Event Details

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PAX CHRISTI is celebrating 30 years!
Join us via Zoom
Saturday, November 18 from 9am – 12pm


Mitakuye Oyasin

This Lakota phrase can be translated to We Are All Related. Recognizing the dignity and human worth of all people, Pax Christi has been working for peace with justice across the United States since 1972. A little over 20 years later, a formal Chapter was started in South Dakota. To celebrate the 30th Anniversary of this peace and justice work, Pax Christi South Dakota is hosting a spiritual retreat on November 18th from 9 am -12 (central time).  The retreat will be held virtually via Zoom and led by Brother Mickey McGrath.

Brother Mickey loves to explore the connections between faith and art in his work as an artist, writer and speaker. For this retreat, Brother Mickey will share his own art as well as stories focused on Servant of God, Nicholas Black Elk, and Native Spirituality. Black Elk, a Lakota spiritual leader and holy man, shared his wisdom and modeled courage for Indigenous and non-Indigenous people alike. Through his life, he practiced his Lakota ways and bridged the gap to embrace Christianity as well. In 2017, he was named a Servant of God by the Roman Catholic Church.  

During the retreat, a personal creative prayer activity will be included. All one needs is a standard size piece of paper and colored drawing implements of your choice. For those who wish, other methods of creative expression are welcome as well.  

We invite all to join us for this time of learning and spiritual enrichment. Preregistration is required at this link. There is no fee to attend, but donations are welcome to help defray the cost of hosting the event.    

Mitakuye Oyasin:
We Are All Related