
Sister Annrita Johnson
Tuesday of the First Week of Lent

This is how you are to pray:  Our Father

Beginning with ‘Our Father’ are we really convinced that God is the Father of us all?  Not merely ‘my’ Father, but ‘our’ Father.  If he is ‘ours’, then we are all brothers and sisters.  People with the same father are brothers and sisters. p. 57 Through the Gospel with Dom Helder Camara

We have become His adopted children through Jesus and His Holy Spirit who lives on in us through our Baptism and in the Eucharist.  Jesus taught his disciples to address God as “Abba” (dad).

This is the epitome of Native American spirituality, so I’ll close with an Indian Blessing.

Let us walk softly on the Earth with all living beings great and small remembering as we go, that one God kind and wise created all.