As of October 31, 2023, Presentation College has ceased educational operations at the Aberdeen, SD campus. St. Ambrose University (SAU) is the contact for all student information. Please reference these web-pages for additional information.
If you would like to request a transcript, you may contact the National Student Clearinghouse by CLICKING HERE.
If you have other questions, please reach out the the St. Ambrose Registrar’s Office at
If you have questions regarding your student billing, please email the Admissions Office at SAU at
Questions and Answers
If you would like to request a transcript, please email
1098-T’s will be sent out in the mail starting in either November of 2023 or January in 2024.
As of October 31, 2023, Presentation College has ceased educational operations at the Aberdeen, SD campus. All emails have been deactivated and student account information has been transferred to Saint Ambrose University.
Updated 1/17/23
What are my next steps as a student, given the news that Presentation College will close later this year?
An assigned advisor (possibly someone different than your current academic advisor) will review your transcript and educational goals with you, describe each of the partner Teach-Out institutions, and help you determine your best next steps. The advisor will work with you through every step of the process and will help with outreach to the institutions and programs that may be the best fit for you.
- If you stay at Presentation College for Spring 2023: PC is committed to providing consistent support through this transitional semester.
- If you decide to attend a partner Teach-Out Institution: Your assigned advisor will review your transcript and individual situation with you, and connect you with support staff at the partner institution. By planning to attend a partner Teach-Out Institution, you will not have to formally re-apply, and you will have assurances about complete transfer of credits, comparable financial aid packages, and clarity of graduation requirements.
- If you decide to go to another college or university that is not a partner institution: Your assigned advisor will help you complete your selected institution’s application and financial aid forms.
- If you receive benefits under the GI Bill or through U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs chapters: PC’s Office of Financial Aid will help ensure a seamless transition of these benefits.
- If you decide to withdraw and not complete the Spring 2023 semester at PC: PC will return any payments made toward Spring or Summer 2023 enrollment if you decide to withdraw.
When will PC officially close?
For most programs the Spring 2023 semester will be the final semester offered by PC. The College will, however, continue the Practical Nursing program through August 2023. After that time, all PC educational operations will cease. Finally, the College will wrap up records transfer and complete state and national requirements.
Will there be a Class of 2023 Commencement? Will my degree from Presentation College be considered valid?
Absolutely! Presentation College is looking forward to hosting the Spring 2023 Commencement Exercises on May 6, 2023. Furthermore, all degrees conferred by the College at any time will always be valid because Presentation College remains fully accredited and will remain so until it ceases educational operations. Furthermore, PC is making arrangements to ensure that transcripts and other educational records will be available indefinitely to students and alumni through St. Ambrose University (SAU). For a transcript, please email
Can students continue to live on campus until PC closes? What will be the final date to move out of the residence halls?
Current students will be allowed to continue living in the suites until August 15, 2023, in order to complete classes, internships, or work requirements. Students will be required to pay the standard rental rate through their stay, follow all policies and guidelines outlined in the housing agreement, and complete the standard checkout procedure upon departure.
I am on a leave of absence or studying off campus in Spring 2023, and I left belongings on campus. When can I pick up my belongings?
Students who are on a leave of absence are encouraged to make arrangements to retrieve their belongings. The sooner PC is aware of your plans, the better we can accommodate them. Students who are taking classes at PC in the Spring and Summer semesters may continue to live in campus housing through their course completions. It is very important that students take their belongings with them when they leave. The College cannot be responsible for belongings left in campus housing after educational operations have ceased.
What will happen with my academic records? How do I obtain copies now and going forward?
Presentation College is making arrangements for St. Ambrose University (SAU) to house the College’s records once PC ceases educational operations. Furthermore, as always, PC students and alumni can obtain copies of their transcripts through SAU at
I am a student worker on campus. Will my job continue for the entirety of the Spring 2023 semester?
Student workers will be allowed to continue working in their current job as long as the job is needed. If not, PC will work hard to find another suitable job on campus for you; however, we cannot guarantee a position. Work-study students will receive first priority.
What should I do if a news reporter contacts me about the College’s announcement?
You are never obligated to talk with a reporter or the media. Please direct reporters to the Presentation Sisters at 605-229-8337.
Completing My Degree/Diploma
What is the difference between a Teach-Out Institution and transferring?
Teach-Out Agreements entered into by Presentation College for its students typically include protections that exceed what non-partnering institutions typically provide. These include the following:
- Automatic admission of PC students in good academic standing (see more information below)
- Guaranteed acceptance of 100% successfully completed credits at PC
- Guaranteed same time to degree completion – Students will be able to complete their degree in the same number of remaining semesters at the Teach-Out Institution as they would have at PC.
- Comparable net tuition – Students will receive comparable financial aid packages so that the net tuition amount the student is expected to contribute to complete their degree will be the same (or less) as they would have had to pay at PC. While the scholarships may be packaged differently and with different names, the amounts will be comparable. PC students will not need to negotiate that process or be concerned about the Teach-Out Institution’s published “sticker” price.
Many institutions accept applications for transfer students, but the process may not be as seamless or have the same guarantees as with transitioning to a partnering Teach-Out Institution. Therefore, it is often in the best interest of students to transition to a designated Teach-Out Institution.

Will student accessibility services continue to be available to me to help me with this transition?
PC’s accessibility services will support you throughout your academic transition process. The College is also bringing independent academic coaches from College Possible to campus to assist you with your individual plans, including helping you understand all of your options and serving as a bridge to staff at our partnering Teach-Out Institutions.
Teach-Out Information
So far Presentation College has negotiated Teach-Out Agreements with the institutions listed below this section. PC continues to negotiate additional Teach-Out Agreements and will post them as they are finalized.
Do I have to apply to the designated Teach-Out Institutions, or will I be automatically accepted?
You will need to complete a streamlined application, but you can also be assured that you will be automatically admitted to partner Teach-Out Institutions if you are in good standing (in most cases, a minimum GPA of 2.0) at PC. You will not be required to pay an application fee or submit supplemental materials such as essays or letters of recommendation. PC will provide a waiver for you to sign giving permission to share your transcript and connect you with staff at the Teach-Out Institution(s) of your choice. They will arrange to talk with you about your degree progression (i.e., how many credits and requirements you have remaining).
If you are not in good academic standing, your assigned advisor will help you think through ways that you might begin to improve your GPA.
What about my General Education requirements?
If you have already fulfilled your General Education requirements at PC, then you will not have to re-take them at the designated Teach-Out Institution. In contrast, if you transfer to any other institution, that institution will determine which of your credits they will accept.
If you have not yet completed your General Education requirements, then staff at the Teach-Out Institution will review your transcript, determine which of your PC courses can fulfill that institution’s requirements, and communicate what courses you would still need to complete.
Will all of my academic credits recognized at PC automatically transfer to the Teach-Out Institutions?
Yes, this is one of the advantages of choosing a designated Teach-Out Institution. These institutions guarantee acceptance of all PC academic credits earned.
Do the Teach-Out Institutions I am considering have my major or a close match?
While all of PC’s majors (or close matches) are available at one or more of the designated institutions, they may or may not offer more majors and academic offerings than we have at PC. Therefore, in some cases, the Teach-Out Institution may have a major that closely aligns with your particular area of interest. Please take time to review all of the Teach-Out Institution’s academic offerings, as well as the Teach-Out v. Transfer table above.
How will my grade point average (GPA) be calculated by the Teach-Out Institutions? Will my GPA be a “start fresh” or will my Presentation College grades be calculated into a new GPA?
Your GPA calculation is subject to the Teach-Out Institution’s policies.
Will I graduate “on time” with a Teach-Out Institution?
Yes, one of the advantages offered by a Teach-Out Institution is that they guarantee the same time to degree completion. This means that students will need to complete the same number of semesters at the Teach-Out Institution as they would have at PC to finish their degrees.
If I already have transfer credits from other (non-PC) institutions, will they be accepted by the Teach-Out institution?
If your non-PC credits were accepted by PC, they will be accepted by the Teach-Out Institution. If they were not accepted by PC, then we encourage you to discuss with the advisor at the Teach-Out Institution.
Will my financial scholarship at PC be carried over to my Teach-Out Institution? Will my tuition costs be the same?
One of the advantages of a Teach-Out Institution is the guarantee that students will pay the same (or possibly less) than they currently pay out-of-pocket for tuition at PC. The Teach-Out Institution will offer each PC student a financial aid package that reflects comparable net tuition costs.
Are student-athletes invited to join sports teams at Teach-Out institutions?
PC is working closely with all Teach-Out Institutions to set up meetings for interested PC athletes with coaches so that they can discuss athletic opportunities. All students are encouraged to take advantage of the upcoming Teach-Out Fairs to explore their academic and athletic options. For more information see Q&As for Student-Athletes.
Transfer Information
I am not interested in attending any of the Teach-Out Institutions. How do I apply to transfer to a college of my choice?
PC advisors and coaches will work with you individually to help find the right institution for you. Every institution has its own application process that you will need to follow. PC staff will provide guidance and support you in your decision; however, each student is responsible for their own admission and financial aid applications to transfer institutions.
If I am already a transfer student, how will my credits from other institutions be counted if I transfer again?
Each institution has its own transfer credit policies and will need to review your transcripts and decide what credits it will accept. PC staff will assist you in interpreting the policies, but it is important to read them carefully and ask questions throughout the transfer process.
If I decide that I do not want to finish the Spring 2023 semester at PC, can I get a refund and transfer right away?
If you choose to transfer (or withdraw) immediately you will receive a prorated refund in accordance with the PC refund policy. If you want to transfer to another institution and complete the Spring 2023 semester elsewhere, be sure you understand the institution’s transfer policies and deadlines before finalizing your decision. Once you withdraw and receive a refund from PC, you will not be allowed to re-enroll.
Information for International Students
What will happen to my I-20?
If you stay at Presentation College, you need to process your I-20 in the same way as usual.
If you transfer to SAU or another Teach-Out Institution, you can work with your assigned Point Person on what you need to do to process your I-20.
If you transfer to a non-partnering institution, you should work with their international transfer admission counselor or other designated contact.
Updated 1/17/23
Are student-athletes invited to join sports teams at Teach-Out Institutions?
Presentation College (PC) is working closely with Teach-Out Institutions to set up meetings for interested PC athletes with coaches to discuss athletic opportunities. These meetings will likely occur during the upcoming Teach-Out Fairs, January 30-31, and subsequent Advising Days.
Will I have to try out or will I automatically make the team at Teach-Out Institutions?
Each institution and team has individual situations related to roster sizes and player needs. PC student-athletes should work with their current coach(es) and the coach(es) at the Teach-Out Institutions to be considered. Each student-athlete brings different skills, so coaches from both institutions will work with you individually.
Does Presentation College need to “release” me so I can talk with coaches at other colleges?
Yes, your coach(es) or the Athletics Director can provide the required release form.
What makes a student eligible to play at another institution?
Eligible students must be in good academic standing at Presentation College, meaning students who are not on academic probation or suspension. A student must meet the NAIA transfer criteria, which includes attending the new school for one year before you are eligible to play. This requirement can be waived through a “Transfer Exception;” however, you will need to talk with the compliance officer or Athletics Director at the new institution about this process. Your PC coach(es) can help you navigate the NAIA rules and transfer information.
For more information, the NAIA transfer link is:
Will PC have Spring 2023 varsity sports as planned?
Yes, Spring 2023 varsity sports will continue as planned at PC.
Updated 1/17/23
Will my Presentation College degree be recognized as valid after the College closes?
Higher education degrees always remain valid if they were conferred by a fully accredited institution. Presentation College (PC) has remained fully accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and will continue to remain accredited until the College voluntarily ceases to offer educational operations.
How will I be able to get a copy of my transcript going forward?
The College is making arrangements for St. Ambrose University (SAU) to house Presentation College records once PC ceases educational operations. Furthermore, as always, PC students and graduates can obtain copies of their transcripts through SAU by emailing
How will my potential employers verify my education at Presentation College?
You can order a transcript from SAU to be sent directly to your employer for verification of your education. Please email
Will there be a reunion event or other chance for PC alumni to visit campus before the official closure?
Alumni are welcome to visit campus. Unfortunately, the College will not be able to host a final in-person Reunion event. As a partnering institution and designated institutional records holder, St. Ambrose University (SAU) welcomes Presentation College alumni to join their alumni family. You will receive information from the St. Ambrose University Alumni Association regarding future alumni events, including Reunions and regional events near you. You will be able to opt-out of future communications from SAU if you choose.
How will alumni be able to stay in contact with one another?
St. Ambrose University (SAU) will serve as the designated records holder for PC alumni. Later this year SAU will send out information about how PC alumni can access it.
Will PC alumni communications such as Compass magazine continue to be accessible online?
We do not know yet whether historical issues of Compass magazine will continue to be accessible online. PC alumni will begin to receive the Scene Magazine from St. Ambrose University (SAU). PC alumni are welcome to submit class notes, alumni accolades, photographs, and story ideas to the SAU Magazine staff via the SAU alumni page.
Please email additional questions to
Updated 1/17/23
Will I receive the same financial aid package, including scholarships, at another college?
If you seamlessly transition to one of PC’s partnering Teach-Out Institutions, then you will be expected to pay the same net tuition costs to attend. The scholarships and other aid you receive may have different names or come in different amounts, but the portion of the tuition for which you are personally responsible should be the same or less than it would be at PC.
If you transfer to a non-partnering institution with whom PC does not have a Teach-Out Agreement, then you will need to work with that institution’s Admission and Financial Aid Offices on your financial aid package.
Throughout this semester, PC staff will be available to help you with this process and get you in touch with the right contacts who can answer your questions.
Can I get work-study at my new school?
If you qualify for federal work-study as part of your financial aid package, you can apply to work-study jobs at your new institution.
How will these changes impact my veteran (VA) benefits, such as the Post-9/11 GI Bill?
If you receive VA benefits at Presentation College, your benefits at another institution are likely to continue, but you should review your benefits with the VA representative at your future institution.
What should I do if I already submitted my FAFSA for 2023-24 at Presentation College?
If you filed a FAFSA® for the 2023–24 award year identifying Presentation College as the institution you would be attending, and need the information forwarded to another institution, visit to make changes to your filed application.
Do I need to complete a new FAFSA?
If you have completed a 2022-23 or 2023-24 FAFSA for Presentation College, you will only need to add the school code of the new school. Once the Financial Aid Office knows where students will be transitioning, they can assist you in adding the school code.
What happens with my student loans and when do I have to begin paying them back?
You can find all your federal student loan information by accessing the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS). You can access the site using your Federal Student Aid (FSA) User ID and qualifying personal identification information.
Once you graduate, drop below half-time enrollment, or leave school, your federal student loan goes into repayment. However, if you have a Direct Subsidized, Direct Unsubsidized, or Federal Family Education Loan, you have a six-month grace period before you are required to start making regular payments.
When your loan enters repayment, your loan servicer(s) will automatically place you on the Standard Repayment Plan. You can request a different repayment plan at any time.
Your loan servicer(s) will provide you with a loan repayment schedule that states when your first payment is due, the number and frequency of payments, and the amount of each payment.
Your billing statement will tell you how much to pay. Your monthly payment amount depends on your repayment plan. If you signed up for electronic communication, pay attention to your email. Most loan servicers send an email when your billing statement is ready for you to access online.
What if I decide to take a gap year or withdraw?
If you take more than 6 months off, you most likely will have to start repaying your loans, but financial aid advisors will provide exit counseling for each student making this choice to assess their individual circumstances.
Am I responsible for my balance at Presentation College if the College is closing?
Yes, you are legally required to pay any balance due to PC. If you are withdrawing from the Spring 2023 semester, then you should follow the steps to request a refund of applicable tuition and fees.
Can I discharge my student loans since the College is closing?
Loan discharge is the removal of your obligation to repay your loan under certain circumstances. There are certain eligibility requirements to qualify for a closed school loan discharge, and you must apply. You can either:
- Complete and return the Closed School Loan Discharge Application and return it to your loan servicer(s), or
- Contact your loan servicer(s) about the application process.
Your Closed School Loan Discharge Application must be sent to your loan servicer(s), not Presentation College. To find out who your loan servicer is, log in to My Federal Student Aid or call 1-800-4-FED-AID (1-800-433-3243; TTY for the hearing impaired 1-800-730-8913). Be sure to continue to make payments on your loan while your discharge application is being processed. If you do not meet the criteria for a loan discharge, you will be informed by your loan servicer(s) and must continue making payments on your loans based on the terms of your promissory note.
U.S. Department of Education Resources:
- Student Loan Repayment Questions:
- Federal Loan Forgiveness:
- School Closed Information: Available for Direct Loans, FFEL Program loans, and Perkins Loans. Learn about the eligibility requirements for closed school discharge and how to apply-
Important Contacts:
Federal Student Aid Information Center
1-800-4-FED-AID (1-800-433-3243; TTY for the hearing impaired 1-800-730-8913)
South Dakota Department of Education
What happens to my loans if I transfer to another institution?
If you choose to transfer, you will still be responsible for the student loans you borrowed for Presentation College, so it is important to address them. While your new institution should automatically report your enrollment, you are responsible for following up. If you fail to do so, you could end up owing loan payments because your loan servicer(s) think(s) you are no longer enrolled. Make sure your loan servicer(s) are aware that you are enrolled at a new institution.
Even after transferring, you are still responsible for repaying loans taken out to cover the costs of previous institutions. You should track all of the different loans you have taken out so you can make a plan for repayment upon graduation. You do not want anything to fall through the cracks when it comes time to repay your college loans.
Once you have communicated your plans, a financial aid counselor will schedule an exit interview with you to discuss the MASS No Interest Loan (if applicable) and Federal Loans (if applicable). You can also contact the PC Financial Aid Office throughout the process for advice on the transfer process and financial aid.
Updated 1/17/23
Presentation College has announced that it will cease educational operations after Summer 2023 and therefore cannot enroll new students effective the date of the announcement. We regret that this decision may disrupt your college plans, and we will support your transition as best as we can.
What do I do if I have already been accepted to Presentation College and have paid my deposit for Summer 2023 or Academic Year 2023-24?
Online BSN students may continue in the new Nano Nagle Online School of Nursing at St. Ambrose University.
Other students should begin to make plans to attend another college. Fall 2023 deposits are being processed for refunds and should be received by March 1.
If you would like to apply to one of Presentation’s Teach-Out Institutions, you may contact your PC admissions staff member for an introduction to that institution’s Admission Office.
What happens if I recently applied to Presentation College but have not heard whether I have been accepted?
Presentation College is no longer accepting new students. Those interested in enrolling in the Online BSN Programs offered through the Nano Nagle Online School of Nursing at St. Ambrose University (SAU) should contact SAU directly. If you submitted an admission application for other programs of study, you should begin to make plans to attend another college.
Can Presentation College send my application materials to another higher education institution on my behalf?
No, every institution has its own application process. Applicants need to send their own application materials (e.g., test scores, letters of recommendation, essays, etc.) directly to the institutions to which they want to apply in accordance with each institution’s application requirements.
Will I receive the same financial aid package, including scholarships, at another college?
If you seamlessly transition to one of PC’s partnering Teach-Out Institutions, then you will be expected to pay the same net tuition costs to attend. The scholarships and other aid you receive may have different names or come in different amounts, but the portion of the tuition for which you are personally responsible should be the same or less than it would be at PC.
If you transfer to a non-partnering institution with whom PC does not have a Teach-Out Agreement, then you will need to work with that institution’s Admission and Financial Aid Offices on your financial aid package.
Can I get work-study at my new school?
If you qualify for federal work-study as part of your financial aid package, you can apply to work-study jobs at your new institution.
How will these changes impact my veteran (VA) benefits, such as the Post-9/11 GI Bill?
If you receive VA benefits at Presentation College, your benefits at another institution are likely to continue, but you should review your benefits with the VA representative at your future institution.
What should I do if I already submitted my FAFSA for 2023-24 at Presentation College?
If you filed a FAFSA® for the 2023–24 award year identifying Presentation College as the institution you would be attending, and need the information forwarded to another institution, visit to make changes to your filed application.
Do I need to complete a new FAFSA?
If you have completed a 2022-23 or 2023-24 FAFSA for Presentation College, you will only need to add the school code of the new school. Once the Financial Aid Office knows where students will be transitioning, they can assist you in adding the school code.
Teach-Out vs. Transfer
Teach-Out v. Transfer
What is the difference between enrolling at a Teach-Out Institution and transferring?
Teach-Out Agreements entered into by Presentation College for its current students typically include protections that exceed what non-partnering institutions typically provide. These benefits include the following:
- Automatic admission of current PC students in good academic standing (see more information below)
- Guaranteed acceptance of 100% successfully completed credits at PC
- Guaranteed same time to degree completion – Students will need to complete the same number of semesters at the Teach-Out Institution as they would have at PC to finish their degrees.
- Comparable net tuition – Students will receive comparable financial aid packages so that the net tuition amount the student is expected to contribute to complete their degree will be the same (or less) as they would have had to pay at PC. While the scholarships may be packaged differently and with different names, the amounts will be comparable. PC students will not need to negotiate that process or be concerned about the Teach-Out Institutions’ published “sticker” price.
Many institutions accept applications for transfer students, but the process may not be as seamless or have the same guarantees as with transitioning to a partnering Teach-Out Institution. Therefore, it is often in the best interest of students to transition to a designated Teach-Out Institution.

Teach-Out Information
So far Presentation College has negotiated Teach-Out Agreements with the institutions listed below. PC continues to negotiate agreements with regional institutions and will post new Teach-Out Agreements as they are finalized.