Gardens dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary have been a part of Catholic cultures for centuries. The first garden Mary known specially to be dedicated to her was one created by the Irish St. Fiacre circa the 7th century. The first account of it being actually referred to as Mary’s Garden, involves a 15th century accounting record for plants purchased for “S. Mary’s garden” by the sacristan of a priory in England. The enclosed garden is one of the most popular ancient symbols of Mary.
The Presentation Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Aberdeen SD decided to follow in this tradition of plant-filled spaces dedicated to Mary and her many attributes in 2005. Also incorporated into the beautiful tribute to the Blessed Mother are some of the plants that were growing in previous gardens on the property. They provide a living connection with earlier times at the convent. Sister Lois Ann Sargent who has been one of the foremost caretakers of the sister’s Mary Garden since its beginning said, “Honoring the Blessed Mother is part of who we are, part of our heritage of being Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.” She went on to say that is why the implementation of a Mary Garden on the convent grounds only seemed natural.
The garden known as Mary’s fiat, occupies the center area of the circle entry drive. Mary’s fiat reflects her willingness to give herself completely and joyfully to God. In a similar way, plants model a way of abandoning or entrusting themselves to God’s care and providence regardless of the season. Planting of flowers, bushes and trees were not only for their symbolic relationship to Mary, but also with respect for their hardiness, ease of maintenance and beauty during all seasons. The garden is accessible to all by the cross shaped, lighted path which reaches out to the main entry door and side doors. Mary’s statue earned her place high above the entrance of the convent and she lovingly overlooks her garden and all those who enter here. There is a path, which leads through three distinct circular plant “rooms” each with peaceful resting benches, so that a person may pray and or contemplate while strolling through Mary’s Garden.

Sister Lois Ann Sargent caring for the flowers in the Mary Garden.
Some additions have been made since the first planning and planting of the Sister’s Mary Garden including the Presentation Sisters of Fargo gift of the original headstone of Mother John Hughes in 2012, in honor of the Aberdeen congregations 125th Anniversary. Her grave-site received a new one in Fargo, ND. Mother John Hughes was the first Mother Superior of the Presentation Sisters, Aberdeen in 1886 and later went on to lead the Presentation Sisters in Fargo, ND. Another addition is a birdbath gifted to the Mary Garden by Mother Joseph Butler’s relatives who visited from Ireland in 2008. Mother Joseph was the 3rd Mother Superior of the congregation beginning in 1894. More recently, the Sisters’ Mary Garden received a revival this spring 2016 and is once again flourishing in is original intended beauty to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary.