We believe that God created each of us with a special dream or purpose for our lives. God calls each person in a particular way and this uniqueness is part of the beauty and sometimes the confusion in wondering how God is calling you.
Be assured that God’s hope for our lives will only lead us to our truer self and will be made visible by a deepening inner freedom and sense of joy as we respond with the gift of our lives to God’s love for us.
Am I being called to become a Presentation Sister?
We invite you to reflect upon the following questions to help guide you in your discernment whether becoming a sister might be a pathway that God is inviting you to take.
- Do you experience a love of God and others?
- Are you willing to be open to how the Spirit is leading you?
- Do you enjoy serving others?
- Are you willing to give generously of your time and talent?
- Do you experience a desire for prayer?
- In general, do you have a wholesome attitude, able to take life in stride and express a sense of humor?
If these questions speak to your heart,
- Continue to bring your desire to God in prayer.
- Share your reflections with someone who knows you and understands the vocation of being a sister.
- Explore the possibility of this vocation with a vocation director.

Vocation Director
Sister Vicky Larson would be happy to visit with you about your vocational call. Contact her at: vocations@presentationsisters.org or (605) 271-0468.