Vocation Outreach Ministry
Vocational calls can lead one to marriage, single life, priesthood or religious life. But how does one know if this is the right path to which God is calling them? Spending time in prayerful discernment is one way an individual may seek answers. They may also seek the advice of family or friends, talk to a member of the clergy or oftentimes they turn to social media in search of that deeper connection in life.
The Conference of Presentation Sisters (CPS) welcomes single women ages 18-45 to join them for online gatherings, focusing on prayer, reflection and sharing. Topics vary depending upon the liturgical season with the discerning women sharing and supporting one another through engaging conversations and insights that encourage others across the miles.

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Women are still entering religious life. The National Religious Vocation Conference states that in the United States alone, there are approximately 1,000 women in formation to become Sisters and many more around the world. With an average entrance age of 32, these women are well educated and 70% have already earned a bachelor’s degree. But these women felt the call to be more: to deepen their relationship with God, to make a difference in people’s lives, and to live a life of service and prayer with a supportive community.
They answered YES!
“God calls all of us at our Baptism to follow Christ’s example of love, and we deepen our response of love through our vocation commitment. Through the CPS online vocation events, discerning women are supported by others who are also listening for God’s call.”
If you know of someone who may be considering religious life, we invite you to have them reach out and learn more. We offer online reflection opportunities for single women ages 18-45 and welcome you to contact us for more information.
One resource where a young woman may begin her vocational search is Vision Vocation Match found at VocationNetwork.com. It’s the starting point for someone looking for a deeper connection in religious life and provides an overview of many different religious congregations.
To learn more about our vocation ministry events contact Jen Rothenbuehler or Sister Vicky Larson at 605-271-0468 or email vocations@presentationsisters.org.