Prayer at the Heart of our Presentation Sisters
Prayer has always been a foundational element in our lives. It is though our prayer and spiritual life that we find the strength, wisdom and guidance to engage in our ministry. Prayer centers us in the loving and forgiving God and moves us into joyful service. Our Sisters’ work for justice, and compassion for the poor is grounded in Jesus’ life as written in the Gospel.
We invite you to nourish your spiritual life in the Presentation spirit! We welcome you to join us in praying the Stations of the Cross or send us your prayer intentions so we may pray for you. May you continue to nourish your spiritual life to renew your spirit and enliven Christ’s heart within you!
The Rosary is a special set of prayers to God that helps us to remember the most important events in the lives of Mary and Jesus. The Rosary helps us to remember these principal events in the history of our salvation as we thank and praise God. There are a total of 20 Mysteries that tell the story of Mary and Jesus. These are divided into four groups of five:
The Rosary is a special set of prayers to God that helps us to remember the most important events in the lives of Mary and Jesus. The Rosary helps us to remember these principal events in the history of our salvation as we thank and praise God. There are a total of 20 Mysteries that tell the story of Mary and Jesus. These are divided into four groups of five:
Joyful Mysteries
(prayed on Monday and Saturday)
- The annunciation to Mary that she is to be the mother of the Savior
- The visitation of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth
- The nativity of Jesus Christ
- The presentation of the infant Jesus in the Temple
- The finding of the child Jesus in the Temple
Luminous Mysteries
(prayed on Thursday)
- Christ’s baptism in the Jordan River
- Christ’s self-manifestation at the wedding at Cana
- Christ’s proclamation of the Kingdom of God with his call to conversion
- Christ’s transfiguration
- Christ’s institution of the Eucharist
Sorrowful Mysteries
(prayed on Tuesday and Friday)
- The agony of Christ in the garden
- The scourging of Jesus at the pilar
- The crowning with thorns
- The carrying of the Cross
- The crucifixion and death of Jesus
Glorious Mysteries
(prayed on Sunday and Wednesday)
- The resurrection of Jesus
- The ascension of the Lord into heaven
- The descent of the Holy Spirit
- The assumption of Mary into heaven
- The coronation of Mary in heaven

Historically, the pilgrims coming to Jerusalem felt a connection to Jesus when following in his footsteps along the way of the cross on their pilgrimage. In the 1500s, when it was no longer easy or possible to visit the holy site, villages all over Europe began to create replicas of the way of the cross. Eventually these shrines became the set of 14 stations that grace nearly every Catholic Church in the world.
In making the Stations of the Cross, we enter into the mystery of Jesus’ gift of himself to us. In reflecting upon the passion, we involve our senses and emotions for a deeper experience of Jesus’ love for each of us. In realizing this love, may we all feel a deep gratitude and desire to love as we were first loved.
The Stations of the Cross video was filmed on location in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel at Presentation Convent, Aberdeen, South Dakota.
In wanting to strengthen the connection with our students attending Presentation College, we began our Sister Prayer Partner Program. For over 15 years, this program has connected students and Sisters with the opportunity to get to know one another while sharing and growing in their personal faith.
Today, the Prayer Partner Program has grown to include not only students, but faculty and staff as well. Young and adult women and men are invited to participate in a prayer partner relationship with a Presentation Sister by e-mail, in person or a combination of both. The participant and the Sister decide what works best for their schedules to develop and maintain this ongoing partnership in prayer. One Sisters shares, “Being a prayer partner is not about praying together all of the time. It is also sharing our lives with each other, encouraging, listening to one another, and just being there for the other.”
For more information, you may contact Jen by emailing