Let us Listen with Compassion

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ, God forgave you.                                                                                                        Ephesians 4:32

Throughout scripture, Jesus exemplifies compassion. He listened to those around him, healing and comforting through his actions. From the tomb of Lazarus to restoring the sight of the blind man, Jesus offered his love to all without regard to societal status. This compassion continued throughout his life, when he ultimately gave his life for our sins.

Our world today is hurt and wounded. Daily we see those who are suffering, those affected by hardship and those who have been displaced, both in our communities and around the world. In living out the Gospel values, and focusing our lives on the teachings of Christ, may we listen with both a welcoming and compassionate heart to where God is calling us to serve others.

We invite you to join us, as together, we work for justice, believing in the sacredness of life and rights of all people. Our Presentation Apostolic Mission calls us to go out amongst the people, like Jesus did, reaching out to those in need.  Please visit our website at www.presentationsisters.org to read about ways to partner with the Sisters, helping our sisters and brothers in Christ.

We remember each of you in daily prayer and invite you to email your prayer intentions to us at wepray4u@presentationsisters.org. United together, let us all pray for justice, peace and hope throughout our world as we walk with Jesus through his life, death and resurrection.


Sister Janice Klein