- Birth Name: Ann
- Current Name: Ann
- Religious Name: Mary Agnes
- Last Name: Foley
- Mother's Name: Eva (Terwilliger) Foley
- Father's Name: John Foley
- Hometown: Madison, SD
- Entry Date: September 8, 1950
- Current Status: Deceased
- Death Date: April 7, 2017
- Additional Info: View Sister Ann's Obituary
Easter High School (Beatle High)
1952- Presentation Junior College, Aberdeen, SD - Associate Nursing Degree
Sister Ann served as a hospital nurse and long–term caregiver at facilities in South Dakota, Minnesota and Montana. Toward the end of her 55-year nursing career, Sister specialized in caring for Alzheimer patients. She currently serves in full-time prayer ministry at Presentation Convent. Sister Ann describes herself by referring to the parable of Mary and Martha, “I feel I have been a ‘Martha’ most of my life, always keeping busy and helping others. Now my time is spent being a ‘Mary’ as I spend more time in prayer.”
1953-1959 - (Avera) St. Luke’s Hospital, Aberdeen, SD - Head Nurse Surgical/Medical
1959-1962 - St. Joseph Hospital (Avera Queen of Peace), Mitchell, SD - Head Nurse/Recovery Supervisor
1962-1970 - (Avera) St. Luke’s Hospital, Aberdeen, SD - Assist Head Nurse/Head Nurse
1970-1972 - Holy Rosary Hospital, Miles City, MT - Medical/Surgical Staff Nurse
1977-1979 - (Avera) McKennan Hospital, Sioux Falls, SD - Surgical Staff and Pediatric Nurse
1979-1985 - (Avera) Mother Joseph Manor, Aberdeen, SD - Staff Nurse
1985-1988 - Presentation Convent, Aberdeen, SD - Assisted Living Nurse
1988-1993 - St. Mary Home, Winstead, MN - Staff Nurse
1993-2003 - Long Lake Nursing Home, Long Lake, MN - Staff Nurse
2003-2004 - Delano Health Care Center, Delano, MN - Staff Nurse
2004 - Hilcrest Health Care Center, Wayetta, MN - Staff Nurse
2004-2005 - Hospice Care, Albuquerque NM - Volunteer Nurse
2005 - Hospice, Western, SD - Volunteer Nurse
2005-2006 - Presentation Convent, Aberdeen, SD - Volunteer Nurse
2006-2007 - Hospice Care, Sioux Falls, SD - Volunteer Nurse
2007-2017 - Presentation Convent, Aberdeen, SD - Full-time Prayer Ministry