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1502, 2016

Why Cap Payday Loan Interest Rates at 36 Per Cent?

February 15th, 2016|

Presentation Sisters’ Justice Commission: Sisters Gabriella Crowley, Kathleen Bierne and Pat Prunty. Article written and submitted by the Presentation Sisters’ Justice Commission: Sisters Gabriella Crowley, Kathleen Bierne and Pat Prunty.Presentation Sisters, Cojourners and Pax

1202, 2016

Caminando Juntos Newsletter

February 12th, 2016|

 617 East 7th Street ∙ Sioux Falls, SD 57103Phone: 605-274-3735 ∙ Fax: 605-274-3736email: preshispmin@sio.midco.netPDF printable newsletter available here   Dear Friend, February 2016We at Caminando Juntos thank God every time we remember you. In our prayers for

1102, 2016

Will S.D. Repeal the Death Penalty?

February 11th, 2016|

Letter: Will S.D. repeal the death penalty? Written by Sister JoAnn Sturzl and published in the Sioux Falls Argus Leader Newspaper February 11, 2016I’m heartened by the reality that several states have recently repealed the

902, 2016

Abolish the SD Death Penalty

February 9th, 2016|

The SB94 Bill to Abolish the Death Penalty in SD is being heard by the committee February 10! Please keep this intention in your prayers.STATEMENT OPPOSING DEATH PENALTYFollowing is a statement endorsed by the Sisters

2701, 2016

Welcoming the Migrant

January 27th, 2016|

Presentation Sisters’ Justice Commission: Sisters Gabriella Crowley, Kathleen Bierne and Pat Prunty. An editorial article written by the Presentation Sisters’ Justice Commission: Sisters Kathleen Bierne, Pat Prunty and Gabriella CrowleyDATE:   January 13, 2016When we

2701, 2016

Catholic School Scholarships

January 27th, 2016|

HISTORYThe Presentation Sisters have served in the education field in the Midwest since 1880, having accepted an invitation from Bishop Martin Marty to travel from Ireland to Dakota Territory. Throughout the years the Sisters taught

1201, 2016

Sister Marie Patrice Moriarty

January 12th, 2016|

SERVICES for OUR DEARLY DEPARTEDBorn to Life – January 13, 1923 Born to Eternal Life – January 11, 2016GREETING the BODY 4:00 PM – Thursday, January 14, 2016WAKE SERVICE 6:30 PM – Thursday, January 14,

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