Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison, and go to visit you?
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me … and whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’” Matthew 25: 37-40, 45
Dear friends,
Advent is upon us and Christians around the world are preparing for the celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ … born to Joseph and the Virgin Mary … in a manger. Many of us have fond memories of Christmas time over the years, familiar songs, familial traditions of foods and activities. What happens when one may be forced to leave their home for life-or-death reasons, to find a new home amidst a new culture and customs?
One day this Fall, I left work late. As I locked the office on my way out, I saw a woman and her son standing outside of the office with a suitcase in her hand and a little backpack on his back. Nothing more. I greeted her and asked, “How can we help you?”
Earlier that day, our office received a call from a local shelter, asking if we could help a Hispanic woman and her son find some community resources. We graciously said “yes” and asked them to have the woman and her son stop by the next day.
Unannounced to us, she had exhausted her time at the shelter. Rebeca* had grabbed a Lyft ride and was now at the Caminando Juntos office. Rebeca began to tell me her story. She was born on the west coast near the US/Mexican border. Earlier this year her husband died in a motorcycle accident. Due to the connections and memories of her previous home, Rebeca decided to leave and start over in a new place.
She told me that she made a Facebook connection with a truck driver and asked him how far North he drives. He said his route takes him up to Sioux City, Iowa. So, for two days, Rebeca and her son, Marcos*, rode with the truck driver. The hairs on my neck stood up as she was telling me her travel story. A single mother with a son in a truck with a stranger for two days! Rebeca was certainly surround by Christ and his angels.
Migrants often come to Sioux Falls upon hearing
that there is work, as well as safe housing.
Migrants often come to Sioux Falls upon hearing that there is work, as well as safe housing. That is what Rebeca was told … go to Sioux Falls. Luckily for Rebeca there was work at a local warehouse.
As her story unfolded, my heart was overwhelmed with compassion. How could I help? Caminando Juntos helps the Latino Community in the Sioux Falls area with resources. The resource the young mother was searching for that evening was a safe dry place to sleep. I wasn’t going to leave a young mother and her son out on the street for the night. A million scenarios were coming and going through my head. But the one that remained was the one of the Inn, Joseph and Mary with child, seeking shelter.
I knew I needed to provide Rebeca and Marcos with two things … food cards for some groceries and a place to stay where she would be safe. “Lord, may Rebeca feel your presence and love”, was my prayer as I asked if she was ok with getting in the car with me and I would take them to the grocery store and then to a hotel so that they had a safe dry place to stay. Rebeca replied with a relieved, yes. As we drove to the grocery store and hotel, we talked about our families and made arrangements for her to come to the office the next day where we would be able to assist her with additional resources.
This Advent season, remember the Christ child, lying in a manger. Then, as today, many migrants are searching for their “Inn”. How might we show God’s love and compassion as we welcome them in? Not only during Advent, but year-round. Thank you for your prayerful and financial support. With your generosity, we can continue to welcome the migrant and assist in finding the resources they are looking for to settle safely in their new home.
With a servant’s heart,
Matthew Tschetter, Executive Director
Caminando Juntos is a sponsored ministry of the Presentation Sisters.
We are excited to announce that in June 2025, Caminando Juntos will become its own 501c3. Be assured of our continued correspondence with you, keeping you on the mailing list so you stay updated on this crucial ministry with the Latino cultures in Sioux Falls, SD communities. If you would prefer to be removed from this mailing list, please send an email to marketing@presentationsisters.org.