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812, 2015

Christmas Blessings

December 8th, 2015|

The Presentation Sisters of Aberdeen are vibrant with joy and thanks this Christmas season. We wish you and your family great blessings, great hope and great joy. As you find yourself caught up in the

712, 2015

Packing Meals For Zambia

December 7th, 2015|

 KDLT News interviewed Sister Mary Thomas this morning as she shared the story of the Presentation Sisters and the partnership with Kids Against Hunger. Many generous people came together to prepare 250,000 meals that will

412, 2015


December 4th, 2015|

 During the month of December, the Presentation Sisters will share a Christmas message on two billboards in Aberdeen and two billboards in Sioux Falls. The Operations Crew in Sioux Falls worked diligently to install the

412, 2015

Reflections on SOA Rally

December 4th, 2015|

Thousands converged at the gates of Fort Benning, Georgia from in November to end the U.S. militarization of the Americas and to close the School of Americas. Sisters JoAnn Sturzl and Myra Remily traveled in

412, 2015

Advent Reflection – Sr. Pegge Boehm

December 4th, 2015|

December 4, 2015Friday of the First Week of AdventBy Sr. Pegge Boehm, PBVM “One thing I ask of the Lord…that I may gaze on the loveliness of the Lord…in the land of the living.” Psalm 27                                                           

312, 2015

The Poor Among Us…are us

December 3rd, 2015|

The poor among us...are us “Each day we encounter people who are poor and most often we do not even know it. Without realizing it, we may be poor ourselves. This form of poverty is

2311, 2015

Presentation Cojourners

November 23rd, 2015|

With joyful hearts, Sisters and Cojourners witnessed and pledged their support to two individuals as they became Presentation Cojourners. Ruth and Steve Scherschligt gathered with those in the Sioux Falls area for reception, for prayer,

1911, 2015

Cojourners Provide Picnic Tables

November 19th, 2015|

The Sioux Falls Presentation Cojourner group directed by Sister Lynn Marie Welbig recently put their Presentation charism to work by purchasing two picnic tables for the women’s and children’s outdoor area of the Bishop Dudley

1711, 2015

Immigration Facts

November 17th, 2015|

Editorial written by Leona WielandWhen I'm proposing "comprehensive immigration reform," I'm asking us to address justice and human rights so all can live in our world.Has everyone viewed the "19 Reasons Latin Americans Come To

1111, 2015

Presentation Day and Novena

November 11th, 2015|

Sisters, Cojourners and Friends of Nano from all around the world are invited to join in the 2015 Presentation Day Novena prepared by the Presentation Sisters leading up to this feast day.   Click here to

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