As of October 31, 2023, Presentation College has ceased educational operations at the Aberdeen, SD campus. Please reference these web-pages for additional information. If you have questions, please email Jenny at jdix@presentationsisters.org
Questions and Answers
Updated 1/17/23
What are my next steps as a student, given the news that Presentation College will close later this year?
An assigned advisor (possibly someone different than your current academic advisor) will review your transcript and educational goals with you, describe each of the partner Teach-Out institutions, and help you determine your best next steps. The advisor will work with you through every step of the process and will help with outreach to the institutions and programs that may be the best fit for you.
- If you stay at Presentation College for Spring 2023: PC is committed to providing consistent support through this transitional semester.
- If you decide to attend a partner Teach-Out Institution: Your assigned advisor will review your transcript and individual situation with you, and connect you with support staff at the partner institution. By planning to attend a partner Teach-Out Institution, you will not have to formally re-apply, and you will have assurances about complete transfer of credits, comparable financial aid packages, and clarity of graduation requirements.
- If you decide to go to another college or university that is not a partner institution: Your assigned advisor will help you complete your selected institution’s application and financial aid forms.
- If you receive benefits under the GI Bill or through U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs chapters: PC’s Office of Financial Aid will help ensure a seamless transition of these benefits.
- If you decide to withdraw and not complete the Spring 2023 semester at PC: PC will return any payments made toward Spring or Summer 2023 enrollment if you decide to withdraw.
When will PC officially close?
For most programs the Spring 2023 semester will be the final semester offered by PC. The College will, however, continue the Practical Nursing program through August 2023. After that time, all PC educational operations will cease. Finally, the College will wrap up records transfer and complete state and national requirements.
Will there be a Class of 2023 Commencement? Will my degree from Presentation College be considered valid?
Absolutely! Presentation College is looking forward to hosting the Spring 2023 Commencement Exercises on May 6, 2023. Furthermore, all degrees conferred by the College at any time will always be valid because Presentation College remains fully accredited and will remain so until it ceases educational operations. Furthermore, PC is making arrangements to ensure that transcripts and other educational records will be available indefinitely to students and alumni through St. Ambrose University (SAU). If you need a transcript, please email registrar@sau.edu.
Can students continue to live on campus until PC closes? What will be the final date to move out of the residence halls?
Current students will be allowed to continue living in the suites until August 15, 2023, in order to complete classes, internships, or work requirements. Students will be required to pay the standard rental rate through their stay, follow all policies and guidelines outlined in the housing agreement, and complete the standard checkout procedure upon departure.
I am on a leave of absence or studying off campus in Spring 2023, and I left belongings on campus. When can I pick up my belongings?
Students who are on a leave of absence are encouraged to make arrangements to retrieve their belongings. The sooner PC is aware of your plans, the better we can accommodate them. Students who are taking classes at PC in the Spring and Summer semesters may continue to live in campus housing through their course completions. It is very important that students take their belongings with them when they leave. The College cannot be responsible for belongings left in campus housing after educational operations have ceased.
What will happen with my academic records? How do I obtain copies now and going forward?
Presentation College is making arrangements for St. Ambrose University (SAU) to house the College’s records once PC ceases educational operations. Furthermore, as always, PC students and alumni can obtain copies of their transcripts by emailing registrar@sau.edu.
I am a student worker on campus. Will my job continue for the entirety of the Spring 2023 semester?
Student workers will be allowed to continue working in their current job as long as the job is needed. If not, PC will work hard to find another suitable job on campus for you; however, we cannot guarantee a position. Work-study students will receive first priority.
What should I do if a news reporter contacts me about the College’s announcement?
You are never obligated to talk with a reporter or the media. Please direct reporters to the Presentation Sisters at 605-229-8337.
Completing My Degree/Diploma
What is the difference between a Teach-Out Institution and transferring?
Teach-Out Agreements entered into by Presentation College for its students typically include protections that exceed what non-partnering institutions typically provide. These include the following:
- Automatic admission of PC students in good academic standing (see more information below)
- Guaranteed acceptance of 100% successfully completed credits at PC
- Guaranteed same time to degree completion – Students will be able to complete their degree in the same number of remaining semesters at the Teach-Out Institution as they would have at PC.
- Comparable net tuition – Students will receive comparable financial aid packages so that the net tuition amount the student is expected to contribute to complete their degree will be the same (or less) as they would have had to pay at PC. While the scholarships may be packaged differently and with different names, the amounts will be comparable. PC students will not need to negotiate that process or be concerned about the Teach-Out Institution’s published “sticker” price.
Many institutions accept applications for transfer students, but the process may not be as seamless or have the same guarantees as with transitioning to a partnering Teach-Out Institution. Therefore, it is often in the best interest of students to transition to a designated Teach-Out Institution.

Will student accessibility services continue to be available to me to help me with this transition?
PC’s accessibility services will support you throughout your academic transition process. The College is also bringing independent academic coaches from College Possible to campus to assist you with your individual plans, including helping you understand all of your options and serving as a bridge to staff at our partnering Teach-Out Institutions.
Teach-Out Information
So far Presentation College has negotiated Teach-Out Agreements with the institutions listed below this section. PC continues to negotiate additional Teach-Out Agreements and will post them as they are finalized.
Do I have to apply to the designated Teach-Out Institutions, or will I be automatically accepted?
You will need to complete a streamlined application, but you can also be assured that you will be automatically admitted to partner Teach-Out Institutions if you are in good standing (in most cases, a minimum GPA of 2.0) at PC. You will not be required to pay an application fee or submit supplemental materials such as essays or letters of recommendation. PC will provide a waiver for you to sign giving permission to share your transcript and connect you with staff at the Teach-Out Institution(s) of your choice. They will arrange to talk with you about your degree progression (i.e., how many credits and requirements you have remaining).
If you are not in good academic standing, your assigned advisor will help you think through ways that you might begin to improve your GPA.
What about my General Education requirements?
If you have already fulfilled your General Education requirements at PC, then you will not have to re-take them at the designated Teach-Out Institution. In contrast, if you transfer to any other institution, that institution will determine which of your credits they will accept.
If you have not yet completed your General Education requirements, then staff at the Teach-Out Institution will review your transcript, determine which of your PC courses can fulfill that institution’s requirements, and communicate what courses you would still need to complete.
Will all of my academic credits recognized at PC automatically transfer to the Teach-Out Institutions?
Yes, this is one of the advantages of choosing a designated Teach-Out Institution. These institutions guarantee acceptance of all PC academic credits earned.
Do the Teach-Out Institutions I am considering have my major or a close match?
While all of PC’s majors (or close matches) are available at one or more of the designated institutions, they may or may not offer more majors and academic offerings than we have at PC. Therefore, in some cases, the Teach-Out Institution may have a major that closely aligns with your particular area of interest. Please take time to review all of the Teach-Out Institution’s academic offerings, as well as the Teach-Out v. Transfer table above.
How will my grade point average (GPA) be calculated by the Teach-Out Institutions? Will my GPA be a “start fresh” or will my Presentation College grades be calculated into a new GPA?
Your GPA calculation is subject to the Teach-Out Institution’s policies.
Will I graduate “on time” with a Teach-Out Institution?
Yes, one of the advantages offered by a Teach-Out Institution is that they guarantee the same time to degree completion. This means that students will need to complete the same number of semesters at the Teach-Out Institution as they would have at PC to finish their degrees.
If I already have transfer credits from other (non-PC) institutions, will they be accepted by the Teach-Out institution?
If your non-PC credits were accepted by PC, they will be accepted by the Teach-Out Institution. If they were not accepted by PC, then we encourage you to discuss with the advisor at the Teach-Out Institution.
Will my financial scholarship at PC be carried over to my Teach-Out Institution? Will my tuition costs be the same?
One of the advantages of a Teach-Out Institution is the guarantee that students will pay the same (or possibly less) than they currently pay out-of-pocket for tuition at PC. The Teach-Out Institution will offer each PC student a financial aid package that reflects comparable net tuition costs.
Are student-athletes invited to join sports teams at Teach-Out institutions?
PC is working closely with all Teach-Out Institutions to set up meetings for interested PC athletes with coaches so that they can discuss athletic opportunities. All students are encouraged to take advantage of the upcoming Teach-Out Fairs to explore their academic and athletic options. For more information see Q&As for Student-Athletes.
Transfer Information
I am not interested in attending any of the Teach-Out Institutions. How do I apply to transfer to a college of my choice?
PC advisors and coaches will work with you individually to help find the right institution for you. Every institution has its own application process that you will need to follow. PC staff will provide guidance and support you in your decision; however, each student is responsible for their own admission and financial aid applications to transfer institutions.
If I am already a transfer student, how will my credits from other institutions be counted if I transfer again?
Each institution has its own transfer credit policies and will need to review your transcripts and decide what credits it will accept. PC staff will assist you in interpreting the policies, but it is important to read them carefully and ask questions throughout the transfer process.
If I decide that I do not want to finish the Spring 2023 semester at PC, can I get a refund and transfer right away?
If you choose to transfer (or withdraw) immediately you will receive a prorated refund in accordance with the PC refund policy. If you want to transfer to another institution and complete the Spring 2023 semester elsewhere, be sure you understand the institution’s transfer policies and deadlines before finalizing your decision. Once you withdraw and receive a refund from PC, you will not be allowed to re-enroll.
Information for International Students
What will happen to my I-20?
If you stay at Presentation College, you need to process your I-20 in the same way as usual.
If you transfer to SAU or another Teach-Out Institution, you can work with your assigned Point Person on what you need to do to process your I-20.
If you transfer to a non-partnering institution, you should work with their international transfer admission counselor or other designated contact.
Updated 1/17/23
Are student-athletes invited to join sports teams at Teach-Out Institutions?
Presentation College (PC) is working closely with Teach-Out Institutions to set up meetings for interested PC athletes with coaches to discuss athletic opportunities. These meetings will likely occur during the upcoming Teach-Out Fairs, January 30-31, and subsequent Advising Days.
Will I have to try out or will I automatically make the team at Teach-Out Institutions?
Each institution and team has individual situations related to roster sizes and player needs. PC student-athletes should work with their current coach(es) and the coach(es) at the Teach-Out Institutions to be considered. Each student-athlete brings different skills, so coaches from both institutions will work with you individually.
Does Presentation College need to “release” me so I can talk with coaches at other colleges?
Yes, your coach(es) or the Athletics Director can provide the required release form.
What makes a student eligible to play at another institution?
Eligible students must be in good academic standing at Presentation College, meaning students who are not on academic probation or suspension. A student must meet the NAIA transfer criteria, which includes attending the new school for one year before you are eligible to play. This requirement can be waived through a “Transfer Exception;” however, you will need to talk with the compliance officer or Athletics Director at the new institution about this process. Your PC coach(es) can help you navigate the NAIA rules and transfer information.
For more information, the NAIA transfer link is: https://www.naia.org/student-athletes/benefits/transfer
Will PC have Spring 2023 varsity sports as planned?
Yes, Spring 2023 varsity sports will continue as planned at PC.
Updated 1/17/23
Will my Presentation College degree be recognized as valid after the College closes?
Higher education degrees always remain valid if they were conferred by a fully accredited institution. Presentation College (PC) has remained fully accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and will continue to remain accredited until the College voluntarily ceases to offer educational operations.
How will I be able to get a copy of my transcript going forward?
The College is making arrangements for St. Ambrose University (SAU) to house Presentation College records once PC ceases educational operations. Furthermore, as always, PC students and graduates can obtain copies of their transcripts by emailing SAU at registrar@sau.edu.
How will my potential employers verify my education at Presentation College?
You can order a transcript from SAU be sent directly to your employer for verification of your education. Please email registrar@sau.edu.
Will there be a reunion event or other chance for PC alumni to visit campus before the official closure?
Alumni are welcome to visit campus. Unfortunately, the College will not be able to host a final in-person Reunion event. As a partnering institution and designated institutional records holder, St. Ambrose University (SAU) welcomes Presentation College alumni to join their alumni family. You will receive information from the St. Ambrose University Alumni Association regarding future alumni events, including Reunions and regional events near you. You will be able to opt-out of future communications from SAU if you choose.
How will alumni be able to stay in contact with one another?
St. Ambrose University (SAU) will serve as the designated records holder for PC alumni. Later this year SAU will send out information about how PC alumni can access it.
Will PC alumni communications such as Compass magazine continue to be accessible online?
We do not know yet whether historical issues of Compass magazine will continue to be accessible online. PC alumni will begin to receive the Scene Magazine from St. Ambrose University (SAU). PC alumni are welcome to submit class notes, alumni accolades, photographs, and story ideas to the SAU Magazine staff via the SAU alumni page.
Please email additional questions to jdix@presentationsisters.org
Updated 1/17/23
Has my recent gift been processed and allocated?
Recent gifts made to Presentation College (PC) have been processed and allocated based on the designation selected by the donor. The College will continue to accept gifts from alumni and donors until it ceases academic operations in order to help current students.
What will happen to the College’s endowment and named scholarship funds?
PC’s endowment is made up of multiple funds, some of which are designated for specific purposes, such as named scholarships. The College is working with legal counsel to ensure that each endowed fund is aligned as closely as possible with donor intent as defined in the gift agreement. Donors and family members on record should expect additional correspondence about their particular gift and its future uses.
Will my planned gift be canceled?
Planned Giving donors will receive a communication in the near future with information about options to transfer planned gifts. Donors will be offered the opportunity to designate their gifts for the Nano Nagle Online School of Nursing at St. Ambrose University if they wish their gift to honor the legacy of the Presentation Sisters.
May I keep the plaque on campus that recognizes my gift?
If there is a plaque on campus recognizing your gift, we would be happy to send it to you after operations cease.
Please email additional questions to jdix@presentationsisters.org
Updated 1/17/23
Will I receive the same financial aid package, including scholarships, at another college?
If you seamlessly transition to one of PC’s partnering Teach-Out Institutions, then you will be expected to pay the same net tuition costs to attend. The scholarships and other aid you receive may have different names or come in different amounts, but the portion of the tuition for which you are personally responsible should be the same or less than it would be at PC.
If you transfer to a non-partnering institution with whom PC does not have a Teach-Out Agreement, then you will need to work with that institution’s Admission and Financial Aid Offices on your financial aid package.
Throughout this semester, PC staff will be available to help you with this process and get you in touch with the right contacts who can answer your questions.
Can I get work-study at my new school?
If you qualify for federal work-study as part of your financial aid package, you can apply to work-study jobs at your new institution.
How will these changes impact my veteran (VA) benefits, such as the Post-9/11 GI Bill?
If you receive VA benefits at Presentation College, your benefits at another institution are likely to continue, but you should review your benefits with the VA representative at your future institution.
What should I do if I already submitted my FAFSA for 2023-24 at Presentation College?
If you filed a FAFSA® for the 2023–24 award year identifying Presentation College as the institution you would be attending, and need the information forwarded to another institution, visit fafsa.gov to make changes to your filed application.
Do I need to complete a new FAFSA?
If you have completed a 2022-23 or 2023-24 FAFSA for Presentation College, you will only need to add the school code of the new school. Once the Financial Aid Office knows where students will be transitioning, they can assist you in adding the school code.
What happens with my student loans and when do I have to begin paying them back?
You can find all your federal student loan information by accessing the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS). You can access the site using your Federal Student Aid (FSA) User ID and qualifying personal identification information.
Once you graduate, drop below half-time enrollment, or leave school, your federal student loan goes into repayment. However, if you have a Direct Subsidized, Direct Unsubsidized, or Federal Family Education Loan, you have a six-month grace period before you are required to start making regular payments.
When your loan enters repayment, your loan servicer(s) will automatically place you on the Standard Repayment Plan. You can request a different repayment plan at any time.
Your loan servicer(s) will provide you with a loan repayment schedule that states when your first payment is due, the number and frequency of payments, and the amount of each payment.
Your billing statement will tell you how much to pay. Your monthly payment amount depends on your repayment plan. If you signed up for electronic communication, pay attention to your email. Most loan servicers send an email when your billing statement is ready for you to access online.
What if I decide to take a gap year or withdraw?
If you take more than 6 months off, you most likely will have to start repaying your loans, but financial aid advisors will provide exit counseling for each student making this choice to assess their individual circumstances.
Am I responsible for my balance at Presentation College if the College is closing?
Yes, you are legally required to pay any balance due to PC. If you are withdrawing from the Spring 2023 semester, then you should follow the steps to request a refund of applicable tuition and fees.
Can I discharge my student loans since the College is closing?
Loan discharge is the removal of your obligation to repay your loan under certain circumstances. There are certain eligibility requirements to qualify for a closed school loan discharge, and you must apply. You can either:
- Complete and return the Closed School Loan Discharge Application and return it to your loan servicer(s), or
- Contact your loan servicer(s) about the application process.
Your Closed School Loan Discharge Application must be sent to your loan servicer(s), not Presentation College. To find out who your loan servicer is, log in to My Federal Student Aid or call 1-800-4-FED-AID (1-800-433-3243; TTY for the hearing impaired 1-800-730-8913). Be sure to continue to make payments on your loan while your discharge application is being processed. If you do not meet the criteria for a loan discharge, you will be informed by your loan servicer(s) and must continue making payments on your loans based on the terms of your promissory note.
U.S. Department of Education Resources:
- Student Loan Repayment Questions: https://studentaid.gov/h/manage-loans
- Federal Loan Forgiveness: https://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/forgiveness-cancellation
- School Closed Information: Available for Direct Loans, FFEL Program loans, and Perkins Loans. Learn about the eligibility requirements for closed school discharge and how to apply- https://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/forgiveness-cancellation/closed-school
Important Contacts:
Federal Student Aid Information Center
1-800-4-FED-AID (1-800-433-3243; TTY for the hearing impaired 1-800-730-8913)
South Dakota Department of Education
What happens to my loans if I transfer to another institution?
If you choose to transfer, you will still be responsible for the student loans you borrowed for Presentation College, so it is important to address them. While your new institution should automatically report your enrollment, you are responsible for following up. If you fail to do so, you could end up owing loan payments because your loan servicer(s) think(s) you are no longer enrolled. Make sure your loan servicer(s) are aware that you are enrolled at a new institution.
Even after transferring, you are still responsible for repaying loans taken out to cover the costs of previous institutions. You should track all of the different loans you have taken out so you can make a plan for repayment upon graduation. You do not want anything to fall through the cracks when it comes time to repay your college loans.
Once you have communicated your plans, a financial aid counselor will schedule an exit interview with you to discuss the MASS No Interest Loan (if applicable) and Federal Loans (if applicable). You can also contact the PC Financial Aid Office throughout the process for advice on the transfer process and financial aid.
Updated 1/17/23
Presentation College has announced that it will cease educational operations after Summer 2023 and therefore cannot enroll new students effective the date of the announcement. We regret that this decision may disrupt your college plans, and we will support your transition as best as we can.
What do I do if I have already been accepted to Presentation College and have paid my deposit for Summer 2023 or Academic Year 2023-24?
Online BSN students may continue in the new Nano Nagle Online School of Nursing at St. Ambrose University.
Other students should begin to make plans to attend another college. Fall 2023 deposits are being processed for refunds and should be received by March 1.
If you would like to apply to one of Presentation’s Teach-Out Institutions, you may contact your PC admissions staff member for an introduction to that institution’s Admission Office.
What happens if I recently applied to Presentation College but have not heard whether I have been accepted?
Presentation College is no longer accepting new students. Those interested in enrolling in the Online BSN Programs offered through the Nano Nagle Online School of Nursing at St. Ambrose University (SAU) should contact SAU directly. If you submitted an admission application for other programs of study, you should begin to make plans to attend another college.
Can Presentation College send my application materials to another higher education institution on my behalf?
No, every institution has its own application process. Applicants need to send their own application materials (e.g., test scores, letters of recommendation, essays, etc.) directly to the institutions to which they want to apply in accordance with each institution’s application requirements.
Will I receive the same financial aid package, including scholarships, at another college?
If you seamlessly transition to one of PC’s partnering Teach-Out Institutions, then you will be expected to pay the same net tuition costs to attend. The scholarships and other aid you receive may have different names or come in different amounts, but the portion of the tuition for which you are personally responsible should be the same or less than it would be at PC.
If you transfer to a non-partnering institution with whom PC does not have a Teach-Out Agreement, then you will need to work with that institution’s Admission and Financial Aid Offices on your financial aid package.
Throughout this semester, PC staff will be available to help you with this process and get you in touch with the right contacts who can answer your questions.
Can I get work-study at my new school?
If you qualify for federal work-study as part of your financial aid package, you can apply to work-study jobs at your new institution.
How will these changes impact my veteran (VA) benefits, such as the Post-9/11 GI Bill?
If you receive VA benefits at Presentation College, your benefits at another institution are likely to continue, but you should review your benefits with the VA representative at your future institution.
What should I do if I already submitted my FAFSA for 2023-24 at Presentation College?
If you filed a FAFSA® for the 2023–24 award year identifying Presentation College as the institution you would be attending, and need the information forwarded to another institution, visit fafsa.gov to make changes to your filed application.
Do I need to complete a new FAFSA?
If you have completed a 2022-23 or 2023-24 FAFSA for Presentation College, you will only need to add the school code of the new school. Once the Financial Aid Office knows where students will be transitioning, they can assist you in adding the school code.
Updated 1/17/23
What will happen to the campus buildings when Presentation College officially ceases operations?
The Presentation Sisters have continuously sponsored the College and retain ownership of the campus land. Determination of the use and disposition of long-term assets of the College will be made in the future with all relevant parties.
Will we still be allowed to utilize the facilities at the College if we have contracts or events scheduled with the school?
Facility use contracts already in place are valid through August 2023. If you have a draft contract, or a signed contract for an event after that date, questions can be directed to the Business Office.
Will College events and athletics competitions continue this spring, and if so, are they still open to the community?
Yes, any events, including spring sports, that are already scheduled this semester will continue as planned. As always, we welcome community attendance to the College’s public events. We hope you will join us in helping our current students feel welcome and supported.
How is the College supporting current students and employees through this transition?
The College has multiple Teach-Out Agreements in place with other colleges and universities that have agreed to provide a seamless transition. Students will be able to talk with the partnering Teach-Out Institutions at a Teach-Out Fair, January 30-31. The Financial Aid Office will assist students and their families with financial aid applications. In a unique partnership for college transitions, the College is also bringing independent academic coaches from College Possible to campus to assist students with their individual plans. Of course, the College will support students who opt instead to transfer to other institutions.
Multiple Career and Job Fairs were scheduled to assist current employees with the transition.
Disposition of Assets
Presentation College is focus on helping all of our students and employee through this difficult time and is not currently addressing the disposition of any assets. This will not be until Mid-March, at the earliest. Interested individuals should check back on the website then.
Updated 1/17/23
Is Presentation College filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
Filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is not Presentation College’s intent. The College will cease educational operations at the end of August 2023. Certain administrative and maintenance functions at the College will continue as needed.
On what date will business contracts end?
The College anticipates that the terms of existing contracts will continue, though certain agreements may be renegotiated to better reflect anticipated operational needs.
Should my company continue to send invoices according to the contract terms or will there be a final payout?
Invoices should continue to be sent to the College in accordance with existing agreements.
What does the College’s cessation of operations mean for academic partners?
The cessation of educational operations may affect each academic partner differently depending upon the nature of the partnerships and the College’s anticipated needs leading up to August 31, 2023.
Teach-Out vs. Transfer
Teach-Out v. Transfer
What is the difference between enrolling at a Teach-Out Institution and transferring?
Teach-Out Agreements entered into by Presentation College for its current students typically include protections that exceed what non-partnering institutions typically provide. These benefits include the following:
- Automatic admission of current PC students in good academic standing (see more information below)
- Guaranteed acceptance of 100% successfully completed credits at PC
- Guaranteed same time to degree completion – Students will need to complete the same number of semesters at the Teach-Out Institution as they would have at PC to finish their degrees.
- Comparable net tuition – Students will receive comparable financial aid packages so that the net tuition amount the student is expected to contribute to complete their degree will be the same (or less) as they would have had to pay at PC. While the scholarships may be packaged differently and with different names, the amounts will be comparable. PC students will not need to negotiate that process or be concerned about the Teach-Out Institutions’ published “sticker” price.
Many institutions accept applications for transfer students, but the process may not be as seamless or have the same guarantees as with transitioning to a partnering Teach-Out Institution. Therefore, it is often in the best interest of students to transition to a designated Teach-Out Institution.

Teach-Out Information
So far Presentation College has negotiated Teach-Out Agreements with the institutions listed below. PC continues to negotiate agreements with regional institutions and will post new Teach-Out Agreements as they are finalized.
Teach-Out Institutions
Briar Cliff University is a community committed to higher education within a liberal arts and Catholic perspective. In the Franciscan tradition of service, caring, and openness to all, Briar Cliff emphasizes quality education for its students, combining a broad intellectual background with career development. The University challenges its members to grow in self-awareness and in their relationship to others and to God.
The terms of this agreement are as follows:
1. All Presentation College student credits will be accepted toward an equal or comparable degree program at Briar Cliff University. Briar Cliff University will provide 100% transfer of all credits granted or accepted as transfer by Presentation College, including graduate credits and guarantee admission to Presentation College students with no-application fees, provided students are in good standing at Presentation College.
2. For each student transferring to Briar Cliff University from Presentation College, the net tuition and fee cost to complete courses and other requirements to graduate will cost the same or less than what the student would pay at Presentation College in their last year of enrollment, with an expected tuition rate increase of 3% in all subsequent years. Presentation College students will pay listed Briar Cliff University room and board charges they select at Briar Cliff University.
3. The pathway to graduation for each student transferring to Briar Cliff University will allow the student to complete their program in the same timeframe as was possible at Presentation College (or sooner) as long as the student continues to maintain satisfactory progress and completes all requirements as per the agreed upon plan.
4. Briar Cliff University will waive minimum enrollment requirements and credit requirements at Briar Cliff University for Presentation College students.
5. Briar Cliff University’s academic programs are available in both in-person and online formats. Residency requirements will be waived for Presentation College students.
a. Online/Degree Completion Programs:
i. Business Administration
iir RN-BSN
iii. Sport Management
b. Online Program (with several days of in-person skills assessment):
i. Masters of Nursing- FNP
c. In-Person Programs:
i. Biology
ii. Business Administration
iii. Criminal Justice
iv. Human Performance
v. Kinesiology
vi. Mass Communications
vii. Nursing (BSN)
viii. Psychology
ix. Radiologic Technology
x. Sport Management
6. Briar Cliff University provides students the opportunity to develop individualized major programs that are either interdisciplinary (2 disciplines) or multidisciplinary (3 disciplines). For students whose major is not listed above, Briar Cliff University advisors will work with those students to develop an individualized program of study based on courses taken at Presentation College and available courses at Briar Cliff University.
7. Whenever possible, students in licensure programs will be supported in obtaining an equal or comparable license.
8. Briar Cliff University will provide information and advising to Presentation College student regarding options and pathways for completing their degrees at Briar Cliff University through Briar Cliff. University’s on-campus and/or online programs.
9. Presentation College students who have completed all General Education requirements at Presentation College will have their general education transferred as a block, satisfying the Briar Cliff University general education requirements. Presentation College will confirm completion of Presentation College’s general education requirements so students can be approved for the block transfer.
10. Briar Cliff University will commit staff and faculty time to work with Presentation College students, faculty, advisors, and admissions and financial aid staff to support each individual student in preparing for transfer and teach-out at Briar Cliff University, including development of individualized degree plans. Presentation College will commit staff and faculty time to support each student in preparing for transfer and teach-out at Briar Cliff University. Presentation College will support and provide opportunities for regular in-person or virtual and electronic communications for Briar Cliff University and Presentation College students regarding the transition process.
11. Briar Cliff University will deploy an advising, academic support, and student services team to support the success of continuing Presentation College students.
12. Presentation College athletes are eligible for recruiting by the Briar Cliff University athletics department in varsity and junior varsity programs.
13. Presentation College and Briar Cliff University will exchange data. Presentation College will facilitate this transfer of data by obtaining a FER PA waiver from each student wishing to attend Briar Cliff University so that information on admissions, grades, and financial aid may be appropriately shared.
Bryan College of Health Sciences, located in Lincoln, Nebraska, offers undergraduate degrees in nursing, sonography, biomedical sciences, healthcare studies and completion options. Our graduate offerings include the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) with tracks in Leadership and Education, doctoral degrees in nurse anesthesia (DNAP) and education (EdD), along with certificate options for both undergraduate and graduate students. The College also offers Basic Nursing Assistant, phlebotomy and courses for college credit for high school students.
BCHS is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and approved to operate as a post-secondary institution in the state of Nebraska by the Post-Secondary Coordinating Commission. Our BSN program maintains specialized accreditation with the Accrediting Council on Education in Nursing and authorization to operate by the Nebraska State Board of Nursing.
The terms of this agreement are as follows:
1. PC students will be guaranteed admission to BCHS by filling out an admission application; there is no application fee. Upon receipt of application, a personalized curriculum plan will be documented for the incoming student, included courses needing to be retaken, and communicated by the Records and Registration department. Enrollment deposit will be waived for PC students.
2. Requirements will be waived for number of credits required to be taken at BCHS. PC transcripted student credits will be accepted if they meet the minimum grade criteria at BCHS. Required classes for which a grade was earned below the required minimum must be retaken at BCHS at the PC tuition rate; this may add additional time to degree completion. Individualized curriculum plans will be provided to students following receipt of admission materials.
3. The cost of required tuition and fees to complete requirements to graduate from BCHS will be comparable to the net cost per student at PC.
4. The individualized curriculum plan for each student received for teach out at BCHS will document a timeframe to completion as close as possible to the previously scheduled timeframe, not to exceed one additional semester if necessary. Incoming students must meet all BCHS general education, major, and college requirements to graduate. These requirements may be fulfilled through transcription of incoming coursework completed at PC.
5. Nursing students will be required to complete NURS223 Clinical Judgement in Nursing, regardless of their academic level. Clinical experiences are concurrent with nursing theory courses. There will be no requirement to achieve 1214 clinical hours as outlined in the BSN curriculum plan for traditional BCHS students. Combined clinical hours earned by PC students in BCHS courses and at PC will satisfy graduation requirements.
6. The Biomedical Sciences and Nursing programs at BCHS are only available in the
face to face format. In the event that remaining course requirements are all
available in the distance education format, BCHS is a member of NC-SARA and is authorized to offer distance education to students in South Dakota.
7. Students in the.Nursing program will be supported in their preparation to pass
the NCLEX following graduation. Both South Dakota and Nebraska are part of
the Nursing Licensure Compact.
8. BCHS will provide staff and faculty resources to work with PC students on an individualized basis including academic support, advising, financial aid, mental
health counseling, etc. All services available to current BCHS students would
extend to incoming PC students.
9. BCHS is a non-residential campus. PC students would be required to obtain off campus housing, contact Union College for on campus housing options, or apply for intergenerational housing at Tabitha Healthcare Services.
BVU is a community of doers, cultivators, and creators who believe in transformative higher education. At BVU, we possess an innate instinct to build. It’s rooted in our identity as Beavers and in our belief that we can and should better the world around us. We are an institution forging new ways of learning and serving. We are committed to empowering our students and know that their work does not just stay in Storm Lake. Beavers carry it with them as they build throughout the region and across the globe.
The terms of this agreement are as follows:
1. All credits successfully completed from Presentation College students will be accepted toward an equal or comparable degree program at Buena Vista University. Buena Vista University will accept 100% of all credits granted or accepted in transfer by Presentation College, including graduate credits , and guarantee admission to Presentation College students in good academic standing. No application fees will be charged.
a. Buena Vista University defines “good academic standing” as:
i. Undergraduate Students:
1. Qualitative progress:
a. A cumulative GPA of 1.75 or above for students with less than 24 college credits earned.
b. A cumulative GPA of 1.90 or above for students with 24-55.99 credits earned.
c. A cumulative GPA of 2.00 or above for students with 56.0 credits earned or two years of college enrollment, whichever comes first.
2. Quantitative Progress: Students must complete 67% of the credit hours attempted to be making quantitative progress.
2. Many, but not all, of the Buena Vista University academic courses and programs are available both in person on the main campus and online. Buena Vista University advisors and faculty will work with Presentation College students to review programs and delivery modality options available. Teach-Out Programs available include:
a. Undergraduate Programs:
i. Bachelor of Science — Biology – on campus
ii. Bachelor of Arts – Business – on campus or online
iii. Bachelor of Arts – Communication Studies – on campus
iv. Bachelor of Arts – Criminology and Criminal Justice – on campus and online
v. Bachelor of Science – Exercise Science – on campus
vi. Bachelor of Science – Biomedical Science – on campus (PC = Health Science)
vii. Bachelor of Science – Rehabilitation Health Sciences – on campus (PC = Health Science)
viii. Bachelor of Arts – Human Services – online
ix. Bachelor of Arts – Interdisciplinary Studies (Distributive major) – on campus
x. Bachelor of Arts – Organizational Leadership – online
xi. Bachelor of Arts – Psychology – on campus or online
b. Buena Vista University excludes the following program areas from this teach-out agreement because the University does not offer or have a comparable degree/program:
i. All Associate of Science Programs
ii. All Associate of Arts Programs
iii. All Nursing programs
iv. The following Bachelor of Science majors:
1. Healthcare Administration
2. Radiologic Technology
c. Buena Vista University excludes the following program areas from this teach-out agreement for Junior and Senior standing Presentation College students because the program curriculum requirements do not align to allow completion in the same time frame as their current program. Instead, Junior and Senior standing students may choose to TRANSFER into related programs at Buena Vista University which is separate from this teach-out agreement. Freshman and Sophomore standing students, however could complete the alternative program in the time allocated.
i. The Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Management at Presentation College (although students with Sophomore or Freshman standing may choose to transfer or transition to Buena Vista University’s Bachelor of Arts in Business with a concentration in Management)
ii. The Bachelor of Science in Sport and Event Management Human Services at Presentation College (although students with Sophomore or Freshman standing may choose to transfer or transition to Buena Vista University’s Bachelor of Arts in Business with a concentration in Sport Business)
3. For each student transitioning to Buena Vista University from Presentation College, the applicable undergraduate or graduate net tuition to complete required courses for graduation will cost the same or less than what the student paid at Presentation College in their last year of enrollment, with an annual tuition rate increase of no more than 5% in all subsequent years. Room/Board as well as Course/Program/Other fees beyond the tuition will be charged at Buena Vista University’s published undergraduate or graduate rate. Each Presentation College student will be provided complete information about tuition and fees and any other costs associated with completing their degrees at Buena Vista University. Buena Vista University’s costs can be found at: https://www.bvu.edu/admissions/tuition-financial-aid/bvu-tuition-fees
a. The tuition agreement outlined above only applies to students that have matriculated at Presentation College.
4. The pathway to graduation for each student transitioning to Buena Vista University will allow the student to complete their program on the same timeframe as was possible at Presentation College (or
sooner) as long as the student continues to maintain satisfactory progress and completes all requirements as per the agreed upon plan.
5. Buena Vista University will waive minimum enrollment requirements, residency requirements, and upper-level credit requirements for Presentation College students.
6. Buena Vista University will commit staff and faculty time to work with Presentation College students, faculty, advisors, admissions, and financial aid staff to support each individual student in preparing for transfer or teach-out at Buena Vista University including development of individualized degree plans. Presentation College will commit staff and faculty time to support each student in preparing for transfer or teach-out at Buena Vista University. Presentation College will support and provide opportunities for regular in-person (or virtual) and electronic communications for Buena Vista University and Presentation College students regarding the transition process.
7. Buena Vista University will deploy an advising, academic support, and student services team to support the success of continuing Presentation College students.
8. Whenever possible, students in licensure programs will be supported in obtaining an equal or comparable curriculum to prepare for the program specific national certification and/or licensure exam.
9. With the exception of some requirements in Buena Vista University’s professional preparation programs that result in certification or licensure, Buena Vista University’s approach to individualized degree planning will allow Presentation College degree plans to be used more or less “as is” on Buena Vista University degree plans.
10. Presentation College students may complete their degree plans using Buena Vista University’s on-campus or online courses in combination with the availability of independent study or consortium courses if the course is not available in time for graduation.
11. Buena Vista University staff will make reasonable recommendations to Presentation College students regarding either on-campus housing (on a first come first-serve basis) or nearby off-campus housing.
12. Buena Vista University is a member of the NCAA Division III American River’s Conference for athletic programs. Buena Vista University will commit athletics coaching and other staff time to work with Presentation College student athletes to describe the opportunities for Presentation College student athletes to join Buena Vista University teams and offer personal consultations with students to determine athletic eligibility to compete in his/her respective sport. Student-athletes from Presentation College will be afforded the same opportunities to join Buena Vista University athletic teams as any other new student. Sports include: Baseball (men); Basketball (men and women); Cheer (men and women); Cross Country (men and women); Dance (men and women); Football (men); Golf (men and women); Soccer (men and women); Softball (women); Stunt (men and women); Tennis (men and women); Track and Field (men and women); Volleyball (women); Wrestling (men and women). Club sports include:; Archery (men and women); Clay Target Sports (men and women); Esports (men and women); Livestock showing (men and women); Rodeo (men and women).
Carroll University provides a superior education, rooted in its Presbyterian and liberal arts heritage, and draws upon its Christian tradition to prepare all students for vocational success, lifelong learning and service in a diverse and global society.
The terms of this agreement are as follows:
1. All Presentation College student credits will be accepted toward an equal or comparable degree program at Carroll University. Carroll University will provide 100 % transfer of all credits granted or accepted as transfer by Presentation College, including graduate credits, and guarantee admission to Presentation College students with no application fees, provided students are in good standing at Presentation College.
2. For each student transferring to Carroll University from Presentation College, the net cost to complete courses and other requirements to graduate will cost the same or less than what the student would pay at Presentation College (inclusive of all costs, tuition, residency expenses, fees, etc.).
3. The pathway to graduation for each student transferring to Carroll University will allow the student to complete their program on the same timeframe as was possible at Presentation College (or sooner).
4. Carroll University will waive minimum enrollment requirements and credit requirements at Carroll University for Presentation College students.
5. Carroll University’s academic programs are available in in-person or online formats and residency requirements will be waived for Presentation College students.
6. Whenever possible, students in licensure programs will be supported in obtaining an equal or comparable license.
7. Carroll University will provide information and advising to Presentation College students about options and pathways for completing their degrees at Carroll University through Carroll University’s on-campus and/or online degree programs.
8. With the exception of some requirements in Carroll University’s professional preparation programs that result in certification or licensure, Carroll University’s programs will allow Presentation College degree plans to be used more or less “as is” on Carroll University degree plans. Students seeking licensure must complete the program requirements specified for the professional program. Presentation College students may complete their degree plans using Carroll University’s on-campus or online courses in combination with individualized, i.e., mentored course studies which result in individualized course titles on the Presentation College transcript. Undergraduate and graduate degree plans may specify an individualized concentration title that will be listed on the diploma and transcript so that Presentation College degree titles carry forward with Carroll University’s records.
9. Carroll University will commit staff and faculty time to work with Presentation College students, faculty, advisors, and admissions and financial aid staff to support each individual student in preparing for transfer and teach-out at Carroll University, including development of individualized degree plans. Presentation College will commit staff and faculty time to support each student in preparing for transfer and teach-out at Presentation College. Carroll University will support and provide opportunities for regular in-person (or virtual) and electronic communications for Presentation College and Presentation College students regarding the transition process.
10. Carroll University will deploy an advising, academic support and student services team to support the success of continuing Presentation College students.
Founded in 1854, Central Methodist University is a four-year, private, liberal arts university. CMU’s main campus, home to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS), is located in Fayette, Missouri, enrolling 1,100 students. More than 4,000 students attend CMU’s College of Graduate and Extended Studies (CGES), which offers classes online and at sites across Missouri and the region. CMU is affiliated with the United Methodist Church and welcomes students of all faiths.
The terms of this agreement are as follows:
1. All Presentation College students will be accepted toward an equal or comparable degree
program at Central Methodist University. Central Methodist University will accept 100%
transfer of all credits granted or accepted as transfer by Presentation College, and guarantee admission of Presentation College students with no application fees, provided students are in good standing at Presentation College.
2. For each student transitioning to Central Methodist University from Presentation College, the
cost to the student will be the same or less than what the student would pay at Presentation College, but may not exceed a discounted rate of 60% [Sixty percent maximum discount rate] on total mandatory tuition and fees for the academic year of $27,860 or $11,144)
3. The pathway to graduation for each Presentation College student transitioning to Central
Methodist University will allow the student to complete their program on the same timeframe
as was possible at Presentation College (or sooner).
4. Central Methodist University will waive minimum enrollment and credit requirements at
Central Methodist University for Presentation College students.
5. Central Methodist University’s academic programs are available in both in person and online formats and residency requirements will be waived for Presentation College students.
6. Whenever possible, students in licensure programs will be supported in obtaining an equal or comparable license.
7. Central Methodist University will provide information and advising to Presentation College
Students about options and pathways for completing their degrees at Central Methodist
University, either online or on-campus.
8. With the exception of some requirements in Central Methodist University’s professional
preparation programs that result in certification or licensure, Central Methodist University’s individualized degree planning will allow Presentation College degree plans to be used more
or less “as is” on Central Methodist University degree plans. Students seeking licensure must complete the program requirements specified for the professional program. Presentation
College students may complete their degree plans through individualized evaluations of
courses by Central Methodist University to maximize the required courses as outlined on the transcript from Presentation College, in accordance with licensure requirements of the state of Missouri.
9. Central Methodist University will commit staff and faculty time to work with Presentation College students, faculty, advisors, and admissions and financial aid staff to support each individual student in preparing transfer and teach out at Presentation College including development of individual degree plans. Presentation College will commit staff and faculty time to support each student in preparing for transfer and teach out at Presentation College. Central Methodist University will support and provide opportunities for regular in person or virtual, including electronic, communications for Presentation College and Presentation College regarding the transition process.
10. Central Methodist University will deploy an advising, academic support and student services team to support the success of continuing Presentation College students.
11. Central Methodist University residence halls area available to all students from Presentation College.
12. All intercollegiate programs are available for all eligible participants at Central Methodist University.
13. Enrollment in graduate programs is available to all students of Presentation College.
Coe is one of few colleges in the nation to see record-breaking class numbers over the last several years.
We remain laser-focused on increasing our value among current and prospective students through providing a first-class education, career planning and preparation, capitalizing on our location and continuous campus improvements.
The terms of this agreement are as follows:
1. All credits successfully completed from Presentation College students will be accepted toward an equal or comparable degree program at Coe College. Coe College will accept 100% of all credits granted or accepted in transfer by Presentation College, and guarantee admission to Presentation College students in good academic standing. No application fees will be charged.
a. Coe College, where one course credit = 4 semester hours, defines “good academic standing” as: Undergraduate Students:
I. Full details on Coe’s academic standing policies can be found on pp. 43-45 of the 2022-2023 Coe College Catalog.
2. Almost all of the Coe College academic courses and programs are available in person on the main campus, while a few general education courses are available online each summer. Coe College advisors will work with Presentation College students to review programs and delivery modality options available. Teach-Out Programs available include Coe’s on-campus programs:
a. Undergraduate Programs:
• Bachelor of Nursing, comparable to PC’s B.S.N. on campus
• Bachelor of Arts in Biology, comparable to PC’s B.S. in Biology-on campus
• Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies, comparable to PC’s S.S. in Communication-on campus
• Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology, comparable to PC’s S.S. in Exercise Science on campus
• Bachelor of Arts in “Interdisciplinary Major” (design your own)- on campus, comparable to PC’s B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies-on campus
• Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, comparable to PC’s B.S. in psychology
• Bachelor of Arts In Business Administration (with concentration in sports management), comparable to PC’s Sport and Event Management-on campus
• Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration, comparable to PC’s S.S. in Business-on campus
Graduate Programs:
Coe College does not offer graduate programs.
b. Coe College excludes the following program areas from this teach-out agreement because the University does not offer or have a comparable degree/program:
Criminal Justice-B.S.-on campus
Healthcare Administration-B.S.-on campus
Health Science-8.S.-on campus
Human Resource Management-B.S.-on campus
Human Services-B.S.-on campus
Organizational Management and Leadership-B.S.-on campus Psychology-B. S. -online
Radiologic Technology-B.S.-on campus
Nursing LPN-BSN-on campus
Nursing RN-BSN-on campus
Family Nurse Practitioner-on campus
3. For each student transitioning to Coe College from Presentation College, the applicable undergraduate or graduate net tuition to complete required courses for graduation will cost the same or less than what the student paid at Presentation College in their last year of enrollment, with an annual tuition rate that will increase at the same percentage as Coe’s tuition. For each student utilizing the teach-out option enrolled full-time, the net tuition for the 2023-2024 academic year will be equivalent to the net tuition of PC. In subsequent years, the net tuition will increase at the same percentage as Coe’s tuition. Coe will honor the· PC net tuition agreement for up to 8 full-time terms of enrollment
(includes PC and Coe enrollment):
Net tuition calculation: Presentation College Tuition minus Presentation College scholarships and grants minus federal grant awards based on the results of the 23-24 FAFSA = Net tuition at Coe College for a Presentation College student.
4. Room/Board as well as Course/Program/Other fees beyond the tuition will be charged at the Coe College published undergraduate rate. Each Presentation College student will be provided complete information about tuition and fees and any other costs associated with completing their degrees at Coe College. Coe College costs can be found at: https://www.coe.edu/admission/first-year-students/tuition-fees
a. The tuition agreement outlined above only applies to students that have matriculated at Presentation College.
5. The pathway to graduation for each student transitioning to the Coe College will allow the student to complete their program on the same timeframe as was possible at Presentation College (or sooner) as long as the student continues to maintain satisfactory progress and completes all requirements as per the agreed upon plan.
6. Coe College. will waive minimum enrollment requirements and residency requirements for Presentation College students.
7. Coe College will commit staff and faculty time to work with Presentation College students, faculty, advisors, admissions, and financial aid staff to support each individual student in preparing for transfer or teach-out at Coe College including development of individualized degree plans. Presentation College will commit staff and faculty time to support each student in preparing for transfer or teach-out at Coe College. Presentation College will support and provide opportunities for regular in-person (or virtual) and electronic communications for Coe College and Presentation College students regarding the transition process.
8. Coe College will deploy an advising, academic support, and student services team to support the success of continuing Presentation College students.
9. Whenever possible, students in licensure programs will be supported in obtaining an equal or comparable curriculum to prepare for the program specific national certification and/or licensure exam.
a. Coe College’s nursing licensure programs are approved by the: Iowa State Board of Nursing and fully accredited by CCNE and must comply with the state statutes and regulations. Completion of any Coe nursing program does not guarantee licensure.
10. With the exception of some requirements In Coe College’s professional preparation programs that result in certification or licensure, Coe College’s approach to individualized degree planning will allow Presentation College degree plans to be used more or less “as is” on Coe College degree plans.
11. Presentation College students may complete their degree plans using Coe College’s on campus courses in combination with the availability of an independent study, a directed study, or a comparable substitution determined by the program head if the course Is not available in time for graduation.
12. Coe College staff will make reasonable recommendations to Presentation College students regarding either on-campus housing (on a first come first-serve basis) or nearby off-campus housing. Presentation College students may elect to live off campus and not Incur room and board charges.
13. Coe College Is a member of the NCAA Division Ill Collegiate Athletic Conference for athletic programs. Coe College will commit athletics coaching and other staff time to work with Presentation College student athletes to describe the opportunities for Presentation College student athletes to join Coe teams and offer personal consultations with students to determine athletic eligibility to compete In his/her respective sport. Student-athletes from Presentation College will be afforded the same opportunities to join Coe athletic teams as any other new student. Sports include:
Mens: Baseball, Basketball, Soccer, Swimming and Diving, Bowling (USBC), Tennis, Cross Country, Track and Field, Football, Wrestling, and Golf
Womens: Basketball, Swimming and Diving, Bowling (USBC)1 Tennis, Cross Country, Track and Field, Golf, Triathlon, Soccer, Volleyball, and Softball
Co-ed: Archery (USA Archery), Cheer, Dance, Clay Target (ACUI), and Esports.
2. For each student transferring to CSM from Presentation College, the net cost to complete courses and other graduation requirements will be the same or less than the student would pay at Presentation College (inclusive of all costs – tuition, residency expenses, fees, etc.).
3. The pathway to graduation for each student transferring to CSM will allow the student to complete their program in the same timeframe as was possible at Presentation College (or sooner).
4. College of Saint Mary will waive minimum enrollment requirements and credit requirements for Presentation College students.
5. College of Saint Mary’s academic programs are available in on-campus formats (with some courses on line) and residency requirements will be waived for Presentation College students.
6. College of Saint Mary will provide information and advising to Presentation College student regarding options and pathways for completing their degrees at CSM through College of Saint Mary’s degree programs.
7. Whenever possible, students in licensure programs will be supported in obtaining an equal or comparable license. CSM offers a Bachelor of Science in nursing and practical nursing certificate.
8. With the exception of some requirements in CSM’s professional preparation programs that result in certification or licensure, CSM’s approach to individualized degree planning will allow Presentation College degree plans to be used more or less “as is” on CSM’s degree plans. Students seeking licensure must complete the program requirements specified for the professional program. Presentation College students may complete their degree plans using CSM’s on-campus or online courses in combination with individualized course studies which result in individualized course titles on the CSM transcript. Undergraduate degree plans may specify an individualized concentration title that will be listed on the diploma and transcripts so that Presentation College degree titles carry forward with CSM records.
9. CSM will commit staff and faculty time to work with Presentation College students, faculty, advisors, and admissions and financial aid staff to support each individual student in preparing for transfer and teach-out at CSM, including development of individualized degree plans. Presentation College will commit staff and faculty time to support each student in preparing for transfer and teach-out at CSM. Presentation College will support and provide opportunities for regular in-person or virtual and electronic communications for CSM and Presentation College students regarding the transition process.
Many universities claim to be “different.” At Dakota Wesleyan University, our deeply rooted values of lifelong learning, leadership development, faith exploration and genuine service to others are the cornerstones of what makes us “different.” Why DWU?
Traditions embedded in our United Methodist values. Faculty who teach rigorously and care deeply. Students who exemplify synergism and develop lifelong friendships. Parents who entrust their children to the care of the college community. Faith leaders who embody conviction and principles in their ministries. Graduates who impact the world with their leadership and service. And donors who give willingly to sustain our efforts.
These and countless other reasons make DWU different. Our student body is purposefully small. In fact, with a student-to-faculty ratio of 13:1, every student receives the well-rounded, personalized education they deserve.
The terms of this agreement are as follows:
1. Dakota Wesleyan University will accept all credits from undergraduate Presentation College students who have completed 54 credit hours or more and apply them toward a specified list (of equal or comparable) degree programs at Dakota Wesleyan University.
2. Dakota Wesleyan University will guarantee admission to all undergraduate Presentation College students (who have completed 54 credit hours or more) with no application fees, provided students are in good standing at
Presentation College.
3. Dakota Wesleyan will accept all credits earned by these students and apply them toward their respective degree program requirements and general education requirements.
4. For each eligible teach-out student from Presentation College (including student athletes, whether or not they are selected to compete on Dakota Wesleyan University athletic teams), the net cost to complete courses and other requirements to graduate from the Dakota Wesleyan University will be the same or less than what the student would pay at Presentation College (inclusive of tuition and fees). Dakota Wesleyan will provide each student entering into the teach-out agreement with a clear statement of tuition, costs, and fees.
5. The pathway to degree completion for each undergraduate student entering into the teach-out agreement with Dakota Wesleyan University will enable students to complete their program in approximately the same amount of time as it would have taken them to complete at Presentation College (if not sooner).
6. For those teach-out students who enroll at Dakota Wesleyan University with fewer than 30 hours to complete in their degree program, Dakota Wesleyan University will waive the requirement that students seeking a bachelor’s degree complete their final 30 hours of course work under the auspices of Dakota Wesleyan University.
7. Whenever possible, students in licensure programs will be supported in obtaining an equal or comparable license.
8. Dakota Wesleyan University will provide information and academic advising to Presentation College students regarding any relevant options and/or pathways for completing their degrees at Dakota Wesleyan University.
9. Dakota Wesleyan University will commit the time of relevant and appropriate staff and faculty members to work with Presentation College students, faculty advisors, and financial aid staff to support each individual student in preparing to enter into the teach-out agreement.
10. Dakota Wesleyan University will support international students in transitioning.
11. Dakota Wesleyan University will make its advising, academic support, and student services fully available to all Presentation College students enrolling through the teach-out program.
12. Dakota Wesleyan University athletic programs and performing arts programs are open to students wishing to participate.
Dickinson State University is a regional comprehensive institution within the North Dakota University System, whose primary role is to contribute to intellectual, social, economic, and cultural development, especially to southwestern North Dakota. The University’s mission is to provide high-quality, accessible programs; to promote excellence in teaching and learning; to support scholarly and creative activities; and to provide service relevant to the economy, health, and quality of life for the citizens of the State of North Dakota.
The terms of this agreement are as follows:
- All Presentation College student credits will be accepted toward an equal or comparable degree program at Dickinson State University. Dickinson State University will provide 100% transfer of all credits granted or accepted by Presentation College, including graduate credits, and guarantee admission to Dickinson State University. Dickinson State University will not charge application fees to PC students, provided students are in good standing at Presentation College. Students will use the code DSU22 when applying to waive the fee.
- Net tuition will be comparable for Presentation College students (likely lower), as DSU is a public institution with rates set by the state of North Dakota: https://dickinsonstate.edu/admissions/tuition-and-cost-to-attend/index.html Furthermore, DSU is offering each PC student transitioning to DSU the following:
- Students who have a cumulative college grade point average of 3.0 or higher as recorded on their official transcript from Presentation College will receive the Presidential Scholarship of $1,600 per academic year for up to four years to be used towards full-time tuition at Dickinson State University. The total award equals approximately 20% off tuition using the current DSU tuition and fee schedule for enrollment at 30 credits per academic year within the New North Dakotan rate.
- PC Students who have an cumulative college grade point average of 2.0-2.99 as recorded on their official transcript from Presentation College will receive the DSU Academic Scholarship of $1,000 per academic year for up to four years to be used towards full-time tuition at Dickinson State University as long as the student maintains a grade point average of 2.0 or higher. The total award equals approximately 14% off tuition using the current DSU tuition and fee schedule for enrollment at 30 credits per academic year within the New North Dakotan rate.
- All students in good academic standing who transition from Presentation College to Dickinson State University, despite their residency, will pay the North Dakota resident tuition rate (New North Dakotan rate).
- To the best of Dickinson State University’s ability, and dependent on student success and correlation of courses into Dickinson State University degree programs, all students who transition from Presentation College to Dickinson State University in good academic standing will be provided an academic pathway that will allow them to complete their program on the same timeframe as was possible at Presentation College (or sooner).
- Dickinson State University will provide access to Presentation College students’ course options in multiple modalities, including online, face-to-face, and hybrid. Program modalities may require residency on some occasions. This information will be clearly shared and widely distributed with Presentation College transfer students.
- Whenever possible, students in licensure programs will be supported in obtaining an equal or comparable license.
- Dickinson State University will provide information and advising to Presentation College students about options and pathways for completing their degrees at Dickinson State University through Dickinson State University’s on-campus and/or online degree programs.
- Dickinson State University will commit staff and faculty time to work with Presentation College students, faculty, advisors, and admissions and financial aid staff to support each individual student in preparing for transfer and teach-out at Dickinson State University, including the development of individualized degree plans. Presentation College will commit staff and faculty time to support each student in preparing for transfer and teach-out at Dickinson State University. Presentation College will support and provide opportunities for regular in-person (or virtual) and electronic communications for Dickinson State University and Presentation College students regarding the transition process.
- Dickinson State University will deploy an advising, academic support, and student services team to support the success of continuing Presentation College students.
- On-campus housing for all Presentation College transfer students will be made available following the posted housing rate schedule available on the DSU website.
- Presentation College athletes are eligible for recruiting by the Dickinson State University athletics department in varsity and junior varsity programs. If athletic offers are awarded by a Dickinson State University coach to prospective student-athletes, students can combine both athletic and academic offers. DSU athletics will evaluate eligible PC athletes for open roster spots.
- Enrollment in Dickinson State University Graduate Studies is open to Presentation College students if students meet the expressed guidelines of Dickinson State University programs. Presentation College graduate students may transfer a maximum of nine graduate credit hours into Dickinson State University graduate program offerings. Dickinson State University’s current offerings include Master of Sport Administration, Master of Business Administration, Master of Entrepreneurship, Master of Education in Elementary Education, and Master of Art in Teaching.
The Holy Cross College mission is to educate and form global citizens with the competence to see and the courage to act.
Holy Cross is a Catholic college that advances the apostolic mission of the Holy Cross Brothers. Our practical, experiential, liberal arts curriculum applies timeless truths to contemporary life and leads people to wholeness in the image of Christ.
The terms of this agreement are as follows:
1. All Presentation College students credits will be accepted toward an equal or comparable degree program at Holy Cross College. Holy Cross College will accept 100% of all credits granted or accepted as a transfer by Presentation College and guarantee admission to Holy Cross College with no application fees, provided students are in good standing at Presentation College.
2. For each student transferring to Holy Cross College from Presentation College, the net cost to complete courses and other requirements to graduate will cost the same or less than what the student would pay at Presentation College (inclusive of all costs, tuition, residency expenses, fee, etc.)
3. Presentation College students will also be awarded a $1,000 ‘Welcome Scholarship’, and thus their current net cost will be reduced by $1,000 at Holy Cross.
4. The pathway to graduation for each student transferring to Holy Cross College will allow the student and opportunity to complete their program on the same timeframe as was possible at Presentation College (or sooner).
5. Presentation College students will be considered for the graduate school pathway agreements that Holy Cross offers with the University of Notre Dame and several other graduate schools.
6. Holy Cross College will waive minimum enrollment requirements and credit requirement at Holy Cross College for Presentation College students.
7. Holy Cross College’s academic programs are available in-person, and residency requirements will be waived for Presentation College students.
8. Holy Cross College will provide information and advising to Presentation College students about options and pathways for completing their degrees at Holy Cross College through Holy Cross College’s on-campus degree programs.
9. Holy Cross College’s approach to individualized degree planning will allow Presentation College degree plans to be used more or less “as is” on Holy Cross College degree plans. Presentation College students may complete their degree plans using Holy Cross College’s on-campus courses in combination with individualized, i.e., mentored course studies which result in individualized course titles on the Holy Cross College transcript. Undergraduate degree plans may specify an individualized majors and tracks that will be listed on the transcript so that Presentation College degree titles carry forward with Holy Cross College records.
10. Holy Cross College will commit staff and faculty time to work with Presentation College students, faculty, advisors, and admissions, and financial aid staff to support each individual student in preparing for transfer and teach-out at Holy Cross College including development of individualized degree plans. Presentation College will commit staff and faculty time to support each student in preparing for transfer and teach-out at Holy Cross College. Holy Cross College will support and provide opportunities for regular in-person (or virtual) and electronic communications for Presentation College and Holy Cross College students regarding the transition process.
11. Holy Cross College will deploy a robust advising, academic support, and student services team to support the success of continuing Presentation College students.
12. Holy Cross College will make reasonable accommodations to students who wish to live on campus or nearby designated housing.
13. Holy Cross College is open to Presentation College students who participate in intercollegiate athletics program at the discretion of the coaches of each sport.
At Kansas Wesleyan, we are student-centered AND community focused. We offer an exceptional academic experience in a nurturing, friendly environment. Our students live AND learn on our gorgeous campus in the thriving city of Salina, Kansas.
The terms of this agreement are as follows:
1. All credits successfully completed from Presentation College students will be accepted toward an equal or comparable degree program at Kansas Wesleyan University. Kansas Wesleyan University will accept 100% of all credits granted or accepted in transfer by Presentation College, including graduate credits ,and guarantee admission to Presentation College students in good academic standing. No application fees will be charged.
a. Kansas Wesleyan University defines “good academic standing” as:
i. Undergraduate Students: GPA of 1.70 with less than 28 credit hours earned; GPA of 1.80 with 28 or greater but less than 44 credit hours earned; GPA of 1.90 with 44 or greater but less than 60 credit hours earned; GPA of 2.00 with 60 and over credit hours earned. Additionally, students must be within the maximum time frame to complete their degree (180 credit hours attempted) and must successfully complete 66% or more of all credit hours attempted.
ii. Undergraduate Nursing – Cumulative GPA of 2.8 on a 4.0 scale and completion of all prerequisite, Foundational, and Wesleyan Culture courses prior to beginning the Nursing program.
2. Many of Kansas Wesleyan University’s academic courses and programs are available both in person and online. Kansas Wesleyan University advisors will work with Presentation College students to review programs and delivery modality options available. Teach-Out Programs available include:
2a. Undergraduate Programs:
i. Bachelor of Science Biology (on campus)
ii. Bachelor of Arts Business (on campus)
iii. Bachelor of Arts Communication (on campus)
iv. Bachelor of Arts Criminal Justice (on campus and online)
v. Bachelor of Science Health Science (on campus)
vi. Bachelor of Arts Psychology (on campus)
vii. Bachelor of Arts Sports and Event Management (on campus)
viii. Bachelor of Science, major in Nursing (on campus)
2b. Kansas Wesleyan University excludes the following program areas from this teach-out agreement because the University does not offer or have a comparable degree/program:
i. Bachelor of Science Business (online)
ii. Bachelor of Science Healthcare Administration (online)
iii. Bachelor of Science Heath Science (online)
iv. Bachelor of Science Human Resource Management (on campus and online)
v. Bachelor of Science Human Services (on campus)
vi. Bachelor of Science Interdisciplinary Studies (on campus)
vii. Bachelor of Science Organizational Management and Leadership (on campus)
2c. Kansas Wesleyan University excludes the following program areas from this teach-out agreement for Junior and Senior standing Presentation College students because the program curriculum requirements do not align to allow completion in the same time frame as their current program. Instead, Junior and Senior standing students may choose to TRANSFER into related programs at Kansas Wesleyan University which is separate from this teach-out agreement. Freshman and Sophomore standing students, however could complete the alternative program in the time allocated. EX: below please fill in your institution’s alternatives, as applicable
i. Bachelor of Arts Communication (on campus)
ii. Bachelor of Arts Criminal Justice (on campus and online)
iii. Bachelor of Science Health Science (on campus)
iv. Bachelor of Arts Sports and Event Management (on campus)
3. For each student transitioning to Kansas Wesleyan University from Presentation College, the applicable undergraduate or graduate net tuition to complete required courses for graduation will cost the same or less than what the student paid at Presentation College in their last year of enrollment, with an annual tuition rate increase of no more than 4% in all subsequent years. Room/Board as well as Course/Program/Other fees beyond the tuition will be charged at Kansas Wesleyan University’s published undergraduate or graduate rate. Each Presentation College student will be provided complete information about tuition and fees and any other costs associated with completing their degrees at Kansas Wesleyan University. Kansas Wesleyan University costs can be found at: https://www.kwu.edu/pay-for-college/tuition-and-costs/
- The tuition agreement outlined above only applies to students that have matriculated at Presentation College.
4. The pathway to graduation for each student transitioning to Kansas Wesleyan University will allow the student to complete their program on the same timeframe as was possible at Presentation College (or sooner) as long as the student continues to maintain satisfactory progress and completes all requirements as per the agreed upon plan.
5. Kansas Wesleyan University will waive minimum enrollment requirements, residency requirements, and upper-level credit requirements for Presentation College students.
6. Kansas Wesleyan University will commit staff and faculty time to work with Presentation College students, faculty, advisors, admissions, and financial aid staff to support each individual student in preparing for transfer or teach-out at Kansas Wesleyan University including development of individualized degree plans. Presentation College will commit staff and faculty time to support each student in preparing for transfer or teach-out at Kansas Wesleyan University. Presentation College will support and provide opportunities for regular in-person (or virtual) and electronic communications for Kansas Wesleyan University and Presentation College students regarding the transition process.
7. Kansas Wesleyan University will deploy an advising, academic support, and student services team to support the success of continuing Presentation College students.
8. Whenever possible, students in licensure programs will be supported in obtaining an equal or comparable curriculum to prepare for the program specific national certification and/or licensure exam.
a. Kansas Wesleyan University’s nursing licensure programs are approved by the Kansas State Board of Nursing (KBOR) and the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE).
9. With the exception of some requirements in Kansas Wesleyan University’s professional preparation programs that result in certification or licensure, Kansas Wesleyan University’s approach to individualized degree planning will allow Presentation College degree plans to be used more or less “as is” on Kansas Wesleyan University degree plans.
10. Presentation College students may complete their degree plans using Kansas Wesleyan University’s on-campus or online courses in combination with the availability of independent study or consortium courses if the course is not available in time for graduation.
11. Kansas Wesleyan University staff will make reasonable recommendations to Presentation College students regarding either on-campus housing (on a first come first-serve basis) or nearby off-campus housing.
12. Kansas Wesleyan University is a member of the Kansas Collegiate Athletic Conference for athletic programs. Kansas Wesleyan University will commit athletics coaching and other staff time to work with Presentation College student athletes to describe the opportunities for Presentation College student athletes to join athletic teams and offer personal consultations with students to determine athletic eligibility to compete in his/her respective sport. Student-athletes from Presentation College will be afforded the same opportunities to join Kansas Wesleyan University athletic teams as any other new student. Sports include: EX: Baseball, Cheerleading, Dance, Esports, Flag Football, Football, Softball, Men’s and Women’s Basketball, Men’s and Women’s Bowling, Men’s and Women’s Cross Country, Men’s and Women’s Golf, Men’s and Women’s Soccer, Men’s and Women’s Tennis, Men’s and Women’s Track, Men’s and Women’s Volleyball.
Loras, a Catholic liberal arts college, creates a community of active learners, reflective thinkers, ethical decision-makers and responsible contributors in diverse professional, social and religious roles.
The terms of this agreement are as follows:
1. Loras College will guarantee undergraduate admission to Presentation College students provided the students are in good academic standing at Presentation College. Loras College will waive admission application fees for Presentation College students.
2. All Presentation College student credits will be accepted toward an equal or comparable baccalaureate degree program at Loras College. Loras College will provide 100% transfer of all credits granted, or accepted as transfer, by Presentation College.
3. Loras College will offer teach-out pathways, delivered in-person on the Loras College campus, for students in select Presentation College baccalaureate programs in accordance with the following table:
Presentation College Program Loras College Teach-Out Program:

4. Loras College will provide each Presentation College student participating in an approved teach-out program an individualized degree plan and financial plan within two weeks of receiving the student’s Presentation College transcript, degree plan/audit, and a copy of their financial aid
letters since enrolling at Presentation College. Presentation College students must also complete the FAFSA in order to be eligible to participate as a teach-out student.
5. Individualized degree plans for each student transferring to Loras College to complete an approved teach-out program will allow the student to complete their Loras degree on the same timeframe as was possible at Presentation College (or sooner) as long as the student continues to maintain satisfactory academic progress and completes all requirements as per the agreed upon plan.
6. As part of the individualized degree plan, each Presentation College student will receive a financial plan that outlines the student’s financial obligations, including tuition and fees, to complete the individualized degree plan. For students transferring to Loras College to complete an approved teach-out program, the net cost of tuition to complete the requirements identified in the individualized degree plan will cost the same, or less than, what the student would pay at Presentation College providing that the student completes the degree plan as articulated.
7. Presentation College students will pay the actual room and board charges they elect at Loras College. Transferring Presentation College students may elect to live off-campus and not incur room and board charges.
8. Loras College will waive limits on the maximum number of transfer credits applied to a Loras degree and the minimum number of credits that must be completed in residence at Loras College for Presentation College students.
9. Loras College will provide information and academic advising to Presentation College students about options and pathways for completing their degrees in the approved teach-out pathways at Loras College.
10. Loras College will commit staff and faculty time to work with Presentation College students, faculty, advisors, admissions and financial aid staff to support each individual student in preparing for transfer and teach-out at Loras College including the development of individualized degree and financial plans in one of the approved teach out programs. Presentation College will support and provide opportunities for regular in-person (or virtual) or and electronic communications for Loras College and Presentation College students regarding the transition process.
11. Loras College is a member of the American Rivers Conference (NCAA DIII) for athletic programs. Loras College will offer a consultation with Loras College Athletics Department personnel to each Presentation College student athlete (upon request) to determine eligibility to compete at Loras College in his or her respective sport.
Mayville State University is dedicated to excellence in teaching, service, and scholarship in dynamic, inclusive and supportive learning environments that are individually focused. We offer quality undergraduate and master’s programs enriched with practical experiences to prepare all learners for a global economy. Approved by SBHE November 2016.
The terms of this agreement are as follows:
1. All Presentation College student credits will be accepted toward .an equal or comparable degree program at Mayville State University. Mayville State will provide, 100% transfer of all credits granted or accepted as transfer or through other processes by Presentation College. Mayville State will waive admission application fees to Presentation College students, provided students are in good standing at Presentation College.
2. Net tuition will be comparable for Presentation College students and, in many instances, likely lower as Mayville State is a public university.
• For Presentation College students in good academic standing transitioning in a teach-out program or otherwise transitioning to Mayville State University beginning in either Summer or Fall 2023 terms, Mayville State will waive applicable out-of-state and international tuition and charge in-state North Dakota tuition rates.
• Full-time enrollees who have a cumulative grade point average of 2.75 or higher as recorded on their official transcript from Presentation College will receive a scholarship of $1,000 for the 2023-24 academic year.
• Additional financial support through both scholarships and financial aid are also available.
• Full information on tuition and fees is available online.
3. Mayville State University offers program specific teach-out plans for the following academic programs:

• To the best of Mayville State University’s ability, and dependent upon student success and correlation of courses to these programs at Mayville State, all Presentation College students who transition to Mayville State in good academic standing within these programs will be able to complete the program and will be provided an academic plan that permits completion of the program within the same timeframe as was possible at Presentation College.
• Students need to maintain satisfactory academic progress and complete all requirements per the agreed upon individualized plan.
• Presentation College students who enroll in a program from the teach-out plan with fewer than 30 hours to complete in their degree program, Mayville State University will waive the
30-credit residency requirement.
• Mayville State University program requirements to have accompanying minors or specializations in the above identified programs are waived for students transitioning in a program teach-out.
• Presentation College students who have completed all General Education requirements at Presentation College will have their general education credits transferred as a block to satisfy the Essential Studies courses with Mayville State University. Presentation will confirm satisfactory completion of general education requirements.
4. Mayville State excludes other Presentation College programs from teach-out. However, Mayville State commits to work fully with students in other programs as transfer students to programs available at Mayville State. Many of our programs are similar or include teacher education options. Please see our full list of programs.
5. Mayville State University will provide academic support and advisement to Presentation College students transitioning to Mayville State. Special effort will be made to ensure Presentation College students are able to progress in course work toward degree completion on a comparable timeline. Mayville State University students have access to a full range of academic, health. student life. career. and other support services.
6. Mayville State University will also provide information and advising to Presentation College students regarding degree pathways for those students transitioning to on line and on-campus degree programs other than identified teach-out programs.
7. Mayville State University will commit staff and faculty time to work with Presentation College Students to support each individual student in preparing for transfer and teach-out at Mayville State University, including development of individualized degree plans. Presentation College will commit staff and faculty time to support each student in preparing for transfer and teach-out at Mayville State University. Presentation College will support and provide opportunities for in-person, virtual, and electronic communications at Mayville State University regarding the transition process.
8. Presentation College students who transition to Mayville State University and successfully complete all degree requirements of the Mayville State University major program will receive a Mayville State University diploma. Exceptions to the course residency requirements may be made on an individual basis as needed. Mayville State University will not serve as the transcription institution for Presentation College.
9. On-campus housing for all Presentation College transfer students will be made available following the housing rate schedule available on the Mayville State University website.
10. Presentation College student-athletes are eligible for recruiting by Mayville State University athletics department in varsity and junior varsity programs. If athletic offers are awarded by a Mayville State University coach to prospective student-athletes, students may combine both athletic and academic offers. Mayville State University athletics will evaluate eligible Presentation College student-athletes for open roster spots.
11. Enrollment in Mayville State University Graduate Studies is open to Presentation College students provided students meet the expressed guidelines of the Mayville State University programs. Mayville State University offers online graduate programs in Master of Science in Nursing, Nursing Graduate Certificates, Master of Education, Master of Arts in Teaching, Graduate Certificates in Special Education, Educational Studies, and Online Digital Teaching.
Founded in 1883, Midland University is a private liberal arts college located in the heart of Fremont, Nebraska, just 20 minutes from Omaha. More than 1,600 students from across the map attend Midland University, and nearly 60% of students reside on campus. With a 17:1 student-to-faculty ratio and an average class size of 22, students have full access to professors who know them by name. Midland University provides a close-knit community for faculty, staff, students, friends, and alumni!
The terms of this agreement are as follows:
1. All Presentation College student credits will be accepted toward an equal or comparable degree program at Midland University. Midland University will accept 100 %of all credit granted or accepted as transfer by Presentation College, and guarantee admission to Midland University students with no application fees, provided students are in good standing with Presentation College. See Appendix A for academic programs included in this Teach-Out Agreement.
2. For each student transferring to Midland University from Presentation College, the net cost to complete courses and other requirements to graduate will cost the same or less than what the student would pay at Presentation College (inclusive of all costs, tuition, fees, etc). Costs are subject to increase in future years based on annual tuition rate increases. Institutional scholarships and awards by Midland University will NOT decrease in subsequent years.
3. The pathway to graduation for each PC student enrolling at Midland University will allow the student to complete their programs on the same timeframe as was possible at Presentation College (or sooner).
4. Midland University will waive minimum enrollment requirements and credit requirements at Midland University for all Presentation College students except in programs that require an application process separate from general admission to the University.
5. Midland University’s academic programs are available in-person, and academic residency requirements will be waived for Presentation College students.
6. Whenever possible, students in licensure programs will be supported in obtaining an equal or comparable license.
7. Midland University will provide information and advising to Presentation College students about options and pathways for completing their degrees at Midland University through Midland University’s on-campus degree programs.
8. With the exception of some requirements in Presentation College’s professional preparation programs that result in certification or licensure, Midland University’s approach to individualized degree planning will allow Presentation College degree plans to be used more or less “as is” on Midland University degree plans. Students seeking licensure must complete the program requirements specified for the professional program. Presentation College students may complete their degree plans using Midland University on -campus courses in combination with individualized, (i.e. mentored course studies) which result in individualized course titles on the Midland University transcript. Undergraduate degree plans may specify an individualized concentration title that will be listed on the diploma and transcript so that Presentation College degree titles carry forward with Midland University records.
9. Midland University will commit staff and faculty time to work with Presentation College students, faculty; advisors, admissions and financial aid staff to support each individual student in preparing for teach-out at Midland University including development of individualized degree plans. Presentation College will commit staff and faculty time to support each student in preparing for teach-out at Midland University. Presentation College will support and provide opportunities for regular in-person, virtual and electronic communications for Presentation College students regarding the transition process.
10. Midland University will deploy an advising, academic support and student services team to support the success for continuing Presentation College students.
11. Midland will commit athletics coaching and other staff time to work with Presentation College student athletes to describe the opportunities for Presentation College student athletes to join Midland University teams; student athletes transitioning from Presentation College will be afforded the same opportunities to join Midland athletic teams as any other new student.
Bachelor of Science:
Biology – B.S. – On Campus
Business – B.S. – On Campus
Communication – B.S. – On Campus
Criminal Justice – B.S. – On Campus
Exercise Science – B.S. – On Campus
Healthcare Administration – B.S. – On Campus
Health Science – B.S. – On Campus
Human Resource Management – B.S. – On Campus
Human Services – B.S. – On Campus
Interdisciplinary Studies – B.S. – On Campus
Organizational Management and Leadership – B.S. – On Campus Nursing – B.S.N – On- Campus
Psychology – B.S. – On Campus
Sport & Event Management – B.S. – On Campus
As South Dakota’s Catholic, Benedictine university, rooted in the liberal arts tradition, Mount Marty University prepares students for a contemporary world of work, service to the human community and personal growth.
Healthy communities are central to the success of society. Today people are often taught to take what they can from society. But at Mount Marty University (MMU), relying on the more than 15OO-year-old Rule of Benedict, students learn about themselves, about community, about who they are in community, and about their obligations to serve the many communities they will belong to throughout their lives. While people shape their communities, communities also shape people. The MMU community is focused on preparing students to become thoughtful, well rounded people who will become leaders and who will realize their calling throughout their lives.
MMU (Yankton location) is pleased to offer teach-out opportunities to bachelor seeking students currently majoring in the following programs at Presentation College (PC): biology, business administration, criminal justice, exercise science, human service and psychology.
The terms of the teach out agreement are as follows:
1. MMU will accept all credits earned with a grade of C- or better. MMU will waive minimal institutional credit requirements for Presentation College students (i.e. – the minimum number of credits earned at MMU).
2. MMU will also guarantee admission to all undergraduate PC students in good standing with no application fees required.
3. For each eligible teach-out student from PC (including student athletes whether they are selected to compete on MMU athletic teams), the net cost to complete courses and other requirements to graduate from MMU will be approximately the same or less than what the student would pay at PC (inclusive of tuition and fees): Students should understand that the maximum MMU institutional award will not exceed the cost of tuition. MMU will provide each student entering the teach out agreement with a clear statement of tuition, costs, and fees.
4. The pathway to graduation for each PC student transitioning to MMU will allow the student to complete their academic program on the same timeframe as was possible at PC if the student continues to maintain satisfactory progress and completes all requirements, per the agreed upon plan. Exceptions may exist for those courses MMU offers only every other year.
5. While MMU will offer residential housing to PC students, MMU will waive the on-campus living requirement for PC students.
6. MMU will provide information, academic advising, academic support and student success services for PC students Additionally, PC students will be co-advised by both their assigned academic advisor, and the registrar, to ensure consistent teach out exceptions are applied for everyone and graduation timelines are met.
7. MMU will commit staff and faculty time to work with PC students, faculty, advisors, the Admission Office, and financial aid staff to support each individual student transferring to MMU.
8. MMU is a member of the Great Plains Athletic Conference, an NAIA affiliate conference. MMU will commit athletic coaching staff to work with PC student athletes to describe what opportunities are available for PC student athletes to join MMU teams; student athletes transferring from PC will be afforded the same opportunities to join MMU athletic teams as any other new student.
9. MMU will provide support for international students in their transition.
Mount Mary University is a welcoming, one-of-a-kind creative culture that supports you to explore your passions, develop your skills and turn energy into action to achieve personal and professional success.
Each of Mount Mary’s majors and programs incorporates creativity, social justice and leadership to provide students with the knowledge and confidence to transform their careers and communities.
The terms of this agreement are as follows:
1. All credits successfully completed from Presentation College students will be accepted toward an equal or comparable degree program at Mount Mary University. Mount Mary University will accept 100% of all credits granted or accepted in transfer by Presentation College, including graduate credits ,and guarantee admission to Presentation College students in good academic standing. No application fees will be charged.
a. Mount Mary University defines “good academic standing” as:
i. Undergraduate Students: A term and cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above
2. Many of the Mount Mary University academic courses and programs are available both in person on the main campus and online. Mount Mary University advisors will work with Presentation College students to review programs and delivery modality options available.
Teach-Out Programs available include:
a. Undergraduate Programs: EX: listed below please add your Universities options
i. Bachelor of Science in Nursing – on campus or *online (*online course rotations vary for RN to BSN coursework)
ii. Bachelor of Business Administration – on campus
1. Business Administration Major
2. Business Administration -Human Resources Concentration
iii. Bachelor of Science Exercise Science – on campus
iv. Bachelor of Science in Psychology – on campus
v: Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice- on campus or *online (*online course rotations vary)
vi: Bachelor of Arts in Communication – on campus
vii: Bachelor of Science in Human Biology (Health Sciences) – on campus
b. Mount Mary University excludes the following program areas from this teach-out agreement because the University does not offer or have a comparable degree/program:
i. Associate’s Degrees
ii. Graduate Degrees
c. Mount Mary University excludes the following program areas from this teach-out agreement for Junior and Senior standing Presentation College students because the program curriculum requirements do not align to allow completion in the same time frame as their current program. Instead, Junior and Senior standing students may choose to TRANSFER into related programs at Mount Mary which is separate from this teach-out agreement. Freshman and Sophomore standing students, however could complete the alternative program in the time allocated.
i. Exercise Science
3. For each student transitioning to the Mount Mary University from Presentation College, the applicable undergraduate net tuition to complete required courses for graduation will cost the same or less than what the student paid at Presentation College in their last year of enrollment, with an annual tuition rate increase of no more than 3% in all subsequent years. Room/Board as well as Course/Program/Other fees beyond the tuition will be charged at the Mount Mary published undergraduate rate. Each Presentation College student will be provided complete information about tuition and fees and any other costs associated with completing their degrees at Mount Mary. 2023-24 costs can be found at: https://mtmary.edu/costs-aid/cost-ofattendance/undergraduate-tuition
a. The tuition agreement outlined above only applies to students that have matriculated at Presentation College.
4. The pathway to graduation for each student transitioning to the Mount Mary University will allow the student to complete their program on the same timeframe as was possible at Presentation College (or sooner) as long as the student continues to maintain satisfactory progress and completes all requirements as per the agreed upon plan.
5. Mount Mary University will waive minimum enrollment requirements, residency requirements, and upper level credit requirements for Presentation College students.
6. Mount Mary University will commit staff and faculty time to work with Presentation College students, faculty, advisors, admissions, and financial aid staff to support each individual student in preparing for transfer or teach-out at Mount Mary University including development of individualized degree plans. Presentation College will commit staff and faculty time to support each student in preparing for transfer or teach-out at Mount Mary University. Presentation College will support and provide opportunities for regular in-person (or virtual) and electronic communications for Mount Mary University and Presentation College students regarding the transition process.
7. Mount Mary University will deploy an advising, academic support, and student services team to support the success of continuing Presentation College students.
8. Whenever possible, students in licensure programs will be supported in obtaining an equal or comparable curriculum to prepare for the program specific national certification and/or licensure exam.
a. The Mount Mary University’s nursing licensure programs are approved by the: Wisconsin State Board of Nursing and fully accredited by CCNE and must comply with the state statutes and regulations. Completion of any Mount Mary University nursing program does not guarantee licensure.
9. With the exception of some requirements in Mount Mary University’s professional preparation programs that result in certification or licensure, Mount Mary University’s approach to individualized degree planning will allow Presentation College degree plans to be used more or less “as is” on Mount Mary University degree plans.
a. Ex: Students seeking licensure must complete the program requirements specified for the professional program, including and 625 required nursing clinical hours and 145 lab hours for BSN. Students may be required to participate in additional clinical, remediation, tutoring and/or other needed support measures to achieve minimum competency benchmarks. The Mount Mary Nursing Department will provide these support systems for Presentation College students that are not meeting Mount Mary minimum benchmark standards.
10. Presentation College students may complete their degree plans using Mount Mary University’s on-campus or on line courses in combination with the availability of independent study if the course is not available in time for graduation.
11. Mount Mary University staff will make reasonable recommendations to Presentation College students regarding either on-campus housing (on a first come first-serve basis) or nearby off-campus housing.
12. Mount Mary University is a member of the Coast to Coast Collegiate Athletic Conference for athletic programs. Mount Mary will commit athletics coaching and other staff time to work with Presentation College student athletes to describe the opportunities for Presentation College student athletes to join Mount Mary teams and offer personal consultations with students to determine athletic eligibility to compete in his/her respective sport. Student-athletes from Presentation College will be afforded the same opportunities to join Mount Mary athletic teams as any other new student. Women’s Sports include: Softball, Volleyball, Cross Country, Basketball, Soccer, and Golf.
Specifically, Presentation College (PC) and Northern State University (NSU} agree to the following:
• Sport Marketing and Administration
• Biology
• Psychology
• Business Administration
• Business Management
• Communication Studies
• Criminal Justice
• Sociology
• Bachelor of General Studies (BGS}
• AS Business
• AA General Studies
• Business Management
• Criminal Justice
• AS Business
• AA General Studies
PC students pursing degrees in Business Administration and Business Management are eligible for NSU’s accelerated master’s degree programs (4+1} in the MS in Accounting Analytics and the MS in Banking and Financial Services. PC students pursuing degrees in Human Performance and Fitness and Sport Marketing and, Administration are eligible for NSU’s accelerated master’s degree programs (4+1} in. the MSEd in Sport Performance and Leadership.
After earning their bachelor’s degree from NSU, all PC students may apply for admission to NSU’s 11 master’s degree programs, including MSEd in Secondary Education (which leads to initial teaching licensure) and MSEd Counseling (which leads to licensure), arid may apply for graduate assistantships on campus.
NSU is not approved to offer degrees in nursing or radiologic technology and therefore excludes those programs from this teach-out.
2. NSU will waive admission application fees for current students and all students who have stopped out since 2013. Students will be provided a simplified application process from NSU Admissions Office.
3. NSU will accept currently enrolled PC students, or those on leave of absence (or who have stopped out since 2013), or newly admitted students to PC for Fall 2023.
4. All PC students in good academic standing will be automatically accepted.
5. NSU will provide academic support to PC students transitioning to NSU and will make best efforts to ensure that PC students are able to register for the classes that they need or authorize appropriate substitute courses. NSU provides a broad array of student success services through its Student Success Center. See https://northern.edu/student-life/student-success-center. All NSU student success services will be available to PC teach out students.
6. NSU will conduct a special orientation for transitioning PC students on the campus of NSU to answer questions, provide advising, and course registration. NSU will provide information and advising to PC students about options and pathways for completing their degrees at NSU through NSU’s on-campus and online programs.
7. NSU will offer comparable tuition to PC students consistent with SD Board of Regents (SDBOR} tuition and fee rates. Costs are outlined at
https://northern.edu/financial-aid/tuition-costs. NSU financial aid staff will support each individual PC student with federal financial and scholarship advising. PC students who are residents of North Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Illinois, and Wisconsin are eligible for instate tuition through the SDBOR South Dakota Advantage rate, as are children of NSU alumni. PC students who are residents of Minnesota are eligible for Minnesota reciprocity tuition rate. Students who are eligible for military or veteran’s benefits will receive the full support of the NSU Military and Veterans Affairs Officer.
9. Any major requirement not articulated by course will need to be completed by the student.
10. The PC Lantern Series courses will count as NSU’s IDL 190 First Year Seminar and Human Values requirements.
11. The SDBOR authorizes NSU to accept 100% of successfully completed credits of coursework from PC in accordance with BOR Policy 2:5 policy series. https://www.sdbor.edu/policy/documents/2-5.pdf
12. PC students who transition to NSU and successfully complete all degree requirements of the NSU major program will receive an NSU diploma. Exceptions to the course residency requirements may be made on an individual student basis as needed. NSU will not serve as the transcription institution for PC.
13. PC will announce it has reached an agreement with NSU and will provide information to students, staff, and parents regarding the nature of the Agreement. PC and NSU will provide direct links between their institutional websites indicating the existence of this Agreement.
14. NSU is a member of the Northern Sun Intercollegiate Conference (NCAA D-11) for athletic programs. NSU will offer a personal consultation with NSU athletic personnel for each PC student athlete (upon request) to determine eligibility to compete at NSU. PC athletes are eligible for recruiting by NSU Athletics. NSU Athletics will evaluate eligible PC athletes for open roster spots.
15. PC and NSU will exchange data and documents, in accordance with FERPA laws, to facilitate the maintenance and improvement of the teach out arrangements and promote effective cooperation between the two institutions. PC will provide PC students and NSU with a FERPA waiver to access admissions, grades, and financial aid data after obtaining appropriate permission from the students involved and in compliance with local, state, and federal Jaws and Department of Education guidelines, e.g., FERPA.
16. The pathway to graduation for each student transferring to NSU will allow the student to complete the student’s academic program on the same timeframe as was possible at PC as long as the student continues to maintain satisfactory progress and completes all requirements, per the agreed upon plan.
17. The obligations of the parties set forth herein shall terminate when all PC students accepted by NSU pursuant to this Agreement have either graduated from NSU or failed to be continuously enrolled at NSU.
Olivet College’s mission is to provide an education that enriches lives intellectually, morally and spiritually to a diverse campus community. The College offers 34 majors and 26 minors, and 100% of students participate in service-learning. With the exception of some requirements in Olivet College’s professional preparation programs that result in certification or licensure, Olivet College’s approach to individualized major degree planning allows Presentation College degree plans to be used more or less “as is” on Olivet College degree plans (see #8 below). Olivet is a founding member of the Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association (NCAA D-III). Read more Fast Facts or watch a video.
The terms of this agreement are as follows:
- All Presentation College student credits will be accepted toward an equal or comparable degree program at Olivet College. Olivet College will provide 100% transfer of all credits granted or accepted as transfer or through other processes by Presentation College including graduate credits. Olivet College guarantees admission with no application fees to all Presentation College students who are in good standing.
- For each Presentation College student completing their education at Olivet College, the net cost to complete courses and other requirements to graduate will be guaranteed the same or less than what they would pay at Presentation College (inclusive of all costs: tuition, residency expenses, fees, etc.). In the case of Presentation employees benefiting from a tuition benefit offered by Presentation College, Presentation will pay Olivet an average net tuition per credit for such employees to complete required credits as may be agreed upon between Presentation and Olivet. Each Presentation College student will be provided complete information about tuition and fees and any other costs associated with completing their degrees at Olivet College.
- The pathway to graduation for each Presentation College student completing at Olivet College will allow the student to complete faster or on the same timeframe as was possible at Presentation College.
- Olivet College will waive minimum enrollment time and credit requirements at Olivet College for Presentation College students.
- For Olivet College’s programs that are available in a low residency or online format, residency requirements will be waived for Presentation College students.
- Whenever possible, students in licensure programs will be supported in obtaining an equal or comparable license.
- Olivet College will provide information and advising to Presentation College students about options and pathways for completing their degrees within the degree programs at Olivet College through Olivet College’s on-campus and/or online deliveries.
- With the exception of some requirements in Olivet College’s professional preparation programs that result in certification or licensure, Olivet College’s approach to individualized major degree planning allows Presentation College degree plans to be used more or less “as is” on Olivet College degree plans. Students seeking licensure must complete the program requirements specified for the professional program. Presentation College students may complete their degree plans using Olivet College’s on-campus or online courses in combination with individualized independent study or group tutorial courses. Individualized major degree plans may specify an individualized concentration title that will be listed on diploma and transcript so that Presentation College concentration titles are reflected on Olivet College records.
- Olivet College will commit staff and faculty time to work with Presentation College students, faculty, advisors, admissions, financial aid, and student services staff to support each individual student in preparing for teach-out at Olivet College. Presentation College will support and provide opportunities for regular in-person (or virtual) and electronic communications for Olivet College to engage and communicate with Presentation College students regarding the transition process.
- Olivet College will commit athletics coaching and other staff time to work with Presentation College student athletes to describe the opportunities for Presentation College student athletes to join Olivet College teams; student athletes transferring from Presentation College will be afforded the same opportunities to join Olivet athletic teams as any other new student.
- Olivet College will deploy an advising, academic support, student services, student life, and athletics team to support the success of continuing Presentation College students.
- Olivet College will provide any potentially eligible students with information about how to obtain a closed school discharge and information on state refund policies.
- Olivet College will review and be familiar with any changes in the final, approved version of the provisional plan.
- Olivet College is not approved to offer the degrees in the following bachelor’s program areas currently offered by Presentation College, and therefore excludes the following program areas from this teach-out agreement: Healthcare Administration, Human Resource Management, Human Services, Organizational Management and Leadership, Radiologic Technology. Olivet College is not approved to offer any associate degrees offered by Presentation College from this teach-out agreement. Olivet College is approved by the Higher Learning Commission and by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education to offer only the RN to BSN program and therefore excludes other bachelor’s and master’s nursing programs offered by Presentation College from this teach-out agreement.
- Olivet College’s strategic goals include developing additional programs in nursing and other health care areas. Olivet College is interested in working with Presentation College, the Higher Learning Commission, and specialized accreditors to explore an additional agreement for teach-out of additional programs such as in Nursing or Radiologic Technology if such would be helpful to Presentation College and its students.
It is the mission of Prescott College to educate students of diverse ages and backgrounds to understand, thrive in, and enhance our world community and environment. We regard learning as a continuing process and strive to provide an education that will enable students to live productive lives while achieving a balance between self-fulfillment and service to others. Students are encouraged to think critically and act ethically with sensitivity to both the human community and the biosphere. Our philosophy stresses experiential learning and self-direction within an interdisciplinary curriculum.
Prescott College agrees to serve as a teach-out partner for Presentation College programs and students within Presentation College’s teach-out plan. Prescott College is regionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.
This agreement will enable currently enrolled Presentation College students to complete an interdisciplinary Bachelor of Arts degree, Bachelor of Science degree, Master of Arts degree, Master of Education, or Master of Science in Counseling Degree, or other degrees offered by Prescott College in a relatively seamless manner and at a mission-aligned institution with shared pedagogical values and practices. This agreement will be honored for four years after the Presentation College date and supersedes any prior signed commitment.
Presentation College and Prescott College agree to the following:
1. All Presentation College student credits will be accepted toward an equal or comparable on-campus or online degree program at Prescott College. Prescott College will provide 100%transfer of all credits granted or accepted as transfer by Presentation College and guarantee admission with no application fees. Presentation College students will complete an accelerated application on line and provide transcripts of Presentation coursework and transfer course accepted by Presentation. Official documents received directly from Presentation College will be acceptable.
2. Prescott College will offer Presentation students a guaranteed scholarship such that annual tuition and fees will be the same or less than they would pay at Presentation College .. This scholarship and cost agreement will be in effect for students that transfer from Presentation to Prescott to complete their original degree.
3. Prescott College will waive minimum enrollment time and residency requirements at Prescott College for Presentation students.
4. The pathway to graduation for each student transitioning to Prescott College will allow the student to complete the student’s academic program on the same timeframe as was possible at Presentation College as long as the student continues to maintain satisfactory progress and completes all requirements, per the agreed upon plan.
5. Prescott will provide information and advising to Presentation College students about options and pathways for completing their degrees within the degree programs at Prescott College through Prescott College’s on-campus and/or online deliveries.
6. Prescott College will offer an Interdisciplinary Bachelor of Arts degree so that Presentation students may complete that degree title or choose to complete any of our other degree titles.
7. Except for some requirements in Prescott College’s professional preparation programs that result in certification or licensure, Prescott College’s approach to individualized degree planning allows Presentation College degree plans to be used more or less “as is” on Prescott College degree plans. Students seeking licensure must complete the program requirements specified for the professional program. Presentation College students may complete their degree plans using Prescott College’s on-campus or online courses in combination with individualized mentored course studies which result in individualized course titles on the Prescott College transcript. Undergraduate and graduate degree plans may specify an individualized concentration title that will be listed on diploma and transcript so that Presentation College emphasis or concentration titles carry forward with Prescott College records.
8. Prescott College will provide advising and academic support in the transition and success continuing Presentation College students. Prescott College advisors and coaches will work of with Presentation faculty and advisors to support individual students in preparation of transfer to Prescott College, including the development of individualized degree plans.
Rockford University, formerly Rockford College, is a four-year, co-educational institution founded in 184 7 offering undergraduate and graduate degrees in traditional liberal arts and professional fields. We offer approximately 80 majors, minors and concentrations, including the bachelor’s degree completion program for a B.S. in Management Studies. Through our Graduate Studies department, degrees are extended to include the Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), and a Master of Education (M.Ed.)
Rockford University is home to one only 11 Phi Beta Kappa (PBK) chapters in Illinois, the most prestigious honor society in the United States. Named by The Princeton Review as a Best Midwestern College and as a 2018 Best Midwest Regional University by U.S. News and World Report, we currently serve approximately 1,260 full-and part-time students. Our mission is to educate men and women to lead responsible lives by means of a curriculum grounded in liberal arts learning and complemented and extended by professional and practical experience.
The terms of this agreement are as follows:
• All Presentation College (PC) student credits will be accepted toward an equal or comparable degree program at Rockford University (RU). RU will provide 100% transfer of all credits granted or accepted as transfer by PC, including guaranteed admission to PC students with no application fees, provided students are in good standing with PC.
• For each student transferring to RU from PC, the net tuition and fees for the 2023-2024 academic year will be equivalent to what the student paid at PC. In subsequent years, the net tuition and fees will increase at the same percentage as Rockford University tuition. Transferring PC students will pay the actual room and board charges they elect at RU, or may elect to live off campus and not incur room and board charges. Each PC student will be provided complete information about tuition and fees and any other costs associated with completing their degrees at RU.
• The pathway to graduation for each student transferring to RU will allow the student to complete the student’s academic program on the same timeframe as was possible at PC as long as the student continues to maintain satisfactory progress and completes all requirements as per the agreed upon plan.
• RU will waive the minimum enrollment requirements and credit requirements at RU for PC students except in programs that require an application process separate from general admission to the University.
• RU’s academic programs available in both in-person and online formats comparable to PC academic programs are as follows, and residency requirements will be waived for PC students.

• Whenever possible, students in licensure programs will be supported in obtaining an equal or comparable license.
• RU will provide information and advising to PC students about options and pathways for completing their degrees at RU through RU’s on-campus and/or online degree programs.
• With the exception of some requirements in RU’s professional preparation programs that result in certification or licensure, RU’s approach to individualized degree planning will allow PC degree plans to be used more or less “as is” on RU degree plans. Students seeking licensure must complete the program requirements specified for the professional program. PC students may complete their degree plans using SAU’s on-campus or online courses in combination with individualized, i.e., independent studies when available, which result in individualized course titles on SAU transcript. Undergraduate degree plans may specify an individualized concentration title that will be listed on the diploma and transcript so that PC degree titles carry forward with RU records.
• RU will commit staff and faculty time to work with PC students, faculty, advisors, and admissions and financial aid staff to support each individual student in preparing for transfer and teach-out at RU including development of individualized degree plans. PC will commit staff and faculty time to support each student in preparing for transfer and teach-out at RU. PC will support and provide opportunities for regular in-person ( or virtual) and electronic communications for RU and PC students regarding the transition process.
• RU will deploy an advising, academic support, student services team, student life, and athletics team to support the success of continuing PC students.
Presentation’s recently announced partnership with SAU for nursing will transition to become a new online nursing school, the Nano Nagle Online School of Nursing at St. Ambrose University. Current Presentation online BSN nursing students are able to continue their degree progression as planned. St Ambrose also offers Teach-Out for other PC academic programs.
Established in 1882, St. Ambrose University is a private, Catholic, comprehensive university grounded in the liberal arts. The University offers more than 60 undergraduate majors, 11 master’s, and three doctoral programs through the colleges of Arts and Sciences, Business, and Health and Human Services. There are more than 2,200 undergraduate students. The University is a member of the Chicagoland Collegiate Athletic Conference (CCAC), and other conferences for select sports, with 31 varsity teams. Read more about SAU At A Glance or watch a video.
The terms of this agreement are as follows:
- All PC student credits will be accepted toward an equal or comparable degree program at SAU. SAU will provide 100% transfer of all credits granted or accepted as transfer by PC, including guaranteed admission to PC students with no application fees, provided students are in good standing with PC.
- For each student transferring to SAU from PC, the net tuition and fee cost to complete courses and other requirements to graduate will cost the same or less than what the student paid at PC in their last year of enrollment, with an expected tuition rate increase of 3% in all subsequent years. PC students will pay the actual room and board charges they elect at SAU. Transferring PC students may elect to live off campus and not incur room and board charges.
- The pathway to graduation for each student transferring to SAU will allow the student to complete the student’s academic program on the same timeframe as was possible at PC as long as the student continues to maintain satisfactory progress and completes all requirements as per the agreed upon plan.
- SAU will waive the minimum enrollment requirements and credit requirements at SAU for PC students except in programs that require an application process separate from general admission to the University.
- SAU’s academic programs available in both in-person and online formats comparable to PC academic programs are as follows, and residency requirements will be waived for PC students.
- Online/Hybrid Teach-Out Programs:
- Psychology
- Business Management
- Human Resource Management
- General Business
- On-ground Teach-Out Programs:
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Sport and Event Management
- Exercise Science
- Communication
- Nursing (traditional BSN)
- Online/Hybrid Teach-Out Programs:
- Whenever possible, students in licensure programs will be supported in obtaining an equal or comparable license.
- SAU will provide information and advising to PC students about options and pathways for completing their degrees at SAU through SAU’s on-campus and/or online degree programs.
- With the exception of some requirements in SAU’s professional preparation programs that result in certification or licensure, SAU’s approach to individualized degree planning will allow PC degree plans to be used more or less “as is” on SAU degree plans. Students seeking licensure must complete the program requirements specified for the professional program. PC students may complete their degree plans using SAU’s on-campus or online courses in combination with individualized, i.e., independent studies when available, which result in individualized course titles on SAU transcript. Undergraduate and graduate degree plans may specify an individualized concentration title that will be listed on the diploma and transcript so that PC degree titles carry forward with SAU records.
- SAU will commit staff and faculty time to work with PC students, faculty, advisors, and admissions and financial aid staff to support each individual student in preparing for transfer and teach-out at SAU including development of individualized degree plans. PC will commit staff and faculty time to support each student in preparing for transfer and teach-out at SAU. PC will support and provide opportunities for regular in-person (or virtual) and electronic communications for SAU and PC students regarding the transition process.
- SAU will deploy an advising, academic support, and student services team to support the success of continuing PC students.
The core values that influence the mission and vision of Tabor College include a commitment to being Christ-centered in all aspects of life, a passion for learning, the promotion of service to others and meaningful involvement in college and community activities.
The terms of this agreement are as follows:
1. All Presentation College student credits will be accepted toward an equal or comparable degree program at Tabor College. Tabor College will provide 100 percent transfer of all credits granted or accepted as transfer by Presentation College and guarantee admission to Presentation College students with no application fees, provided students are in good standing at Presentation College.
2. For each student transferring to Tabor College from Presentation College, the net cost to complete courses and other requirements to graduate will cost the same or less than what the student would pay at Presentation College (inclusive of all costs, tuition, residency expenses, fees, etc.).
3. The pathway to graduation for each student transferring to Tabor College will allow the student to complete their program on the same timeframe as was possible at Presentation College (or sooner).
4. Tabor College will waive minimum enrollment requirements and credit requirements at Tabor College for Presentation College students (Tabor distinctive courses excepted with Presentation College students completing a minimum of 3 of our 9 hours of distinctives).
5. Tabor College’s academic programs are available to Presentation College students only on campus.
6. Whenever possible, students in licensure programs will be supported in obtaining an equal or comparable license.
7. Tabor College will provide information and advising to Presentation College students about options and pathways for completing their degrees at Tabor College through Tabor College’s on-campus degree programs.
8. With the exception of some requirements in Tabor College’s professional preparation programs that result in certification or licensure, Tabor College’s approach to individualized degree planning will allow Presentation College degree plans to be used more or less “as is” on Tabor College degree plans. Students seeking licensure must complete the program requirements specified for the professional program. Presentation College students may complete their degree plans using Tabor College’s on-campus courses in combination with individualized, i.e., independent study courses that result in individualized course titles on the Tabor College transcript. Undergraduate degree plans may specify an individualized concentration title that will be listed on the transcript so that Presentation College degree titles carry forward with Tabor College records ..
9. Tabor College will commit staff and faculty time to work with Presentation College students, faculty, advisors, and admissions and financial aid staff to support each individual student in preparing for transfer and teach-out at Tabor College including development of individualized degree plans. Presentation College will commit staff and faculty time to support each student in preparing for transfer and teach-out at Tabor College. Presentation College will support and provide opportunities for regular in-person (or virtual) and electronic communications for Tabor College and Presentation College students regarding the transition process.
More than 3,000 students are enrolled at TU – some attend classes on campus, some attend online only – but all know the value of gaining practical, industry-specific skills in today’s job market. They chose TU knowing our programs will help propel them to their next career success.
The terms of this agreement are as follows:
1. All Presentation College student credits will be accepted toward an equal or comparable degree program at Tiffin University. Tiffin University will provide 100% transfer of all credits granted or accepted as transfer by Presentation College, including graduate credits and guarantee admission to College students with no application fees, provided students are in good standing at Presentation College, and meet minimum Tiffin University g.p.a. criteria.
2. For each student transferring to Tiffin University from Presentation College, the net cost to complete courses and other requirements to graduate will cost the same or less than what the student would pay at Presentation (inclusive of, tuition).
3. The pathway to graduation for each student transferring to Tiffin University will allow the student to complete their program on the same timeframe as was possible at Presentation College (or sooner).
4. Tiffin University will waive minimum enrollment requirements and credit requirements at Tiffin University for Presentation College students.
5. Tiffin University’s academic programs are available in both in-person or online formats and residency requirements may be waived for Presentation College students.
6. Whenever possible, students in licensure programs will be supported in obtaining an equal or comparable license.
7. Tiffin University will provide information and advising to Presentation College students about options and pathways for completing their degrees at Tiffin University through Tiffin University’s on campus and/or online degree programs.
8. With the exception of some requirements in Tiffin University’s professional preparation programs that result in certification or licensure, Tiffin University’s approach to individualized degree planning will allow Presentation College degree plans to be used more or less “as is” on Tiffin University degree plans. Students seeking licensure must complete the program requirements specified for the professional program. Presentation College students may complete their degree plans using Tiffin University’s on-campus or online courses in combination with individualized, i.e., mentored course studies which result in individualized course titles on the Tiffin University transcript. Undergraduate and graduate degree plans may specify an individualized concentration title that will be listed on the diploma and transcript so that Tiffin University degree titles can carry forward with Tiffin University records.
9. Tiffin University will commit staff and faculty time to work with Presentation College students, faculty, advisors, and admissions and financial aid staff to support each individual student in preparing for transfer and teach-out at Tiffin University including development of individualized degree plans. Presentation College will commit staff and faculty time to support each student in preparing for transfer and teach-out at Tiffin University. Presentation College will support and provide opportunities for regular in-person (or virtual) and electronic communications for Tiffin University and Presentation College students regarding the transition process.
10. Tiffin University will deploy an advising, academic support and student services team to support the success of continuing Presentation College students.

Tusculum University is situated in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains. We are Pioneers. At Tusculum, you will be challenged to innovate, engage, experiment, and persevere as you discover your own purpose. Along your path, you will be encouraged, empowered, supported, and inspired. It’s the Pioneer Way. Building on a rich Presbyterian heritage and a pioneering spirit, Tusculum University provides an active and experiential education within a caring Christian environment to inspire civic engagement, enrich personal lives, and equip career-ready professionals.
1. Tusculum University will offer courses of studies toward approved associate and baccalaureate degrees as follows:
a. On-Campus Teach-Out Programs
- i. Biology (BS and AS)
- ii. Business (AS)
- iii. Business (BS)
- iv. Business Essentials Minor
- v. Chemistry (AS)
- vi. Criminal Justice (BS)
- vii. Digital Marketing Minor
- viii. Exercise Science (BS and AS – Tusculum’s Sport Science BS and AS)
- ix. Management Minor
- x. Psychology (BS)
- xi. Sport and Event Management (BS)
- xii. Sport and Event Management Minor
b. Online Teach-Out Programs – billed at the discounted Adult & Online Studies per credit hour rate of $400
- i. Business (AS)
- ii. Business (BS)
- iii. Business Essentials Minor
- iv. Management Minor
- v. Psychology (BS)
2. All Presentation College student credits will be accepted toward an equal or comparable degree program at Tusculum University. Tusculum University will provide 100 % transfer of all credits granted or accepted as transfer by Presentation College, including graduate credits, and guarantee admission to Presentation College students with no application fees, provided students are in good standing at Presentation College.
2. For each student transferring to Tusculum University from Presentation College, the net cost to complete courses and other requirements to graduate will cost the same or less than what the student would pay at Presentation College (inclusive of all costs, tuition, residency expenses, fees, etc.).
3. The pathway to graduation for each student transferring to Tusculum University will allow the student to complete their program on the same timeframe as was possible at Presentation College (or sooner).
4. Tusculum University will waive minimum enrollment requirements and credit requirements at Tusculum University for Presentation College students.
5. Tusculum University’s academic programs are available in in-person or online formats (see details of specific program formats in section 1) and residency requirements will be waived for Presentation College students.
6. Whenever possible, students in licensure programs will be supported in obtaining an equal or comparable license.
7. Tusculum University will provide information and advising to Presentation College students about options and pathways for completing their degrees at Tusculum University through Tusculum University’s on-campus and/or online degree programs.
8. With the exception of some requirements in Tusculum University’s professional preparation programs that result in certification or licensure, Tusculum University’s programs will allow Presentation College degree plans to be used more or less “as is” on Tusculum University degree plans. Students seeking licensure must complete the program requirements specified for the professional program. Presentation College students may complete their degree plans using Tusculum University’s on-campus or online courses in combination with individualized, i.e., mentored course studies which result in individualized course titles on the Tusculum University transcript. Undergraduate and graduate degree plans may specify an individualized concentration title that will be listed on the diploma and transcript so that Presentation College degree titles carry forward with Tusculum University’s records.
9. Tusculum University will commit staff and faculty time to work with Presentation College students, faculty, advisors, and admissions and financial aid staff to support each individual student in preparing for transfer and teach-out at Tusculum University, including development of individualized degree plans. Presentation College will commit staff and faculty time to support each student in preparing for transfer and teach-out at Presentation College. Tusculum University will support and provide opportunities for regular in-person (or virtual) and electronic communications for Presentation College and Presentation College students regarding the transition process.
10. Tusculum University will deploy an advising, academic support and student services team to support the success of continuing Presentation College students, including international students.
University of Health Sciences and Pharmacy in St. Louis (UHSP) believes that the creation of a healthier society starts with our students. For more than 158 years, the University has been committed to providing students with an outstanding education that lays the groundwork for impactful futures in health care. With programs designed to give students the opportunity to advance their knowledge and skills, enhance their well-being and grow as professionals, UHSP is helping students become better versions of themselves so they can create positive change in the world. UHSP offers undergraduate, graduate and professional degrees. Undergraduate degrees prepare students for health professions careers and serve as the foundation for graduate or professional study, while St. Louis College of Pharmacy prepares students to be future pharmacy leaders and innovators. To learn more, visit uhsp.edu.
The terms of this agreement are as follows:
1. All credits successfully completed from Presentation College students will be accepted toward an equal or comparable degree program at University of Health Sciences & Pharmacy in St. Louis. UHSP will accept 100%of all credits granted or accepted in transfer by Presentation College and guarantee admission to Presentation College students in good academic standing. No application fees will be charged.
a. UHSP defines “good academic standing” for undergraduate students as semester and cumulative GPA must be 2.0 or greater.
2. UHSP’s academic courses and programs are available in person on campus and some courses may be available via online delivery. UHSP advisors will work with Presentation College students to review programs and course delivery modality options available. PC students may choose to TRANSFER into related programs at USHP as follows:
a. Undergraduate Programs:
i. PC’s current freshmen and sophomore level students in the Bachelor of Science Exercise Science transferring to UHSP’s Bachelor of Science Exercise Physiology- on campus
ii. PC’s current freshmen, sophomore, junior and senior level students in the Bachelor of Science Biology transferring to UHSP’s Bachelor of Science Biomedical Sciences or Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences program – both on campus
b. UHSP excludes the following PC program areas from this teach-out agreement because UHSP does not offer or have a comparable degree/program:
i. Bachelor of Science Business
ii. Bachelor of Science Communication
iii. Bachelor of Science Criminal Justice
iv. Bachelor of Science Healthcare Administration
v. Bachelor of Science Health Science
vi. Bachelor of Science Human Resource Management
vii. Bachelor of Science Human Services
viii. Bachelor of Science Interdisciplinary Studies
ix. Bachelor of Science Organizational Management & Leadership
x. Bachelor of Science Psychology
xi. Bachelor of Science Radiologic Technology
xii. Bachelor of Science Sport & Event Management
xiii. Associate of Science or Associate of Arts degree programs
xiv. Nursing programs
3. For each student transitioning to the University of Health Sciences & Pharmacy in St. Louis from Presentation College, the applicable undergraduate net tuition to complete required courses for graduation will cost the same or less than what the student paid at Presentation College in their last year of enrollment, with an annual tuition rate increase of no more than 2% in all subsequent years. Room/Board as well as
Course/Program/Other fees beyond the tuition will be charged at the UHSP 2023-24 published undergraduate rate. Each Presentation College student will be provided complete information about tuition and fees and any other costs associated with completing their degrees and 2023-2024 UHSP costs can be found at: https://www.uhsp.edu/financialaid/cost-of-attendance/index.html
a. The tuition agreement outlined above only applies to students that have matriculated at Presentation College.
4. The pathway to graduation for each student transitioning to the University of Health Sciences & Pharmacy in St. Louis will allow the student to complete their program on the same timeframe as was possible at Presentation College (or sooner) as long as the student continues to maintain satisfactory progress and completes all requirements as per the agreed upon plan.
5. UHSP will waive minimum enrollment requirements and residency requirements for Presentation College students.
6. UHSP will commit staff and faculty time to work with Presentation College students, faculty, advisors, admissions, and financial aid staff to support each individual student in preparing for transfer or teach-out at UHSP including development of individualized degree plans. Presentation College will commit staff and faculty time to support each student in preparing for transfer or teach-out at UHSP. Presentation College will support and provide opportunities for regular in-person (or virtual) and electronic communications for UHSP and Presentation College students regarding the transition process.
7. Once the PC student transitions to UHSP, they will have full access to all UHSP student support services including tutoring, counseling, academic coaching, and academic and career advising.
8. Presentation College students may complete their degree plans using UHSP’s on-campus or on line courses in combination with the availability of independent study or consortium courses if the course is not available in time for graduation.
9. UHSP staff will make reasonable recommendations to Presentation College students regarding either on campus housing (on a first come first-serve basis) or nearby off-campus housing.
10. The University of Health Sciences & Pharmacy is a member of the National Association of Intercollegiate
Athletics (NAIA) Collegiate Athletic Conference for athletic programs, UHSP will commit athletics coaching and other staff time to work with Presentation College student athletes to describe the opportunities for Presentation College student athletes to join UHSP teams and offer personal consultations with students to determine athletic eligibility to compete in his/her respective sport. Student athletes from Presentation College will be afforded the same opportunities to join UHSP athletic teams as any other new student. UHSP sports include: Baseball, Basketball, Bowling, Cheer, Cross Country, Dance, Esports, Golf, Lacrosse, Rugby, Soccer, Softball, Tennis, Track & Field, Volleyball, and Wrestling.
As the largest Catholic university in Texas, UIW is a leader in transformational education. We inspire students across more than 90 academic programs to ignite change.
The terms of this Agreement are as follows:
1. Presentation College will not enroll students for the 2023-24 academic year and will cease educational operations at the Aberdeen campus after the Spring and Summer 2023 sessions. The University of the Incarnate Word (UIW) will guarantee admission and accept transfer credits to Presentation College students as out in this Agreement.
2. Students who are in good standing at Presentation College shall be guaranteed admission to University of the Incarnate Word and will not be required to pay application fees.
3. University of the Incarnate Word will provide 100% transfer of all 100-600 level coursework credits earned with a grade of Pass or D – or better granted or accepted as transfer by Presentation College. Undergraduate and graduate credits meeting this criteria will be accepted and applied toward an equal or comparable degree program at the University of the Incarnate Word. All courses completed with a grade of D- or higher that are normally considered part of an associate or bachelor’s degree program will transfer to the University of the Incarnate Word. The cumulative grade point average at UIW is based upon GPA hours, regardless of the grade earned, and includes both transfer and UIW credits.
4. Although courses in which a student has earned a grade of D- or higher will be accepted in transfer, no grade less than a “C” may be applied to fulfill course requirements in the major, minor, concentration, teaching field, specialization, or support work. Pre-requisites required for courses in the major, minor, concentration, teaching field, specialization or support work must also be completed with a grade of C or higher. If a D- is accepted in transfer for these requirements, the student must repeat the course to fulfill the requirement.
5. Students transferring to University of the Incarnate Word from Presentation College shall pay the same or less net cost (inclusive of tuition, fees, etc.) to complete courses to graduate than students would pay at Presentation College.
6. The pathway to graduation for each student transferring to the University of the Incarnate Word will allow the student to complete their program on the same or earlier timeframe as was possible at Presentation College.
7. University of the Incarnate Word will waive minimum enrollment requirements and credit requirements at the University of the Incarnate Word for Presentation College students. International undergraduate students must have a minimum of 24 credits completed with a grade of C or higher OR completion of Composition I & II with a grade of C or higher to qualify for an English proficiency waiver.
8. When possible, students in licensure programs will be supported in obtaining an equal or comparable license.
9. International students wishing to maintain their F-1 status are only eligible to transfer to traditional, in-person programs, delivered at the Broadway campus. International students interested in leaving the U.S. and enrolling in an online program may be eligible for School of Professional Studies offerings. Other visa types, excluding J-1 Exchange, are eligible for either method of delivery. International students with an F-1 or J-1 visa status must have an active, valid SEVIS record at the time of transferring or be prepared to return to their home country to apply for a new student visa with a UIW issued 1-20. Students returning to their home country for a new visa will be required to pay the SEVIS 1-901 fee. International students interested in transferring can apply at bit.ly/uiwapply or via the Common App Transfer.
10. University of the Incarnate Word academic programs are available in in-person or online formats. University of the Incarnate Word will provide information and advising to Presentation College students about degree program options and pathways for completing their degrees at the University of the Incarnate Word. See Appendix A for programs and delivery modalities.
11. On-campus housing for all Presentation College transfer students will be available. The applicable housing rates and residence hall information are available on the UIW website.
12. University of the Incarnate Word will commit staff and faculty time to coordinate with Presentation College students, faculty, advisors, admissions, and financial aid staff to support each individual student in preparing for the transition, transfer and teach-out at the University of the Incarnate Word. Support for Presentation College students will be offered in-person, virtual, and via electronic communications.
13. University of the Incarnate Word will deploy an advising, academic support, and student services team to support the success of continuing Presentation College students.
To become the best career-oriented liberal arts university in the Midwest.
We will do so by innovatively blending the liberal arts with professional programs in an engaged, student-centered, Christian environment that fosters long-term success.
The terms of this agreement are as follows:
1. All credits successfully completed from Presentation College students will be accepted toward an equal or comparable degree program at University of Jamestown. University of Jamestown will accept 100% of all credits granted or accepted in transfer by Presentation College, including graduate credits, and guarantee admission to Presentation College students in good academic standing. No application fees will be charged.
a. University of Jamestown defines “good academic standing” as:
i. Undergraduate Students: A term and cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above
2. Many of the University of Jamestown academic courses and programs are available both in person on the main campus and online. University of Jamestown advisors will work with Presentation College students to review programs and delivery modality options available. Teach-Out Programs available include:
a: Undergraduate Programs:
i. Bachelor of Science in Nursing – on campus
ii. RN-to-BSN – online
iii. Bachelor of Science – Biology- on campus
iv. Bachelor of Arts – Business – on campus and on line
v. Bachelor of Arts – Communication – on campus and on line
vi. Bachelor of Arts – Criminal Justice – on campus
vii. Bachelor of Science – Exercise Science – on campus
viii. Bachelor of Arts – Liberal Studies – on campus (Interdisciplinary Studies)
ix. Bachelor of Arts – General Studies – on line (Interdisciplinary Studies)
x. Bachelor of Science – Psychology- on campus
xi. Bachelor of Arts – Behavioral Health – on line (Psychology)
b. University of Jamestown excludes the following program areas from this teach-out agreement because the University does not offer or have a comparable degree/program:
i. Bachelor of Science – Criminal Justice – on line
ii. Bachelor of Science – Healthcare Administration – on campus
iii. Bachelor of Science – Health Science – on campus and on line
iv. Bachelor of Science – Human Resource Management – on campus and on line
v. Bachelor of Science – Human Services – on campus
vi. Bachelor of Science – Organizational Management – on campus
vii. · Bachelor of Science – Radiologic Technology – on campus
viii. Bachelor of Science – Sport and Event Management – on campus
ix. All Associate of Science Programs
x. All Associate of Arts Programs
xi. All Graduate Programs
3. For each student transitioning to the University of Jamestown from Presentation College, the applicable undergraduate or graduate net tuition to complete required courses for graduation will cost the same or less than what the student paid at Presentation College in their last year of enrollment, with an annual tuition rate increase of no more than 4% in all subsequent years. Room/Board as well as Course/Program/Other fees beyond the tuition will be charged at the current academic year published undergraduate or graduate rate. Each Presentation College student will be provided complete information about tuition and fees and any other costs associated with completing their degrees at University of Jamestown. University of Jamestown costs can be found at: https://www.uj.edu/admission-aid/tuition-fees-payment/
a. The tuition agreement outlined above only applies to students that have matriculated at Presentation College.
4. The pathway to graduation for each student transitioning to the University of Jamestown will allow the student to complete their program on the same timeframe as was possible at Presentation College (or sooner) as long as the student continues to maintain satisfactory progress and completes all requirements as per the agreed upon plan.
5. University of Jamestown will waive minimum enrollment requirements, residency requirements, and upper level credit requirements for Presentation College students.
6. University of Jamestown will commit staff and faculty time to work with Presentation College students, faculty, advisors, admissions, and financial aid staff to support each individual student in preparing for transfer or teach-out at University of Jamestown including development of individualized degree plans. Presentation College will commit staff and faculty time to support each student in preparing for transfer or teach-out at University of Jamestown. Presentation College will support and provide opportunities for regular in-person (or virtual) and electronic communications for University of Jamestown and Presentation College students regarding the transition process.
7. University of Jamestown will deploy an advising, academic support, and student services team to support the success of continuing Presentation College students.
8. Whenever possible, students in licensure programs will be supported in obtaining an equal or comparable curriculum to prepare for the program specific national certification and/or licensure exam.
a. The University of Jamestown’s nursing licensure programs are approved by the North Dakota State Board of Nursing and fully accredited by CCNE and must comply with the state statutes and regulations. Completion of any University of Jamestown nursing program does not guarantee licensure.
9. With the exception of some requirements in University of Jamestown’s professional preparation programs that result in certification or licensure, University of Jamestown’s approach to individualized degree planning will allow Presentation College degree plans to be used more or. less “as is” on University of Jamestown degree plans.
a. Ex: Students seeking nursing licensure must complete the program requirements specified for the professional program, verification of competency, and successful ATI scores. Students may be required to participate in additional clinical, remediation, tutoring and/or other needed support measures to achieve minimum competency benchmarks. University of Jamestown Department of Nursing will provide these support systems for PC students that are not meeting University of Jamestown minimum benchmark standards.
10. Presentation College students may complete their degree plans using University of Jamestown’s on-campus or on line courses in combination with the availability of independent study or consortium courses if the course is not available in time for graduation.
11. University of Jamestown staff will make reasonable recommendations to Presentation College students regarding either on-campus housing (on a first come first-serve basis) or nearby off-campus housing.
12. University of Jamestown is a member of the Great Plains Athletic Conference for athletic programs. UJ will commit athletics coaching and other staff time to work with Presentation College student athletes to describe the opportunities for Presentation College student athletes to join UJ teams and offer personal consultations with students to determine athletic eligibility to compete in his/her respective sport. Student athletes from Presentation College will be afforded the same opportunities to join UJ athletic teams as any other new student. Sports include: Football, Baseball, Softball, Men’s and Women’s Volleyball, Men’s and Women’s Indoor and Outdoor Track; Men’s and Women’s Golf, Men’s and Women’s Cross Country, Men’s and Women’s Basketball; Men’s and Women’s Soccer; Women’s Swimming, Men’s and Women’s Ice Hockey, Men’s and Women’s Wrestling, and Esports.
The University of Mary has been educating students for the whole of life since its founding in 1959. Mary has just over 2,500 undergraduate students and offers nearly 60 undergraduate majors and a range of master’s and doctoral degrees, including online offerings. The main campus in Bismarck is known for its natural beauty, distinctive architecture, and state-of-the-art facilities. Mary is a member of the Northern Sun Intercollegiate Conference (NCAA D-II). Read more At A Glance and watch a video.
The terms of this agreement are as follows:
- The University of Mary will accept all undergraduate Presentation College students toward an equal or comparable baccalaureate degree.
- Presentation College students in the MSN Nurse Practitioner program may apply for transfer into the University Mary’s Doctor of Nursing Practice nurse practitioner program.
- The University of Mary will guarantee admission to Presentation College students with no application or deposit fees, provided students are in good standing at Presentation College.
- Many of the University of Mary’s academic courses and programs are available both in person on the main campus and online. University of Mary advisors will work with Presentation College students to review modalities options.
- Presentation College credits will be accepted toward an equal or comparable degree program at the University of Mary. The University of Mary will accept 100% of degree-applicable credits granted or accepted in transfer by Presentation College, waiving its own policy cap for a max of 92 transfer credits from a four-year institution.
- The University of Mary will honor the published 2022-2023 Presentation College curriculum for the approved Teach-Out programs enabling each student to complete their program or a similar program on a similar timeframe through the University of Mary, as was possible at Presentation College.
- The University of Mary will waive its own general bachelor’s degree residency requirements.
- For each eligible Teach-Out student from Presentation College (including student athletes, whether or not they are selected to compete on University of Mary athletic teams), the net cost to complete courses and other requirements to graduate from the University of Mary will be the same or less than what the student would pay at Presentation College (inclusive of all costs, tuition, room and board expenses, fees, etc.).
- The University of Mary will commit staff and faculty time to work with Presentation College students, faculty, advisors, and admissions and financial aid staff to support each individual student in preparing for Teach-Out at the University of Mary.
- All Teach-Out students from Presentation College will receive the same robust student support services as those provided to all University of Mary students.
- With the exception of some requirements in the University of Mary’s professional preparation programs that result in certification or licensure, the University of Mary’s approach to individualized degree planning will allow Presentation College’s degree plans to be used more or less ‘as is” with substitutions and waivers applied as appropriate to be consistent with the University of Mary’s degree plans. Students seeking licensure must complete the program requirements for the professional program.
- The University of Mary is a member of the Northern Sun Intercollegiate Conference (NCAA D-II) for athletic programs. The University of Mary will offer a personal consultation with University of Mary athletic personnel for each Presentation College student athlete (upon request) to determine eligibility to compete at the University of Mary in his or her respective sport.
Founded in 1923 by the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth, the University of Saint Mary has a long tradition of academic excellence. Saint Mary is a tight-knit community where one-on-one attention is valued and growth is measured by more than a percent in a grade book.
USM focuses on fulfilling the needs of both our students and society— establishing academic programs where purpose, global impact, and long-term success govern their existence. Students are inspired to follow their dreams and find their potential—choosing from over 30 majors, minors, and concentrations; a growing number of master’s programs; and three doctoral degrees.
The terms of this agreement are as follows:
1. All credits successfully completed from Presentation College students will be accepted toward an equal or comparable degree program at University of Saint Mary. University of Saint Mary will accept 100% of all credits granted or accepted in transfer by Presentation College, including graduate credits and guarantee admission to Presentation College students in good academic standing. No application fees will be charged.
a. University of Saint Mary defines “good academic standing” as:
i. Undergraduate Students: A term and cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above
ii. Graduate Nursing – FNP Students: 3.0 cumulative GPA
2. Many of the University of Saint Mary’s academic courses and programs are available both in person on the main campus and online. University of Saint Mary advisors will work with Presentation College students to review programs and delivery modality options available. Teach-Out Programs available include:
a. Undergraduate Programs:
i. Bachelor of Nursing – on campus
ii. Bachelor of Science Sport Management – on campus
iii. Bachelor of Science Business Management – on campus or *online (*online course rotations vary)
iv. Bachelor of Science Exercise Science – on campus or *online (*online course rotations vary)
vi Bachelor of Arts in Psychology – on campus or *online (*online course rotations vary)
vi. Bachelor of Arts in Criminology – on campus or *online (*online course rotations vary)
vii. Bachelor of Arts in Communication – on campus
b. Graduate Programs:
i. Master of Nursing – Family Nurse Practitioner – online (with three on-campus experiences
required throughout the term of the program)
c. University of Saint Mary excludes the following program areas from this teach-out agreement because the University does not offer or have a comparable degree/program:
i. Radiologic Technology
d. University of Saint Mary excludes the following program areas from this teach-out agreement for Junior and Senior standing Presentation College students because the program curriculum requirements do not align to allow completion in the same time frame as their current program. Instead, Junior and Senior standing students may choose to TRANSFER into related programs at USM which is separate from this teach-out agreement. Freshman and Sophomore standing students, however could complete the alternative program in the time allocated.
i. Healthcare Administration, Organizational Management and Leadership, Human Resource Management, (although students may choose to transfer or transition to USM Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Program)
ii. Human Services (although students may choose to transfer or transition to USM Bachelor of Social Work Program)
3. For each student transitioning to the University of Saint Mary from Presentation College, the applicable undergraduate or graduate net tuition to complete required courses for graduation will cost the same or less than what the student paid at Presentation College in their last year of enrollment, with an annual tuition rate increase of 3% in all subsequent years. Room/Board as well as Course/Program/Other fees beyond the tuition will be charged at the USM published undergraduate or graduate rate. Each Presentation College student will be provided complete information about tuition and fees and any other costs associated with completing their degrees at USM. USM costs can be found at: https://www.stmary.edu/tuition
a. The tuition agreement outlined above only applies to students that have matriculated at Presentation College.
4. The pathway to graduation for each student transitioning to the University of Saint Mary will allow the student to complete their program on the same timeframe as was possible at Presentation College (or sooner) as long as the student continues to maintain satisfactory progress and completes all requirements as per the agreed upon plan.
5. University of Saint Mary will waive minimum enrollment requirements, residency requirements, and upper level credit requirements for Presentation College students.
6. University of Saint Mary will commit staff and faculty time to work with Presentation College students, faculty, advisors, admissions, and financial aid staff to support each individual student in preparing for transfer or teach-out at University of Saint Mary including development of individualized degree plans. Presentation College will commit staff and faculty time to support each student in preparing for transfer or teach-out at University of Saint Mary. Presentation College will support and provide opportunities for regular in-person (or virtual) and electronic communications for University of Saint Mary and Presentation College students regarding the transition process.
7. University of Saint Mary will deploy an advising, academic support, and student services team to support the success of continuing Presentation College students.
8. Whenever possible, students in licensure programs will be supported in obtaining an equal or comparable curriculum to prepare for the program specific national certification and/or licensure exam.
a. The University of Saint Mary’s nursing licensure programs are approved by the Kansas State Board of Nursing and fully accredited by CCNE and must comply with the state statutes and regulations. Completion of any USM nursing program does not guarantee licensure.
9. With the exception of some requirements in University of Saint Mary’s professional preparation programs that result in certification or licensure, University of Saint Mary’s approach to individualized degree planning will allow Presentation College degree plans to be used more or less “as is” on University of Saint Mary degree plans.
a. Students seeking licensure must complete the program requirements specified for the professional program, including required nursing clinical hours (528 direct clinical hours/81 simulation hours/45 observation hours for BSN; 750 clinical hours for FNP), verification of competency, and successful ATI scores. Students may be required to participate in additional clinical, remediation, tutoring and/or other needed support measures to achieve minimum competency benchmarks. USM Division of Nursing will provide these support systems for PC students that are not meeting USM minimum benchmark standards.
10. Presentation College students may complete their degree plans using University of Saint Mary’s on-campus or on line courses in combination with the availability of independent study or consortium courses if the course is not available in time for graduation.
11. University of Saint Mary staff will make reasonable recommendations to Presentation College students regarding either on-campus housing (on a first come first-serve basis) or nearby off-campus housing.
12. The University of Saint Mary is a member of the NAIA Kansas Collegiate Athletic Conference for athletic programs. USM will commit athletics coaching and other staff time to work with Presentation College student athletes to describe the opportunities for Presentation College student athletes to join USM teams and offer personal consultations with students to determine athletic eligibility to compete in his/her respective sport. Student-athletes from Presentation College will be afforded the same opportunities to join USM athletic teams as any other new student. Sports include: Football, Baseball, Softball, Volleyball, Men’s and Women’s Track; Men’s and Women’s Cross Country, Men’s and Women’s Basketball; Men’s and Women’s Soccer; Men’s and Women’s Swimming, Men’s and Women’s Wrestling, Men’s and Women’s Tennis, Men’s and Women’s Lacrosse, Men’s and Women’s Bowling, Cheerleading, Competitive Dance, Women’s Flag Football, and Esports.
Founded in 1883, the University of Sioux Falls, located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, is a Christian, Liberal Arts University affiliated with the American Baptist Churches, U.S.A. USF is an independent, not-for-profit institution.
The terms of this agreement are as follows:
1. All credits successfully completed from Presentation College students will be accepted toward an equal or comparable degree program at University of Sioux Falls. University of Sioux Falls will accept 100% of all credits granted or accepted in transfer by Presentation College, including graduate credits, and guarantee admission to Presentation College students in good academic standing. No application fees will be charged.
a. University of Sioux Falls defines “good academic standing” as:
i. Undergraduate Students: 0-27 credits earned: 1.75 cumulative grade point average
28+ credits earned: 2.0 cumulative grade point average
2. Many of the University of Sioux Falls academic courses and programs are available both in-person on the main campus and online. University of Sioux Falls advisors will work with Presentation College students to review programs and delivery modality options available. Teach-Out Programs available include:
Biology B.S.
Business B.S.
Criminal Justice B.S.
Exercise Science, B.S.
Human Service B.S.
Interdisciplinary Studies, B.S.
Organizational Management and Leadership, B.S.
Psychology, B.S.
Biology A.S.
Business A.S.
Chemistry A.S.
English A.A.
Exercise Science A.A.
Healthcare Administration A.A.
Religious Studies A.A.
University of Sioux Falls excludes the following program areas from this teach-out agreement because the University does not offer or have a comparable degree/program:
Athletic Training B.S.
Communication B.S.
Health Science B.S.
Human Resource Management B.S.
Sport and Event Management, B.S.
Communication A.A.
University of Sioux Falls excludes the following program areas from this teach-out agreement because the program curriculum requirements do not align. Instead, students may choose to TRANSFER into related programs at University of Sioux Falls which is separate from this teach-out agreement.
Healthcare Administration B.S.
Radiologic Technology, B.S.
Radiologic Technology, B.S. (completion)
General Studies A.A.
Radiologic Technology A.A.
For each student transitioning to the University of Sioux Falls from Presentation College, the applicable undergraduate or graduate net tuition to complete required courses for graduation will cost the same or less than what the student paid at Presentation College in their last year of enrollment, with an annual tuition rate increase of no more than 4% in all subsequent years. Room/Board as well as Course/Program/Other fees beyond the tuition will be charged at the University of Sioux Falls published undergraduate or graduate rate. Each Presentation College student will be provided complete information about tuition and fees and any other costs associated with completing their degrees at University of Sioux Falls. University of Sioux Falls costs can be found at: https://www.usiouxfalls.edu/financial-aid/tuition-and-costs
a. The tuition agreement outlined above only applies to students that have matriculated at Presentation College.
3. The pathway to graduation for each student transitioning to the University of Sioux Falls will allow the student to complete their program on the same timeframe as was possible at Presentation College (or sooner) as long as the student continues to maintain satisfactory progress and completes all requirements as per the agreed upon plan.
4. University of Sioux Falls will waive minimum enrollment requirements, residency requirements, and upper-level credit requirements for Presentation College students.
5. University of Sioux Falls will commit staff and faculty time to work with Presentation College students, faculty, advisors, admissions, and financial aid staff to support each individual student in preparing for transfer or teach-out at University of Sioux Falls including development of individualized degree plans. Presentation College will commit staff and faculty time to support each student in preparing for transfer or teach-out at University of Sioux Falls . Presentation College will support and provide opportunities for regular in-person (or virtual) and electronic communications for University of Sioux Falls and Presentation College students regarding the transition process.
6. University of Sioux Falls will deploy an advising, academic support, and student services team to support the success of continuing Presentation College students.
7. Presentation College students may complete their degree plans using University of Sioux Falls on-campus or online courses in combination with the availability of independent study or consortium courses if the course is not available in time for graduation.
8. University of Sioux Falls staff will make reasonable recommendations to Presentation College students regarding either on-campus housing (on a first come first-serve basis) or nearby off-campus housing.
Here, any one or combination of 60 majors and minors develop the intellect and character needed for a rapidly changing world. Starting with a thought-provoking first-year seminar course, students develop the ability to think critically, leading to lives of purpose and professional achievement.
The terms of this agreement are as follows:
1. All credits successfully completed from Presentation College students will be accepted toward an equal or comparable degree program at Ursinus College. Ursinus College will accept 100% of all credits granted or accepted in transfer by Presentation College, including graduate credits, and guarantee admission to Presentation College students in good academic standing and no outstanding disciplinary sanctions or pending disciplinary matter. No application fees will be charged.
a. Ursinus College defines “good academic standing” as:
i. Undergraduate Students: A term and cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above
2. Ursinus College academic courses and programs are available only in person. Ursinus College advisors will work with Presentation College students to review programs available. Teach-Out Programs available include only the following undergraduate, on-campus programs:
i. Bachelor of Science in Applied Economics (comparable to Business)
ii. Bachelor of Science in Health and Exercise Physiology (formally known as Exercise and Sports Science)
iii. Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
iv. Bachelor of Arts in Media & Communication Studies
3. For each student transitioning to Ursinus College from Presentation College, the applicable undergraduate net tuition to complete required courses for graduation will cost the same or less than what the student paid at Presentation College in their last year of enrollment, with an annual tuition rate increase of no more than
· CPI in all subsequent years. Room/Board as well as Course/Program/Other fees beyond the tuition will be charged at the Ursinus College published undergraduate rate. Each Presentation College student will be provided complete information about tuition and fees and any other costs associated with completing their degrees at Ursinus College. Ursinus College costs can be found at: https://www.ursinus.edu/offices/studentfinanciaI-services/tuition-and-cost/
a. The tuition agreement outlined above only applies to students that have matriculated at Presentation College.
4. The pathway to graduation for each student transitioning to Ursinus College will allow the student to complete their program on the same timeframe as was possible at Presentation College (or sooner) as long as the student continues to maintain satisfactory progress and completes all requirements as per the agreed upon plan.
5. Ursinus College will waive minimum enrollment requirements, and upper-level credit requirements for Presentation College students.
6. Ursinus College will commit staff and faculty time to work with Presentation College students, faculty, advisors, admissions, and financial aid staff to support each individual student in preparing for transfer or teach-out at Ursinus College including development of individualized degree plans. Presentation College will commit staff and faculty time to support each student in preparing for transfer or teach-out at Ursinus College. Presentation College will support and provide opportunities for regular in-person (or virtual) and electronic communications for Ursinus College and Presentation College students regarding the transition process.
7. Ursinus College will deploy advising, academic support, and student services personnel, to support the success of continuing Presentation College students.
8. Presentation College students may complete their degree plans using Ursinus College’s on-campus courses in combination with the availability of independent study or consortium courses if the course is not available in time for graduation.
9. Ursinus College staff will make reasonable recommendations to Presentation College students regarding available housing options under Ursinus’s policies.
10. Ursinus College is a member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association for athletic programs. Ursinus College will commit athletics coaching and other staff time to work with Presentation College student athletes to describe the opportunities for Presentation College student athletes to join Ursinus College teams and offer personal consultations with students to determine athletic eligibility to compete in his/her respective sport. Student-athletes from Presentation College will be afforded the same opportunities to try out for Ursinus College athletic teams as any other new student. Ursinus currently offers the following sports: Men’s Baseball, Basketball, Cross-Country, Football, Golf, Lacrosse, Soccer, Swimming, Tennis, Track & Field, and Wrestling; Women’s Basketball, Cross-Country, Field Hockey, Golf, Gymnastics, Lacrosse, Soccer, Softball, Swimming, Tennis, Track & Field, Volleyball, and Wrestling.
Valley City State University is a public, regional university offering exceptional programs in an active, learner-centered community that promotes meaningful scholarship, ethical service, and the skilled use of technology.
As an important knowledge resource, the university offers programs and outreach that enrich the quality of life in North Dakota and beyond.
Through flexible, accessible, and innovative baccalaureate and master’s programs, VCSU prepares students to succeed as educators, leaders, and engaged citizens in an increasingly complex and diverse society.
The terms of this agreement are as follows:
1. All credits successfully completed from Presentation College students will e accepted to and an equal or comparable degree program at Valley City State University. Valley City State University will accept 100% of all credits granted or accepted in transfer by Presentation College, including graduate credits, and guarantee admission to Presentation College students in good academic standing. No application fees will be charged.
a. Valley City State University defines “good academic standing” as those who are not currently dismissed or suspended at the most recent institution attended.
i. Undergraduate Students: admissible if in good standing and are able to present a cumulative GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale computed on all transferable work attempted a all institutions previously attended.
2. Many of the Valley City State University academic courses and programs are available both in person on the main campus and online. Valley City State University advisors will work with Presentation College students to review programs and delivery modality options available. Teach-Out Programs available include:
a. Undergraduate Programs:
i. Bachelor of Science in Sport Management – on campus
il. Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Management concentration) – on campus or
* online (*online course rotations vary)
lill Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science and Rehabilitative Studies- on campus
iv. Bachelor of Science in Psychology – on campus
v. Bachelor of Science in Human Services (Criminal Justice concentration) – on campus
vli Bachelor of Science in Communication – on campus or *online (*online course rotation vary)
vill Bachelor of Science in Biology – on campus
vili. Bachelor of Science in Health Science – on campus
b. Valley City State University excludes the following program areas from this teach-out agreement because the University does not offer or have a comparable degree/program:
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, LPN-BSN, RN-BSN, Radiologic Tech, Practical Nursing, FNP, and Radiology Tech Associate.
c. Valley City State University excludes the following program areas from this teach-out agreement for Junior and Senior standing Presentation College students because the program curriculum requirements do not align to allow completion in the same time frame as their current program. Instead, Junior and Senior standing students may choose to TRANSFER into related programs at Valley City State University which is separate from this teach-out agreement. Freshman and Sophomore standing students, however could complete the alternative program in the time allocated.
Art/ Art Education, Biology Education, Business Education, CTE, Chemistry CIS, Digital Design, Earth/Environmental Science, Elementary Education, English/English Education, Fisheries & Wildlife, Health Education, History/History Education, Math/Math Education, Medical Laboratory Science, Music/Music Education, Physical Education, Social Science/Social Science Education, Software Engineering, Spanish/Spanish Education, Strength & Conditioning, Technology Education.
3. For each student transitioning to the Valley City State University from Presentation College, the applicable undergraduate or graduate net tuition to complete required courses for graduation will cost the same or less than what the student paid at Presentation College in their last year of enrollment, with are annual tuition rate increase of no more than 10% in all subsequent years. Room/Board as well as Course/Program/Other fees beyond the tuition will be charged at the VCSU published undergraduate or graduate rate. Each Presentation College student will be provided complete information about tuition and fees and any other costs associated with completing their degrees at VCSU. VCSU costs can be found at:
a. The tuition agreement outlined above only applies to students that have matriculated at Presentation College.
4. The pathway to graduation for each student transitioning to the Valley City State University will allow the student to complete their program on the same timeframe as was possible at Presentation College (or sooner) as long as the student continues to maintain satisfactory progress and completes all requirements as per the agreed upon plan.
5. Valley City State University will waive minimum enrollment requirements, residency requirements, and upper-level credit requirements for Presentation College students.
6. Valley City State University will commit staff and faculty time to work with Presentation College students, faculty, advisors, admissions, and financial aid staff to support each individual student in are paring for transfer or teach-out at Valley City State University including development of individualized degree plans. Presentation College will commit staff and faculty time to support each student in preparing for transfer or teach-out at Valley City State University. Presentation College will support and provide opportunities for regular in-person (or virtual) and electronic communications for Valley City State University and Presentation College students regarding the transition process.
7. Valley City State University will deploy an advising, academic support, and student services team to support the success of continuing Presentation College students.
8. Whenever possible, students in licensure programs will be supported in obtaining an equal or comparable curriculum to prepare for the program specific national certification and/or licensure exam.
9. With the exception of some requirements in Valley City State University’s professional preparation programs that result in certification or licensure, Valley City State University’s approach to individualized degree planning will allow Presentation College degree plans to be used more or less “as is” on Valley City State University degree plans.
10. Presentation College students may complete their degree plans using Valley City State University’s on campus or online courses in combination with the availability of independent study or consortium courses if the course is not available in time for graduation.
11. Valley City State University staff will make reasonable recommendations to Presentation College students regarding either on-campus housing (on a first come first-serve basis) or nearby off-campus housing.
The Valley City State University is a member of the NAIA Collegiate Athletic Conference for athletic programs. VCSU will commit athletics coaching and other staff time to work with Presentation College student athletes to describe the opportunities for Presentation College student athletes to join VCSU teams and offer personal consultations with students to determine athletic eligibility to compete in his/her respective sport. Student athletes from Presentation College will be afforded the same opportunities to join VCSU athletic teams as any other new student. Sports include: EX: Football, Baseball, Softball, Volleyball, Men’s and Women’s Track; Men’s and Women’s Cross Country, Men’s and Women’s Basketball, Men’ and Women’ Golf.
Established in 1890, Viterbo University is a private, Catholic, comprehensive university grounded in the liberal arts. The University offers more than 40 undergraduate majors, seven master’s, and three doctoral programs. There are more than 2,200 students. The University has 18 varsity teams and is a National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) institution and member of the North Star Athletic Association conference (NSAA), Chicagoland Collegiate Athletic Conference for men’s volleyball, and Continental Athletic Conference for men’s and women’s soccer.
The terms of this agreement are as follows:
1. All PC student credits will be accepted toward an equal or comparable degree program at Viterbo University. Viterbo will provide 100% transfer of all credits granted or accepted as transfer by PC, including guaranteed admission to PC students with no application fees, provided students are in good standing with PC.
2. For each student transferring to Viterbo University from PC, the net tuition and fee cost to complete courses and other requirements to graduate will cost the same or less than what the student paid at PC in their last year of enrollment, with an expected tuition rate increase of 4% in all subsequent years. PC students will pay the actual room and board charges they elect at Viterbo University. Transferring PC students may elect to live off campus and not incur room and board charges.
3. The pathway to graduation for each student transferring to Viterbo will allow the student to complete the student’s academic program on the same timeframe as was possible at PC as long as the student continues to maintain satisfactory progress and completes all requirements as per the agreed upon plan.
4. Viterbo will waive the minimum enrollment requirements and credit requirements at Viterbo University for PC students except in programs that require an application process separate from general admission to the University.
5. Viterbo University’s academic programs available in both in-person and online formats comparable to PC academic programs are as follows.
Online Teach-Out Programs:
- Business leadership
- Health care management
- RN-to-BSN
On-ground Teach-Out Programs:
- Biochemistry
- Biology
- Business Administration
- Criminal and Community Justice
- Ethics, Culture, and Society (BS)
- Finance
- Marketing
- Neuroscience
- Nursing (BSN)
- Psychology
- Social Work
- Sport Management and Leadership
6. Whenever possible, students in licensure programs will be supported in obtaining an equal or comparable license.
7. Viterbo will provide information and advising to PC students about options and pathways for completing their degrees at Viterbo University through Viterbo University’s on-campus and/or online degree programs.
8. Viterbo will commit staff and faculty time to work with PC students, faculty, advisors, and admissions and financial aid staff to support each individual student in preparing for transfer and teach-out at Viterbo University including development of individualized degree plans. PC will commit staff and faculty time to support each student in preparing for transfer and teach-out at Viterbo University.
9. Viterbo will deploy an advising, academic support, and student services team to support the success of continuing PC students.
Waldorf University is a friendly, private liberal arts school located centrally in beautiful Forest City, Iowa. For more than 100 years, Waldorf has been the cornerstone in the lives of thousands, setting the solid foundation for success among students, their families and the community.
The terms of this agreement are as follows:
1. All credits successfully completed from Presentation College students will be accepted toward an equal or comparable degree program at Waldorf University. Waldorf University will accept 100% of all credits granted or accepted in transfer by Presentation College, including graduate credits, and guarantee admission to Presentation College students in good academic standing. No application fees will be charged.
a. Waldorf University defines “good academic standing” as (qualitative) Semester – CGPA – Credits
· 1 – 1.80 – 12
· 2 – 1.90 – 24
· 3 – 1.95 – 36
· 4 – 2.00 – 48
· 5 – 2.00 – 60
· 6 – 2.00 – 72
· 7 – 2.00 – 84
· 8 – 2.00 – 96
· 9 – 2.00 – 108
· 10 – 2.00 – 120
· Waldorf University defines “good academic standing” as (quantitative)
· Students (either full-time or part-time) must earn and achieve a passing rate of at least Two-thirds or 66.666667 percent of all hours attempted to demonstrate proper page and maintain satisfactory academic progression standards. Hours attempted included completed courses, repeated courses, withdrawals, and incompletes. Transfer credit, if applicable, is also calculated into the completion ratio.
· Waldorf University defines “good academic standing” as (maximum time frame)
· Students must complete their degree program within 150 percent of the semester/term hour requirements for the degree program. Students must complete an associate degree within a maximum of 90 semester hours and a bachelor’s degree with a maximum of 186 hours (residentially) and 180 semester hours (online). Students who are unable to complete their degree program within the timeframe limitation will no longer be eligible to
use Title IV Aid to cover any costs associated with completing their degree program. Transfer credit, if applicable, is also calculated in the maximum timeframe calculation.
2. Many of Waldorf University’s academic courses and programs are available both in person on the main campus in Forest City, IA and online. Waldorf University advisors will work with Presentation College students to review programs and delivery modality options available. Teach-Out Programs available include:
a. Undergraduate Programs:
i. BA Sport Management – on campus
ii. BA Business – on campus or BS Business Administration online
iii. BA Health Promotion and Exercise Science – on campus
iv. BA Psychology – on campus or online
v. BS Criminal Justice – on campus and online – Criminal Justice Administration online
vi. BA Communications – on campus and online
b. Graduate Programs:
i. Not applicable
c. Waldorf University excludes the following program areas from this teach-out agreement because the University does not offer or have a comparable degree/program:
i. Not applicable
d. Waldorf University excludes the following program areas from this teach-out agreement for Junior and Senior standing Presentation College students because the program curriculum requirements do not align to allow completion in the same time frame as their current program. Instead, Junior and Senior standing students may choose to TRANSFER into related programs at Waldorf University which is separate from this teach-out agreement. Freshman and Sophomore standing students, however could complete the alternative program in the time allocated.
i. Not applicable
3. For each student transitioning to Waldorf University from Presentation College, the applicable undergraduate or graduate net tuition to complete required courses for graduation will cost the same or less than what the student paid at Presentation College in their last year of enrollment, with an annual tuition rate increase of no more than 5% in all subsequent years. Room/Board as well as Course/Program/Other fees beyond the tuition will be charged at the published undergraduate or graduate rate. Each Presentation College student will be provided complete information about tuition and fees and any other costs associated with completing their degrees at Waldorf University; costs can be found at: https://www.waldorf.edu/download-information – Residential and Online Catalog – p. 18-19
a. Room and Board Per Semester with Meal Plan: $4,730 – $5,085 depending on single room, double room, apartment, or theme house
b. Comprehensive Fee Schedule 2022-2023 Academic Year
i. Full time students: $1,418 annually
ii. Part time students: $132 annually
c. The tuition agreement outlined above only applies to students that have matriculated at Presentation College.
4. The pathway to graduation for each student transitioning to Waldorf University will allow the student to complete their program on the same timeframe as was possible at Presentation College (or sooner) as long as the student continues to maintain satisfactory progress and completes all requirements as per the agreed upon plan.
5. Waldorf University will waive minimum enrollment requirements, residency requirements, and upper-level credit requirements for Presentation College students.
6. Waldorf University will commit staff and faculty time to work with Presentation College students, faculty, advisors, admissions, and financial aid staff to support each individual student in preparing for transfer or teach-out at Waldorf University including development of individualized degree plans. Presentation College will commit staff and faculty time to support each student in preparing for transfer or teach-out at Waldorf University. Presentation College will support and provide opportunities for regular in-person (or virtual) and
electronic communications for Waldorf University and Presentation College students regarding the transition process.
7. Waldorf University will deploy an advising, academic support, and student services team to support the success of continuing Presentation College students.
8. Whenever possible, students in licensure programs will be supported in obtaining an equal or comparable curriculum to prepare for the program specific national certification and/or licensure exam.
a. Not applicable
9. With the exception of some requirements in Waldorf University’s professional preparation programs that result in certification or licensure, Waldorf University’s approach to individualized degree planning will allow Presentation College degree plans to be used more or less “as is” on Waldorf University’s degree plans.
a. Not applicable
10. Presentation College students may complete their degree plans using Waldorf University’s on-campus or online courses in combination with the availability of independent study or consortium courses if the course is not available in time for graduation.
11. Waldorf University’s staff will make reasonable recommendations to Presentation College students regarding either on-campus housing (on a first come first-serve basis) or nearby off-campus housing.
12. Waldorf University is a member of the North Star Athletic Association for athletic programs. Waldorf University will commit athletics coaching and other staff time to work with Presentation College student athletes to describe the opportunities for Presentation College student athletes to join Waldorf University teams and offer personal consultations with students to determine athletic eligibility to compete in his/her respective sport. Student-athletes from Presentation College will be afforded the same opportunities to join Waldorf University athletic teams as any other new student. Sports include: baseball, men’s and women’s basketball, men’s and women’s bowling, men’s and women’s track and field and cross country, football, men’s and women’s golf, men’s and women’s soccer, men’s and women’s wrestling, softball, volleyball, cheerleading, Esports, and shooting sports
William Penn University provides the opportunity for an educational experience with a focus on leadership, technology, and the Quaker principles of simplicity, peace-making, integrity, community, and equality.
The terms of this agreement are as follows:
1. All credits successfully completed from Presentation College students will be accepted toward an equal or comparable degree program at William Penn University. William Penn University will accept 100% of all credits granted or accepted in transfer by Presentation College, including graduate credits ,and guarantee admission to Presentation College students in good academic standing. No application fees will be charged.
a. William Penn University defines “good academic standing” as: cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above.
i. Undergraduate Students: successfully completed over 24 semester-based credit hours and cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above.
2. Many of the William Penn University academic courses and programs are available both in person on the main campus and online. William Penn University advisors will work with Presentation College students to review programs and delivery modality options available. Teach-Out Programs available include:
a. Undergraduate Programs:
i. Bachelor of Nursing – on campus
ii. Bachelor of Science Biology – on campus
iii. Bachelor of Arts Business – on campus and online
iv. Bachelor of Arts Human Resource Management – on campus and online
- William Penn University excludes the following program areas from this teach-out agreement because the University does not offer or have a comparable degree/program:
i. Radiologic Technology
ii. Communication
c. William Penn University excludes the following program areas from this teach-out agreement for Junior and Senior standing Presentation College students because the program curriculum requirements do not align to allow completion in the same time frame as their current program. Instead, Junior and Senior standing students may choose to TRANSFER into related programs at William Penn University which is separate from this teach-out agreement. Freshman and Sophomore standing students, however could complete the alternative program in the time allocated.
i. Exercise Science
ii. Psychology
iii. Human Services
iv. Criminal Justice
v. Sport Management
- For each student transitioning to the William Penn University from Presentation College, the applicable undergraduate or graduate net tuition to complete required courses for graduation will cost the same or less than what the student paid at Presentation College in their last year of enrollment, with an annual tuition rate increase of no more than 5% in all subsequent years. Room/Board as well as Course/Program/Other fees beyond the tuition will be charged at the WPU published undergraduate or graduate rate. Each Presentation College student will be provided complete information about tuition and fees and any other costs associated with completing their degrees at WPU. Tuition and other estimated costs can be found at: William Penn University Financial Aid.
- The tuition agreement outlined above only applies to students that have matriculated at Presentation College.
- The pathway to graduation for each student transitioning to the William Penn University will allow the student to complete their program on the same timeframe as was possible at Presentation College (or sooner) as long as the student continues to maintain satisfactory progress and completes all requirements as per the agreed upon plan.
5. William Penn University will waive minimum enrollment requirements, residency requirements, and upper-level credit requirements for Presentation College students.
6. William Penn University will commit staff and faculty time to work with Presentation College students, faculty, advisors, admissions, and financial aid staff to support each individual student in preparing for transfer or teach-out at William Penn University including development of individualized degree plans. Presentation College will commit staff and faculty time to support each student in preparing for transfer or teach-out at William Penn University. Presentation College will support and provide opportunities for regular in-person (or virtual) and electronic communications for William Penn University and Presentation College students regarding the transition process.
7. William Penn University will deploy an advising, academic support, and student services team to support the success of continuing Presentation College students.
8. Whenever possible, students in licensure programs will be supported in obtaining an equal or comparable curriculum to prepare for the program specific national certification and/or licensure exam.
a. William Penn University nursing licensure programs are approved by the: Update to your accreditation: Iowa State Board of Nursing and fully accredited by CCNE and must comply with the state statutes and regulations. Completion of any Iowa nursing program does not guarantee licensure.
9. With the exception of some requirements in William Penn University professional preparation programs that result in certification or licensure, William Penn University’s approach to individualized degree planning will allow Presentation College degree plans to be used more or less “as is” on William Penn University degree plans.
10. Presentation College students may complete their degree plans using William Penn University’s on-campus or online courses in combination with the availability of independent study or consortium courses if the course is not available in time for graduation.
11. William Penn University staff will make reasonable recommendations to Presentation College students regarding either on-campus housing (on a first come first-serve basis) or nearby off-campus housing.
12. William Penn University is a member of the Heart of America Athletic Conference for athletic programs. WPU will commit athletics coaching and other staff time to work with Presentation College student athletes to describe the opportunities for Presentation College student athletes to join athletic teams and offer personal consultations with students to determine athletic eligibility to compete in his/her respective sport. Student-athletes from Presentation College will be afforded the same opportunities to join athletic teams as any other new student. Sports include: Baseball, Softball, Men’s and Women’s Basketball, Men’s and Women’s Bowling, Men’s and Women’s Cross Country, Football, Men’s and Women’s Golf, Men’s and Women’s Lacrosse, Men’s and Women’s Soccer, Men’s and Women’s Track and Field, Men’s and Women’s Volleyball, Men’s and Women’s Wrestling, Cheer and Dance, and Men’s and Women’s Shotgun Sports.
Virginia Wesleyan University is Coastal Virginia’s premier university of the liberal arts and sciences. Situated on a 300-acre park-like campus in Virginia Beach, the University annually enrolls approximately 1,600 students in undergraduate, graduate, and online programs.
The terms of this agreement are as follows:
1. All Presentation College student credits will be accepted toward an equal or comparable degree program at Virginia Wesleyan University. Virginia Wesleyan University will provide 100% transfer of all credits granted or accepted as transfer by Presentation College, including graduate credits and guarantee admission to Presentation College students with no application fees, provided students are in good standing at Presentation College.
2. For each student transferring to Virginia Wesleyan University from Presentation College the net cost to complete courses and other requirements to graduate will cost the same or less than what the student would pay at Presentation College (inclusive of all costs, tuition, residency expenses, fees, etc.).
3. The pathway to graduation for each student transferring to Virginia Wesleyan University will allow the student to complete their program on the same timeframe as was possible at Presentation College (or sooner}.
4. Virginia Wesleyan University will waive minimum enrollment requirements and credit requirements at Virginia Wesleyan University for Presentation College students.
5. Residency requirements will be waived for Presentation College students in both Virginia Wesleyan on-campus and online programs.
6. Whenever possible, students in licensure programs will be supported in obtaining an equal or comparable license.
7. Virginia Wesleyan University will provide information and advising to Presentation College students about options and pathways for completing their degrees at Virginia Wesleyan University through Virginia Wesleyan University’s on-campus and/or online degree programs.
8. With the exception of some requirements in Virginia Wesleyan University’s professional preparation programs that result in certification or licensure, Virginia Wesleyan University’s approach to individualized degree planning will allow Presentation College degree plans to be used more or less “as is” on Virginia Wesleyan University degree plans. Students seeking licensure must complete the program requirements specified for the professional program. Presentation College students may complete their degree plans using Virginia Wesleyan University’s on-campus or online courses in combination with individualized, i.e., mentored course studies which result in individualized course titles on the Virginia Wesleyan University transcript. Undergraduate and graduate degree plans may specify an individualized concentration title that will be listed on the diploma and transcript so that Presentation College degree titles carry forward with Virginia Wesleyan University records.
9. Virginia Wesleyan University will commit staff and faculty time to work with Presentation College students, faculty, advisors, and admissions and financial aid staff to support each individual student in preparing for transfer and teach-out at Virginia Wesleyan University including development of individualized degree plans. Presentation College will commit staff and faculty time to support each student in preparing for transfer and
teach-out at Virginia Wesleyan University. Virginia Wesleyan University will support and provide opportunities for regular in-person (or virtual) and electronic communications for Presentation College students regarding the transition process.
10. Virginia Wesleyan University will deploy advising, academic support and students services teams to support the success of continuing Presentation College students.