Dear Presentation Family,
And God said, “It is good.” As women of faith, we begin from this point, where we sing praises for God’s creation and the mystery of each person on this planet. All are imbued with the divine imprint. In the beginning all were in right relationship, in harmony with one another. Unfortunately, this original bliss ruptured the world with greed and selfishness. God, however, continues to call us to conversion again and again, to have a change of mind, heart and action to care for all members of the Body of Christ and creation.
We are one body in Christ. Some of us are the hands of Christ, others the arms, and still others the legs and heart. We are part, not apart from each other. It is with partners like you that we can continue to explore ways to stay grounded in hope and compassion as we commit to transformative action.
Throughout this Annual Report, you will read how your prayerful and financial gifts to our Presentation ministries are making a difference to both individuals and families. It is because of you that we are able to extend mutual respect and support to those among us in need.

Sisters Vicky, Roxanne, Pegge and Mary
• Through our Caminando Juntos Ministry, we walk alongside newly arriving Latino immigrants, provide access to resources and opportunities for learning/improving their English and educate clients on their immigration legal options
• Our Catholic School Scholarships provide financial assistance for students to attend Catholic school in the Sioux Falls Diocese
• We assist those who have fallen on hard times through our Good Samaritan Ministry
• Our care of the Earth, and one another, continues through our Laudato Si’ Ministry
We know we cannot do this alone! We invite you to join our legacy of service and prayerfully consider a stewardship gift to our Annual Appeal. One hundred percent of your donation directly impacts our ministries. Your participation in our mutual work for justice is a tangible way our neighbors, locally and globally, may live with hope.
May God’s blessings be ever present and provide you with all you most need. May we join together in prayer for each other and our country, modeling acts of love and kindness, walking alongside and listening to one another and offering hope and peace with a spirit of joy.