Listening with a Heart of Compassion
Throughout Lent we invite you to join us in reflection and prayer of the Stations of the Cross. As we enter into the mystery of Jesus’ gift of himself to us and reflect upon his compassionate love for each of us, may we all feel a deep gratitude and desire to love as we were first loved.

Ash Wednesday
A Heart of Compassion
Throughout scripture, Jesus exemplifies compassion. He listened to those around him, healing and comforting through his actions. This compassion continued throughout his life, when he ultimately gave his life for our sins.
Reflection: In living out the Gospel values, and focusing our lives on the teachings of Christ, may we listen with both a welcoming and compassionate heart to where God is calling us to serve others. United together, let us all pray for justice, peace and hope throughout our world as we walk with Jesus through his life, death and resurrection.

1st Station
of the Cross
Jesus is Condemned to Death
Pilate brought Jesus outside and said to the people, “Look at your king!” At this they shouted, “Away with him! Crucify him!” Then Pilate handed Jesus over to be crucified. John 19
Reflection: Although unjustly condemned, Jesus’ unconditional love for us led him to the cross. May we listen to where God is calling us to compassionately serve others, bringing justice and mercy to our sisters and brothers in need.

2nd Station
of the Cross
Jesus takes up his Cross
Jesus was led away, and carrying the Cross by himself, proceeded to Golgotha, what is called the Place of the Skull.
Reflection: Our world is hurt and wounded, with so many carrying their own burdensome crosses. Help us to be welcoming and share your compassionate love with those who are suffering.

3rd Station
of the Cross
Jesus Falls the First Time
Jesus emptied himself, and took the form of a slave, being born in the likeness of men. He humbled himself, to death on the Cross.
Reflection: Dear Jesus, you were kind and gentle, showing mercy to all you met. Yet you suffered for our sins. May we keep our eyes on you Lord. Guide us and walk beside us always.

4th Station
of the Cross
Jesus meets his Blessed Mother
Near the cross of Jesus, there stood his mother. John 19:25
Reflection:How Mary must have felt in watching her child suffer, a suffering that she knew would lead to the salvation of others. May we be aware of those around us who are suffering, so we may reach out with comfort and compassion.

5th Station
of the Cross
Simon of Cyrene helps with the Cross
A man named Simon of Cyrene, was coming in from the fields, and they pressed him into service to carry the Cross.
Reflection: Each day we are provided with opportunities to assist one another. Let us speak up and not be afraid to ask, “How can I help?”

6th Station
of the Cross
Veronica wipes the face of Jesus
Showing her compassion for Jesus, Veronica went to him and wiped his face with her veil.
Reflection: Dear Jesus, let us see those who are suffering so we may reach out and respond with compassion.

7th Station
of the Cross
Jesus falls the second time
As Jesus bears the weight of the cross on this journey, he falls a second time.
Reflection: Dear Jesus, the path before us seems long and difficult. Remember us when we falter and provide us with the strength to begin anew.

8th Station
of the Cross
Jesus consoles the women of Jerusalem
Jesus says to the women, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children.” Luke 23:28
Reflection: Dear Jesus, keep the grace of this meeting alive in our hearts. Help us to live our lives based on your teachings and to be more concerned for others than for ourselves.

9th Station
of the Cross
Jesus falls the third fall time
The road to Calvary is long and Jesus weakens. He falls for the third time.
Reflection: Dear Jesus: You fall again, yet you continue to rise up from despair. Help us Lord when we falter, to keep our faith in you.

10th Station
of the Cross
Jesus is stripped of His garments
They stripped off his clothes and began to mock him saying: “All hail, king of the Jews!” They divided his garments and cast lots for his clothes.
Reflection: Stripped of all dignity, Jesus had nothing of his own. We ask you O Lord to clothe us in your mercy which is rich beyond words.

11th Station
of the Cross
Jesus is nailed to the Cross
After carrying his Cross, Jesus came to the Place of the Skull (in Hebrew, Golgotha). There they crucified him and two others with him.
Reflection: Jesus, nailed to the cross, you know how many feel who, bound by circumstance, year after year get nowhere. Accompany them and those who are fixed to a cross through illness or misfortune.

12th Station
of the Cross
Jesus dies on the Cross
He cried out, “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” And with these words he breathed his last. Luke 23:46
Reflection: In dying, Jesus restores us to new life. Let our life be a spirit justice, service, forgiveness and compassion to all we meet.

13th Station
of the Cross
Jesus is taken down from the cross
When the soldiers came to Jesus and saw that he was already dead, they did not break his legs. But one of the soldiers thrust a lance into his side, and blood and water flowed out.
Reflection: Jesus died trusting a Father’s care, faithful unto death. By your holy death, O Lord, give us an unfailing trust in God, commend us to your Father’s hands.

14th Station
of the Cross
Jesus is placed in the tomb
Unless a wheat grain falls on the ground and dies, it remains only a single grain; but if it dies it yields a rich harvest. John 12:24
Joseph of Arimethea asked Pilate for the body of Jesus and wrapped it in perfumed oils. Then he buried Jesus in a tomb close at hand.
Reflection: Buried in a garden tomb, we know this darkness will lead to the light of everlasting life. Help us to remember that even in the darkest hour that you Jesus, are with us, holding us and loving us, forever.