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Voice of Leadership
Our Presentation Congregation’s apostolic mission calls us to go out among the people and spread the Good News of the Gospel. We work collaboratively with others to support justice issues worldwide, promote peacemaking, protect the earth’s limited resources and respond to the cry of those made poor. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE…
Works of Justice
Nano Nagle often said, “There is no greater happiness in the world than to be in union.” With the mission and charism of Nano burning brightly within us and the tremendous partners joining together, we continue our work of justice and inclusion of all. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE…
Our Jubilarians
We honor Sister Annrita Johnson, Sister Gabriella Crowley and Sister Paulette Garry for their combined 215 years of service to those in need. Daily, they continue living our their vocational call, working for justice, alleviating oppression and speaking our for those without a voice. We thank them for their dedication to making our world a better place for all to live. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE…
Embracing a Sustainable and Sacred Trust
This past year has led us to live into our Chapter Call, “expressing our commitment to live into the Catholic understanding that Earth and all its people are one, sacred and interconnected and in right relationship with the Mystical Body of Christ.” Understanding the important work that continues to lie ahead, we have also begun to take new steps in ways we can make a difference in our relationships, including the one with our Earth. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE…
Forwarding the Legacy of Mission
The Conference of Presentation Sisters began in the 1950s as a way for the leaders of each North American Presentation Congregation to share ideas. Ever evolving over the years, this group of leaders recognized a need to expand their group and look at new ways of collaborating in mission with religious and lay members together. In 2022, after a two-year delay, the Gathering of Presentation People was held, bringing together over 200 participants from across North America, as they shared ideas and dreams for a collaborative future. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE…

In Loving Memory
As we say farewell to our dear Sisters, we remember them with joy. While their time with us seems all too brief, they followed the path God laid for them, and God has taken their hand to lead them home. We lift up our hears for they received faith’s reward, the fullness of life with God. Sister Teresita Schaefbauer, Sister Armella Stratman, Sister Loraine Brown, Sister Suzanne Cotter, Sister Darlene Gutenkauf, Sister Joan Reichelt, Sister Jean Huntimer, Sister JoAnn Sturlz.