2015-03-24 09.05.00Sister Eileen Ford
Rachel Dix, Convent Employee and PC College Student
Wednesday of Holy Week

Gospel MT 26:14-25

The son of God was led to your crucifixion, like a gentle lamb to the slaughter. One of His apostles, Judas, was responsible for betrayal. The chief priest paid him thirty pieces of silver for handing Jesus over to them. Jesus was drawing near and His time was near and He wanted to celebrate the Passover with His disciples. They were all together when Jesus said, “One of you will betray ME.” The disciples were distressed of this and they began to say to Him, one another after another, “Surely it is not I Lord.” He said in reply He who has dipped his hand into the dish with ME is the one to betray ME (Judas). Jesus being the Son of God and having a human nature like us without sin knew and was aware beforehand, the capability of evil by mankind.

Praying the Sorrowful Mysteries of the rosary twice a week, I am very aware of all the Sorrows and agony in the Garden; the scouring, the crowing with thorns, carrying the cross to His crucifixion, and His death on the cross, so painful. It is so difficult to understand all this suffering for Jesus and more of all He was to go through to redeem mankind of their sins. My faith tells me the Father was with Jesus through all the suffering with His strength, love and graces. This gives me hope and faith that what I suffer or will suffer in my daily life and into the future, the Father, Jesus and Mary will be there to strengthen me in my sufferings.

As we do go through our sufferings with the Father, Jesus and Mary, we must also remember to listen to what is being told to us. Psalm 69 reminds us, “Lord, in your great love, answer me.” We must always remember to be listening when He speaks to us. Many times, we say how busy we are, if we take the time to listen, we realize He is answering us. As we go on in our lives, always asking for something, asking for forgiveness, for compassion, for strength, we must listen to His responses. Remember His suffering; remember to listen to His answers.

Hail to you, our King and Lord; you alone are compassionate with our sins and errors.