Laudato Si’ Ministry
Our Ladauto Si’ ministry has grown and evolved over the past four years. We continue the Prairie Restoration Project, working to steward the land, bringing out more of its natural beauty. Our work has led us to deepen our focus on educating both youth and adults about land stewardship.
The Prairie Restoration Project continues to blossom. During our initial seeding in 2021, we planted an array of native vegetation, including both warm and cool season grasses and forbs. As we transition from season to season, the saying, “sleep, creep and leap” has new meaning. Some of the seeds from our initial planting have germinated and are now finally growing. We are elated with the emergence of new life.
The Prairie Restoration Project could not have been done alone. We have been blessed to have received not only guidance, but true partnerships with
so many different individuals and organizations throughout these few years. These partners, doing both ecological and socially focused work, have helped shape this ministry.
The educational focus of our ministry is also evolving, and we are excited to share our learnings with others. This past summer, we partnered with the Aberdeen K.O. Lee Library, hosting two events and bringing the story of land stewardship to the community. We shared an evening with adults at the library talking about the history and intent of our project. The second event was prepared for youth, ages 3-10. Both events were successful with over 100 combined participants.
Events and interactions spread the Laudato Si’ spirit. We invite you to take part in the opportunities the land creates. We’ve heard interest in setting up opportunities for book clubs, prairie painting opportunities or simple places to find solitude or comfort. The land has brought us moments of simple awe and divine inspiration. We invite you to experience the prairie and find your own sense of oneness.
We invite you to learn more about Laudato Si’ and the Restoration Project by CLICKING HERE.