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2025 Lenten Season

Living in Right Relationship

Lent is a time the Church enters into a collective retreat, offering the opportunity to set aside time for reflection, repentance and renewal in our lives. It is a time to listen for the voice of our creator God from both within ourselves and within our faith communities, becoming attuned to the sacred and interconnectedness with all of creation.

Throughout his Encyclical Letter, Laudato Si’, Pope Francis brings to light the struggles of our relationship with our Earth and with one another. He is calling us to change our ways so the generations that come after us may experience a more peaceful and just world. He is asking, What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us?” (LS 160)

Our Congregation is living this call … to live in right relationship with one another and our Earth. We are letting go of what is not needed and looking at how we may bring forth a healthier world. We are partnering with others to care for creation as we know we cannot do this alone.     

Nothing in nature lives for itself. The rivers do not drink their own water; the trees do not eat their own fruit; the sun does not shine on itself, and flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves. Living for others is a rule of nature. We are all born to help each other. No matter how difficult it is … Life is good when you are happy; but much better when others are happy because of you. ~ Pope Francis ~

This year, we are pledging to make a commitment to future generations by planting trees. We welcome you to join us in caring for creation … not only in the sacredness of life and rights of all people, but also our Earth. Together, may we listen and respond to where there are unmet needs in our communities. 

We remember each of you in daily prayer and encourage you to send us your prayer intentions. Uniting together, let us listen to ourselves and one another, praying for justice, peace and hope throughout our world as we walk with Jesus through his life, death and resurrection.

Ash Wednesday, March 5

During this Lenten season, may we become more attentive to the type of life we are living, focusing our lives on the care of our relationship with God, with others and with Earth, our common home.

We live in a world that is hurt and wounded; people are struggling, our Earth is struggling. During this blessed season, may we pray for those in need and be open and truly listen with a compassionate heart, just as Jesus listens to each of us.

Click Here for the USCCB Daily Readings