JaniceKleinMaryThomasSisters Janice Klein and Mary Thomas
The Resurrection of the Lord
The Mass of Easter Day


We have witnessed all that he did. Acts 10

The passages for this day focus on witnessing and “seeing”. What did the apostles “see” while they walked the roads of Palestine with Jesus? What did the women who accompanied Jesus in his ministry witness as he interacted with those in need and those in power? How did those many encounters and Jesus’ daily presence prepare them to see and experience the Risen Christ? Those early witnesses felt commissioned by Jesus to testify that he is the one appointed by God.

We believe that Jesus is present and alive in our daily encounters too. Jesus promised that we would not be left orphaned. In what ways does our daily prayer prepare us to see the wounded hand of our Savior? How does the faith community inform and form us in our interpretation of the challenges and blessings of each day so that we see our encounters with eyes of faith? Where does new life course through us and compel us to testify to the risen reality of Christ in our being as members of His Body? We who have journeyed personally with Jesus are now commissioned to go forth this Easter day and each day to witness to the fullness of life in Christ as Mary of Magdela did. We are the chosen ones now. Alleluia!

Jesus, our Risen Savior, here we are. Send us to be your word of hope and life and love to those in need of solace and your presence. Amen.