Nano Nagle, our Irish foundress, began her ministry by teaching children when Ireland’s penal laws forbade it. Her belief in the power and importance of education has spanned the centuries and continues to shape the ministry of Presentation Sisters around the world. Through education people are better equipped to answer the challenges with which they are faced. Education is the underlying fabric that weaves itself into all of the Presentation ministries.
Today the Presentation Sisters can be found ministering to the needs of those in all walks of life, yet they remain grounded in their first ministry: education. Their education ministry has grown from primary and secondary schools to include colleges, parishes, ESL classes, hospitals, seminars and other venues where education is a key component.
Presentation College Legacy Continues…
The Presentation Sisters founded Presentation College in 1951 to fulfill its mission of rural health care and service through nursing education. The College later expanded to include academic programs in Health and Natural Sciences, and Social Science and Humanities, to support its mission of development of the whole person, in the Catholic tradition.
For over seventy years, thousands of students graced the hallways, classrooms, and dorm rooms. Friendships formed between students and faculty as they shared their accomplishments, their disappointments, their lives. We stand in profound gratitude for the countless ways Presentation College prepared these students to go forth living the Gospel message as servant leaders and for those who empowered them.
In January 2023, the decision was made to close the doors of Presentation College. But the words of Matthew 7:7 brought us comfort: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” A new door opened.
With the guiding light of Nano’s lantern, a partnership between Presentation College and St. Ambrose University in Davenport, IA, formed the Nano Nagle Online School of Nursing. Taking into consideration that many who desire an education are unable to relocate to a campus setting, this flexible program is designed to reach rural healthcare professionals who wish to advance their careers in nursing without leaving the workforce.
Presentation Sisters Catholic School Scholarship Applications
Education is the foundational element in our Sisters’ ministry efforts and has been a part of our Mission since we opened our first school in Aberdeen in 1886. As teachers, 232 Presentation Sisters have educated over 300,000 students in the region since that time.
As we have adapted to meet the needs of those we serve, our areas of ministry have shifted and we are no longer teaching at the elementary and secondary level in our Catholic schools. However, our commitment to Catholic education remains strong. In 2009, in partnership with donors, we established a Catholic Tuition Assistance Fund to foster Catholic educational opportunities in our Sioux Falls Diocese.
Each spring, a dedicated committee reads and discusses each submitted application form and essay regarding the value of Catholic education and how the scholarship would financially impact their family. For the 2023-2024 school year, 40 students received a $750 scholarship for Catholic education and three students received a $1,500 Catholic high school scholarship. We believe an investment in the Catholic education of area youth will nurture their Catholic values and provide a solid foundation for their futures.
We are pleased to announce that we will once again be accepting applications for Presentation Sisters Catholic School Scholarships. We will be awarding 40 – K-12 $750 tuition assistance scholarships and 3 – $1500 high school tuition scholarships for the 2024-2025 school year. Catholic School principals and priests in the Sioux Falls Diocese will receive the application forms in January 2024. We invite any interested student to complete the application process. Links to download the application forms will be activated in January 2024. If you have any questions, please contact Jane Schaffer at 605-229-8417 or
Presentation Sisters’ Internship Opportunities
Education is the underlying fabric that weaves itself into all of the Presentation ministries. We continue to value education through our internship program in the Mission Development office, by providing hands on experiences and leadership opportunities. We aim to empower students and add a component to enhance their academic career and personal development.
Click here for a detailed list of information regarding our internship program.
To apply, please contact:
Jen Rothenbuehler

Past intern, Tori Vogt, returns to the annual Cinco de Mayo Fiesta to volunteer her skills and sign for attendees.