From The Peace Alliance 

Mother’s Day was originally a call for a day of peace by Julia Ward Howe after she experienced the horrors of war while tending the wounded during the American civil war.

Make this Mother’s Day a call for our nation to prioritize peacebuilding by establishing a U.S. Department of Peacebuilding, by seeking solutions to prevent gun violence and by practicing peace in our personal lives, the community, schools, a more humane justice system and internationally.

You can do this by completing one or both of these actions and sharing this email:

1) Scheduling a “Mother’s Day Pie” meeting with your member of Congress and your Senators (and/or their staff members) to tell them peace wants a piece of our federal budget pie and urging them to cosponsor Congresswoman Barbara Lee’s Department of Peacebuilding Act of 2017 (HR 1111) (Congressperson’s office can contact to sign on).

    • Schedule your meetings in May or June if possible.
    • Find your member of Congress here.
    • Read tips on setting up and conducting a meeting.
    • Take a pie to leave for the staff & explain the meaning of Mother’s Day & that peace wants a piece of the federal budget pie.
    • Read this literature and give copies to legislators or staff at your meetings.
  • Send photographs of your meeting, identifying the office you visited and attendees, to and report your meeting here.

2) Signing this petition to your member of Congress and Senators.

Violence manifests in many ways.  It endangers, impacts or takes the lives of those who are shot or violated in our homes, our neighborhoods, our churches, our schools, our theaters and clubs, our work places.  It is inequality, militarism, racism and poverty.  It is preventable.  Peacebuilding includes violence-prevention policies and programs that work.  Peacebuilding saves lives and money. For every dollar invested now, the cost of conflict could be reduced by $16 over the long runWe cannot afford to neglect peacebuilding.  Even dedicating as little as 1% of the federal discretionary budget to peacebuilding will make a huge difference.