Feast of the Sacred Heart
As we celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart on June 24th, we pray you are filled with an experience of the overwhelming love of the heart of Jesus. On this special feast, we are reminded that nothing can separate us from the enduring love of Jesus Christ. The church directs our prayer on this day: “teach us to see Christ in the lives we touch by love-filled service to our sisters and brothers”.
Together, in conjunction with other Presentation Sisters around the world, we strive to witness Christ’s compassionate love as we serve those less fortunate. Through each ministry we work to empower the people to become their own best resource as they address the needs of their communities.
Sisters have been ministering in African missions since 1949. Here, men, women and children struggle daily for the necessities that many of us take for granted. Throughout the years, we have worked alongside the people, assisting in the development of several programs to provide sustainable careers and communities.
We seek your partnership through your gift of prayer and financial support for our work with those in need in Zambia and Zimbabwe. The enclosed brochure highlights our African Sustainability Project. Through this project, we will be ensuring the Sisters’ work with the poor continues far into the future.
Thank you for your continued partnership in the mission we all share, the compassionate mission of Jesus. We invite you to send us your prayer intentions in the enclosed envelope. You and your intentions are held in our Novena to the Sacred Heart.
Together in Christ,
Sister Mary Thomas
Our Presentation Mission calls us to willingly go forth to any part of the world to work for justice, alleviate oppression and promote human dignity, especially among the poor.
Foundress Nano Nagle established the Presentation Congregation with these principles. We are rooted in the Gospel, prayer and contemplation, living the mission in our heart and ministry even today. Justice, however, is the work of all of us. Collaboratively, when each person takes this work of justice into her or his own heart, the gift and mission of justice lives and spreads to all corners of the world.
We reach out in faith, in a spirit of hospitality and simplicity to all of creation. The cry of those made poor and the cry of the Earth call us to continue the mission of Jesus … to bring forth a sustainable society founded on respect for Earth, universal human rights, economic justice and a culture of peace.
We reach out in faith, in a spirit of hospitality and simplicity to all of creation. The cry of those made poor and the cry of the Earth call us to continue the mission of Jesus … to bring forth a sustainable society founded on respect for Earth, universal human rights, economic justice and a culture of peace.