Avera St. Isidore Gardens.


Members of our Leadership Team met with city officials officially deeding over the Strode Center, the Dome, the soccer field and a strip of property to the City of Aberdeen. Pictured from L-R: Amber Schwab, Mayor Travis Schaunaman, Sister Mary Thomas, Robin Bobzien, Sister Pegge Boehm and Sister Vicky Larson.


Sister Joyce Meyer (second from left), international liaison for Global Sisters, meets with Sisters from Nigeria, Kenya and Uganda during a 2023 Conference in Rwanda.

Global Sisters Report is celebrating their 10th anniversary! Created by Tom Fox and Sister Joyce Meyer, this online platform shares inspiring stories of women religious continuing to make a difference around the world. Visit to learn more.