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Voice of Leadership
Our Congregational Chapter Call invites us into partnership and collaboration; we do nothing alone. We work alongside like-minded individuals and organizations promoting the Mission of the Gospel. A year ago, the discerned decision was made to close Presentation College. Through this closure, new partnerships were formed and developed. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE…
Sister Mary honored at St. Ambrose University Graduation
The Presentation Sisters founded Presentation College in 1951 to fulfill its mission of rural health care and service through nursing education, later expanding to include academic programs in Health and Natural Sciences, Social Science and Humanities to support its mission of development of the whole person, in the Catholic tradition. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE…
Our Jubilarians
We honor Sister Vianney Mannie, Sister Michelle Meyers, Sister Virginia McCall and Sister Vicky Larson for their combined 245 years of service to those in need. Daily, they continue living out their vocational call in joyful service for justice and alleviating oppression. We thank them for their dedication to making our world a better place for all to live. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE…
A Shared Mission
We share in Presentation Mission, as we are inspired by Nano and follow in her footsteps. Together, we journey to where we are called, offering hope to our neighbors locally and globally.
We asked Presentation People: What does Presentation Mission mean to you?
Presentation People Expressing Mission & Charism
Nano knew God’s vision was more than she could accomplish alone. She forged bonds with like-hearted people who would walk beside her, work with her and help her to carry out the Mission she envisioned to help those in need. We invite you to share this vision in caring for one another and our Earth. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE…
Celebrating Latino Cultures
Caminando Juntos continues to welcome newly arrived Latino immigrants into our community. Many are coming from Guatemala, El Salvador and Mexico, with a significant increase in those from Nicaragua, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Colombia. Reasons vary, but some are fleeing repressive governments which deny human rights, others because of cartels and drug violence. Many come because of poverty and dire economic situations which make it nearly impossible to provide for their children and families. They are grateful for our services and what Sioux Falls has to offer. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE…
Laudato Si’ Restoration Project
As we begin year four of our Prairie Restoration Project on the land at Presentation Heights, we continue to discern and reflect on the words of Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’. We remain steadfast in our desire to enhance the property, bringing out more of its natural beauty to be shared with the Aberdeen community and region.
Our partnerships with other like-minded individuals and businesses provide us with hope. These partnerships have led us to work not only locally, but nationally, with others who share our vision. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE…

In Loving Memory
As we say farewell to our dear Sisters, we remember them with joy. While their time with us seems all too brief, they followed the path God laid for them, and God has taken their hand to lead them home. We lift up our hears for they received faith’s reward, the fullness of life with God. Sister Eileen Ford, Sister Janice Klein, Sister Janice Mengenhauser, Sister Consuelo Covarrubias