Celebrating the Feast of the Sacred Heart
As we celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart on June 7th, we pray you are filled with an experience of the overwhelming love of the Heart of Jesus. This divine love is so powerful, and yet it can be far too easy to forget that it flows into our daily, ordinary lives, lifting up our heavy burdens. Every day, each of us are called to live by Jesus’ example, with compassionate love in our hearts for our neighbors, and actions that make this love apparent in the world today.
As Presentation Sisters, we dedicate ourselves to the love of Jesus in our world today. Together with our partners, we strive to exemplify the teachings and examples of Jesus, to live a life with merciful love and action. We understand that our work for justice must focus on both direct service, or charity, and systemic change. By raising awareness and exploring opportunities to make change, we invite others to join us in recognizing the injustice around them and to take action.
For years we have partnered with the Benedictine Sisters in Watertown, SD, focusing on the injustice of Human Trafficking, including labor trafficking and sex trafficking. Providing information and awareness is the first step in taking action. Trafficking does not only happen across the world. People in our own states and communities are being bought, sold and enslaved against their will.
Together with the Benedictine Sisters, we are working to increase our educational seminars so others may become aware of the trafficking in our area. We invite you to read the backside of this letter which provides information about trafficking and resources available.
Thank you for your continued partnership in the mission we all share, the compassionate mission of Jesus. We invite you CLICK HERE to send us your prayer intentions. You and your intentions are held in the Presentation Sisters’ Novena to the Sacred Heart.

artwork by
Sister Mary Southard, CSJ
The Feast of the Sacred Heart has special significance for the Presentation Sisters. The mystery of God’s merciful love is what drew our foundress, Nano Nagle, to those made poor by the systems of her day. She saw them in a new light – as children loved by God. This experience of God’s merciful love compelled her to reach out to those who did not experience God’s love and light. Nano was drawn into the divine dynamic of the Sacred Heart devotion to such an extent that the original title of the Presentation Sisters in 1775 was “Sisters of the Charitable Instruction of the Sacred Heart of Jesus”. In the spirit of Nano, Presentation Sisters throughout the world continue this devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the ministry begun by Nano.